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  1. I don't think light can be ruled out just because of one word. Light can be measured and is a form of measurement, so it must consist of something. Scientifically it is both a wave and a particle, just because it's not on the periodic table doesn't mean it's not a substance. As has been already stated by Repo, light is a obvious answer to the first sentence. You need light to help you build - how can you make something if you can't see what you're doing. In a destructive capacity, light bleaches the colour out of objects, it dries the moisture out of everything and can even burn objects if left in light for long enough. A castle needs night to cool the stone or else the mortar would expand and crack from the constant heat. And if all else fails, everyone knows that 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything!
  2. I've just begun using Google Chrome and playing MD on it failed spectacularly: The left menu failed to load. Chat and Player listings failed to load. Area screen failed to load. Stats on the right failed to load. and the Live help button didn't load either. There's also issues with the sound. To sum it all up - the game is currently unplayable on Chrome but it's a new browser so I kinda figure that it's to be expected. On the plus side, the error that would make the New Topic page in the forum crash on IE doesn't seem to affect Chrome.
  3. I attacked about four or five people before the complaints started, after that I didn't actually attack anyone unless they attacked me first. Also, I've just spoken to Morgana and found out what the consequences will be once the Dojo is fully established (with a sign). I'm quite happy that the enforcement will be severe enough to discourage the breaking of the rules. On another note, I think there should be seperate places for combat and healing. It just seems silly to mix the two together, and accidents happen because of it.
  4. While I actually support the idea of the Dojo (some will disagree due to my actions) it has a major flaw in its enforcement. The Dojo is effectively an honour system, thus it only works provided that everyone behaves honourably. In order to prove this point, I entered the Dojo today and began attacking random players. The only reaction to this was whining and complaining. Occaisionaly I was muted but since no one said "You are being muted for doing such and such", I can't actually accept that as punishment. Also it didn't stop me from attacking people. All I'm saying is that for this Dojo to work, someone must always be there as it's "Master" and the only way to stop random attackers is to beat them down. A person can't attack if they have no alive creatures to attack with.
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