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Everything posted by HHD

  1. Being asian, i was explained the buddhist religion(which i dont believe in), they just say that when you die, if you ate meat you will turn into the animal you ate most meat of, like if i ate beef all the time when i am still alive i will turn into a cow, but if i only eat vegetables i will remain human in my next life. So now you have a cycle, but this is actually pretty weird cause they say when you die you jump into a pool of blood and that washes your memories away, then you are "born again", but then arent you just a new life and not the old life? Since you dont have the memories its just like your first life :\
  2. lol i dont think life is a cycle maybe the cycle in your life is called a "routine" if life was a cycle you would die, rise, die again, rise again, die again, and then rise again etc since this principle is cyclicity when we talk about it we SHOULD talking in a circle starting from where the cycle starts(catch the glitch, there is no start or end in a cycle) to where the cycle repeats itself which will make this thread the longest thread looooll
  3. hi guys im new here anyway, i saw you guys post saying that darkness, time kinda cancel out cyclicity and thats wat i chose lol anyway so wat exactly can u use with principles?
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