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Posts posted by Azazeal

  1. I like your idea a lot King Manu, but it wouldn't it be better once you found that particular list of words/letters that you'd store them in a spell book and not on a tonne of scrap paper next to your computer? I imagine the following when you want to use a spell: first, select your spell book from the side bar (under the swords button?); now either select target(s) or area and then go to spell category, or vice versa select spell category first then targets; afterwards select the spell, (select the level?) have that spell highlighted and enlarged in the list; then type that spell name in the spell activation box at the bottom of the book. Also while you are correctly typing the spell have a magic/spell bar fill up, you know like an animation and if it goes wrong you'll have a "blinding" white appear all over the screen suddenly, as it fades you see your spell book shake a bit till it stops. Now you can try again if possible. I don't know if this is repeating your idea or not, but I imagine this is how it would or should work.

    I would also like to add that besides needing a second/third principle for a certain spell, have also a mixing of the principles in terms of percentages. Say for Invisibility you choose 50% darkness, 20% entropy and 30% imagination. The right mix would depend on your skill levels or any other rating system and perhaps even your opponent. Another thought just struck me, have an "intelligence report" spell so that you can figure out what principles your enemy has and perhaps other info etc. Your opponent would of course know of your intelligence gathering and perhaps even have have a disinformation spell set up for that purpose :P

    I don't know if these ideas would complicate things too much, but here's my two cents any how :)

  2. Quests can it always seem only be obtained from NPC's, this aspect of RPG's in general has always bugged me a little. It would be nice to get em from regular players, I don't know how this would work but it would definitely add to the economy of RPG's besides the standard collection of weapons, armor, gold etc.

    One way I imagined would be that of a contract situation. You for example beat a bunch of creatures or complete some other kind of achievement and in so doing prove to an employer or employers your worthiness (rating system?) and gain a contract (can read quest) to complete a certain task (find/kill/persuade person(s), find/buy/steal items, increase alliance members etc.) for some reward. You can act on this contract yourself or sub-contract it to someone else. Naturally, that person can either complete this task or fail it. The punishment for failure would reflect on you, as for that I thought maybe in ratings, personal property, creatures or even life. Wouldn't it be funny if an assassin's contract was issued against you for failure of completing the contract and you in turn do the same on the sub-contractor. I don't know how this system could be included in to the game mechanics but something like it would be amazing.

    Anyway, I believe that this far fetched (?) game feature would really add to stimulating even more community online/in-game. Magic Duel I find is in the forefront in many developments in RPG concepts, keep up the great work. And by the way, I understand that this idea would put a lot of load on the game server, but this is something for when the game is booming and that issue is no longer pressing :P

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