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Dark Ruler

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About Dark Ruler

  • Birthday January 8

Profile Information

  • Playername
    Dark Ruler

Dark Ruler's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. [color="#00BFFF"]*sigh*[/color] Now I'm getting really depressed. Since today, every time I try to log on to my account it brings me right back to the login screen and when I try to log on again it says: [color="#FF0000"]LOGOUT COOLDOWN You can login on this account in 13min and 50sec[/color] Please could someone check into this. Regards, Dark Ruler (ID:94993)
  2. Greetings, I've noticed this from yesterday. MD kicks me right out of the game or it goes into Idle status saying I've opened multiple windows, which I didn't. This mostly happen with me when I attack someone. I've just attack someone and the screen refreshed and took me to the login screen. Tried to log in but now I have to wait 13minutes before I can log in again. All of this happens just before you choose your combat Ritual. Regards, Dark Ruler (ID:94993)
  3. Dark Ruler ID:94993
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