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Mirror of Srotiart

Hedge Munos

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Thinking of leaving your lands? Even if you are not, what do you think a fair punishment would be for being a traitor? Anything from the general torture to jail to scenarios (Necrovion to Loreroot, Marind Bell to Golemus). Please, brainstorm!

Edited by Hedge Munos
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Not sure if this is a real post, hedgey, or if it's a shoot for the Prized Aramor... but:

I agree.
Alliance hoppers suck. All they do is join an alliance, and then leave for another one.

And there was one very famous case of one Alliance hopper *cough, cough* DARIGAN *cough, cough* who actually betrayed the Necrovions and such, whatever by being an spy and thus sending information to Loreroot*. But, I am sure some people know how it ended....

Either way.
I would say to have a pact within all lands to punish alliance hoppers. But then again. Some lands might want to actually use the scenario stated above-- AGAIN, to their advantage.

However, there are some known alliance hoppers. Perhaps they could be banished from all Alliances? Might be a tad bit extreme, me thinks.

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The use of espionage I think has been a long used in magic duel. I think removing it would be a tad bit exstream. It should be up to the alliance leaders to find out weather somebody is a hopper or not.
As for the spy when I was applying for king it was a long time ago I know. I was informed or maybe even misinformed that lore-root and necro had a alliance of sorts.
Just PM me when this changed or even if it did.

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