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Gotta b b

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Posts posted by Gotta b b

  1. I fought a mate in the dojo, with a healing squad. he just needed a win, so i just had barrens.
    Then just as i got all my creatures back to full health, some *** attacked me and killed all my creatures.
    What a waste of time healing?

    Then later i was heading to the paper cabin, and i ran out of action points.
    So i had 5 minutes till regeneration, didnt mind to much, so i surfed the forums.
    And some *** attacks me and kills all my creatures.. doesn't ask or anything. just kills.
    Im not ready for proper fighting! i've only got aramors, barrens, and a grasan.
    The only reason i was in that area is because i was coming from willows.
    I get so frustrated, because then it takes ages to heal all your creatures back to full.

  2. I think its beyond our grasp to declare it real or unreal, as there is no way to prove the supernatural to be impossible, although some biased and shallow sighted professors would like to think so im sure.

    I'm quite open to the idea that the supernatural is real, and until someone gives me an explanation, i seem to have no reason to think otherwise.

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