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Everything posted by umbrus

  1. wake up just so that you can see your dreams come to reality

  2. ichigo? hmm did you ever play speedwars? :D

  3. hmm, you talk funny hello rnd1 LV, welcome aboard
  4. sup dude
  5. its beautiful isnt it? :P

  6. uber cool, where do you get em from? :P

  7. what sort of torture is this, ahh you and your avatars :P

  8. well upload the other head banging thingies as well :P

  9. ah, so in the mountain area, my brother lives there :P he says its nice, might go there this summer :P

  10. hey there, welcome aboard
  11. true i guess they are peaceful, i personally dislike them theres just too little light :P

  12. crazy Italian girl, yeah that might be possible, what part of Italy are you from?

  13. hehe its a pretty good comic, dont have time to read it all now maybe alter :)

  14. just wondering cuz you are one of the few girls playing and apparently all the guys jumped on you hahahhaha

  15. i just realised you have the most friends hahaha, did you add them or did they add themselves?

  16. why do you like cloudy days? them make all depressed and stuff

  17. umbrus

    before you cook today let me know and ill help you, maybe it wont taste so vile this time :P

  18. what web comic? :P ill read it and then ill get it :P

  19. what you got more head banging thingies ? :P

  20. "You enter a 10x10 room, an Orc is guarding a chest...Bob was there too." i dont get it :)

  21. congratulation MD for 10k players
  22. the orange head banging thingie is awesome :D

  23. umbrus

    congratz bro, u managed to find the button :D

  24. hey im andrei nice to have you here
  25. i chose scattered NPC's, hunting noobs is fun but i need to get some XP and victories somewhere else as well
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