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About Nelador

  • Birthday 02/13/1990

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  • Location
    Uruguay, Montevideo
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Nelador's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Lets be fluffy and cutie then I´ll will do my best
  2. Phew, I thinked the finishing date was today and still i need to draw two more avatars... let´s work hard then!
  3. ((Note: I almost always try to play and post In Character mode so here i go , the quality of the draw is bad cause this is a photo, I will scan it later but i wished to show my work the soon as posible)) Nelador finishes his work... the whisperings stopped at least, is brushes now are resting in his desk... -It´s done, at least is done...- says exhausted... He grabs his draw and he puts in his folder, slowly he begins to walk out his home... After a couple of hours he arrives the Artisans Guild, he do a reverence and show his work to the person in charge... -This is my art, the desire to draw the deepests dreams and passions of the people, the talent to see and embody in a piece of paper that dreams... I offer my art to you... Can I serve you? ((Sorry if my grammar is erroneous, I suck at writin english)) 88P.D.: I almost forgot, the name of the draw is hidden watcher, cause its an empty skull with an eye staring inside it))
  4. Just asking... are you still looking for new artists?
  5. I´m here for Spanish Translation Señores The spanish is my main language and i understand almost perfectly english language
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