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  1. Well, if by offbeat you mean awesome, then yeah. And I see where you're coming from. Each and every principle is powerful in its own right, without being greater or less than any other principle. When used towards the proper applications, each principle can give impressive bonuses and even potentially have some very powerful abilities. I suppose my question wasn't directed so much towards how powerful that principle set would be, as how well they would compliment each other
  2. Well, I knew about the whole nobody knows anything about the magic system as of now, I was speaking in theoretical sense. For instance, Entropy, Syntropy and Cyclicity are all relatively related, in that Entropy and Syntropy are, for all intents and purposes, two sides of the universal cycle. Time and Imagination are just kinda like frosting, since imagination and time are inherently kinda powerful and overall awesome
  3. Not to steer the conversaton in a somewhat random direction, but to do exactly that... As for the chosing of principles, how does Time, Imagination, Entropy, Syntropy, and Cyclicity sound? I figured I'd ask you guys, since you've got some time on me as playing the game goes
  4. Ok, I feel exceptionally idiotic at the moment. My bad
  5. Is it Truth?
  6. Hm. So if I combined Time, Entropy, and Imagination, could I essentially imagine an enemy's armor rotting to bits and then have it happen really quickly? Or am I horrendously off with a gross misconception of my three chosen principles?
  7. Heh, don't feel bad Metal. It took me a few hours to settle on this avatar, so it basically takes way too long to find something that is actually significant for an Avatar
  8. Nah, I wouldn't say it's pathetic. Because once you recongnize something, not only do you gain an insight into that person's character, but you also know that you have a thread of discussion at some point in the future with that person. That and Neon Genesis just freaking wins hardcore in general
  9. Yes, I too am from one of the "Good ol' suthern states", and it is true that there is a fair population of people who do speak like that, although it's nowhere near as prevalent as one would think. At least, not where I am. I can't really talk about the other southern states, as I haven't travelled around much. At least not to those states anyway. Anyway, yeah, we have people with a normal vocabulary too, just like the rest of the world. But we also have the people who have that lovely, characteristic twang as well
  10. Israfel

    Story mode

    Eh, 100 seems like a lot, but once you get a good set-up and some strong creatures, you'll get there quicker than you think. You just gotta be patient and find people you can win against
  11. Hey, some of you have probably seen me around the game world, so I decided to go ahead and register on the forum. I'll take this time to apologize for any n00bish behavior I may have conducted thus far in the game, I have learned the basics of game decorum, and hope to no longer be a nuisance to anyone. But um, anyway, Hi!
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