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This Jaded Flesh

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Everything posted by This Jaded Flesh

  1. To hope to acheive "nothingness" is a crazy hope in deed to start off with. To get anywhere you should train your mind to do what you want it to do. Alot of occult training have you begin with imagineing a simple shape (circle, triangle, square) of any colour and to hold that image with no wavering (no size changeing and such) until you can hold this for about an hour. This task will by side effect teach you to close out the background noise. It is called one pointedness. I always remember a story from the east about a guru and his pupil. The pupil wished he was as great of a guru as his master. Each day he practised and asked his master how to become like he and even more powerful. The pupil explained he had practised each day to cross the gangies by foot across the surface of the water and had succeded. The master after hearing this hit is pupil on the head and told him how stupid he was to train himself in such a technique when he could have bought a ticket on the river boat... "If you truely want to become a guru then wash here in the gangies" The master points to his pupils third lower rib on his left. "However, you must not think of this spot whenever you try... Only when you have mastered washing that spot without thinking of it, can you call yourself a guru" There is two points of major significance here. Would be interesting to see what you think they are.
  2. Rupert Sheldrake....
  3. Hi just wanted to drop by and say hello! Just found this game not long ago and OMG! Class! Though I'm still uncertain how it all work's I'm sure I'll get it in time...
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