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Posts posted by stormrunner

  1. sorry I made an (...) of myself not a uncommon thing and no I was not not, was trying(somewhere in there)some are deeper then others

    p.s. the smiley face open a few emoticons and once again sorry

  2. Wynken just because I don't run around doing random things to impress people does not mean what I do it's nothing do you think I should run into willow's shop yelling I am the lord of bunnies fear me(no offence metal bunny)I prefer doing my business with those it matters to, when I regen or just want to relax I hang around where I want to if that is unimpressve to you, then you can kiss my hairy, white butt for all I care and isn't Zleiphneir Guardian of Bob that is not impressive (sorry Zleiphneir) if you have a problem with me because I point a large and glaring flaw in your idea that some people are I don't know, deep and would make deep charaters that are more then 2d say so, don't go and insult what I do while regening

    p.s.I'll amit I have done useless thing like say I could summon ghost and balor if i can get a role the will o wisp thing will have a use and i'm going to change my kick the wall thing for some better, the rest is staying

    p.p.s I'm truly sorry if any one besides Wynken is offend

  3. some charaters are hard to judge if there out of charater because there charater are so board and same can even be contradictory with how they may seem and i'm not talking about spys or muti Personalitys

  4. red is the color of hardiness & valour so is a good chose it can also inspire fear

    white is the color of purity and innocence none of us, if we are when start we not stay that way for long

    purple is the color of royalty and power of authority I hate formal but that is no reason not to use it

    yellow is sometimes a sign of danger and a good way to get attention

    black brings us a little close to are enemies but were warriors so we all have some darkness within our selfs and it can also inspire fear

    blue is a good deep color but it relaxs so may not be a good idea

    and also were warriors so the meanings can be pointless anywhy I'll let you guys pick

  5. not sure where the things it pulls in goes but I used to be able to project a blackhole(I have tried since coming to MD)and even gods have fallen before this blade and it's powered by my half demon heart and many souls(some far more power than even I can understand) if it were not for this blade I would have died many more times

  6. if I can get the Berserkers reformed alliance formed where do you want the heads of any spys I find nailed to.

    p.s. should I start a new topic for that here I wasn't the one who started the topic or can you move for me dst while your cleaning of couse

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