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Changing in principle the maxing of certain creatures.

Fire Starter

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The following text obviously is not towards apophys, but most likely towards Mur and the MP6 crew.

What if the power to MAX those creatures is taken from the players and given to their protectors?
The active ones can easily gather and set requirements, which each one worshiper should fulfill.
The protectors can be given the freedom to determine how many of the worshiper's creatures could be upgraded, depending on how the player managed to handle the requirements.

I would love to read your thoughts on this.

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Or we can wait and see what Mur has planned for MP6.
At the moment he implemented the MP-requirement, he also said that MP6 creatures can currently be considered unreachable, until the pending changes are finished.

[2011-03-04 14:15:58 - Stage 10]
Creatures require MP level to advance!
Creatures will require from now on a minimum MindPower level do upgrade depending on their level. Some will be upgrade-able at MP3 but most levels will require a higher MP.

Important: MP6 requirement
Some rare last levels of powerful or rare creatures will require MP6 to be upgraded. Currently this is a problem because of fighting at MP6 and because this MP level is [color="#FF0000"]currently[/color] aimed for an other purpose. [color="#FF0000"]Future updates about this are pending[/color], until then, these few creature levels that require MP6 can be considered non-reachable [color="#FF0000"]for now[/color].

As usual, your opinions matter, but only if you speak about them, on the forum.[/quote]

So, yeah, i don't expect MP6 to be what it was in the time from Savelfuser to now for much longer, what's the point in implementing a new, either almost pointless or grossly abuseable, feature for the time in between?

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I now what Mur said, this comes with the idea to make a discussion. It's much easier to sit and wait. But I am looking from the point, where Mur reads everything here, and maybe he just dropped the ball in our field and now it's our turn to throw one. I think that the idea could be developed further and integrated in the "pending updates".

And why should this one be a temporary option? Maybe the MP6 could be even more unreachable afterwards, and it's up to us to figure ways in making our lives less painful. So generate ideas people, don't just Idle at MDP :D

I am not against the MP6 changing radically, but I can't trust Mur on making our life easier, right ;)

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Hmm...the change would be quite radical simply because this will give a great power to MP6es. That can lead to some abuses. On the other hand...you can always change protectors :D.

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Of course, and since MP6 now worked hard to get there, I put my trust that they are worthy for this power over us.

Which wont exclude the possibility of a Tainted Protector.

But as we all know - nothing stays hidden. [i]*grins*[/i]

Edited by Fire Starter
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