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Je Suis Oeufs Fous

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Everything posted by Je Suis Oeufs Fous

  1. -Really cracks up now- You're in? You are IN!? NOOOOO! Night, Grido!
  2. Yolk, yolk, yolk, glorious yolk! -sings, slowly spinning in a circle, looking slightly dazed-
  3. It's okay, Storm. He deserved it. He tried to tease us farther into insanity. -Cracks up-
  4. Misha, looooooooove uuuuuuuuuuuuuuus! -Looks slightly zombified-
  5. -Turns in a circle, before falling to the ground, out of refreshes.-
  6. I'm only four days after you ;p

  7. They're teasing all of us. . . I can't feel bad, though. . . It was off for twelve hours on me yesterday. This is nothing yet. Sleep, Grido, sleep! Shoot straight, friend, and fast!
  8. -Wonders when Intrigue will break him- I'm together, I'm together! And hugging you in two different topics now ;p
  9. -Hugs Intrigue tightly, crying as well- It hates me tooooooo!
  10. He's teasing us! Get him! -still can't get on-
  11. Are you here for MDUA, Misha? We will support you! -pulls him into the hug as well- Or wait. . . Are we still hugging? -Shivers at Intrigue- So deadly ;p
  12. Hehe. -refreshes with Grido- We're all obsessive! -Plots his plans to get thousands of apples- I wonder how I got to be first. . .
  13. Well, yeah, Intrigue XD Otherwise we wouldn't have things like apple juice [Which I really don't like -raises an eyebrow- Grape juice is better. Especially Welch's [[Or however that is spelled]] purple grapejuice]
  14. You may be slightly obsessive by definition now XD -nods- That is awesome information. -wonders if he can isolate and use the cyanide from apple seeds as a way to hostilely take over the forum- -refreshes as well-
  15. Nice to know, good thing I gotchu around, Grido. My senior Little Hungry Octopus, man. Exactly, Storm, no complaining! -evil grin-
  16. Sorry, I've got nothing else to keep me occupied, Intrigue XD But, I didn't hug him, I just pulled him in ;p It is, Grido. I like it, man. You know the plural to octopus is octopi, though? -grin-
  17. His avatar makes my eyes water XD

    It's still pretty good, though. Reminds me of war posters with "Uncle Sam."

  18. -Yanks Storm into the hug- You know you like it, you bonehead.
  19. Woo for Karak. He's a great man, and one I value very much.

    Plus, he has a sweet shirt on in that personal photo XD

  20. Little Hungry Octopuses? Awesome! -Helps Grido to the hug, holding him up-
  21. -Sprays eye-fixing-stuff into Grido's eyes- Hey, clawin' them out isn't going to help! Seriously though. . . LHOs seeking help. . . So ironic.
  22. -Claps wildly, before tipping off his chair- I love you all!
  23. -Looks at Grido, before standing up himself- My name is Eggs. . . And I've been a user for sixty-five days. . . I've never had a break! I'm addicted, and I'm lovin' it. -Goes back to hitting refresh-
  24. We should have group or something. . . MDUA. . . Magic Duel Users Anonymous. . . Only we're not anonymous XD
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