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  1. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to SageWoman in The Caretakers   
    [quote name='phantasm' date='10 September 2009 - 08:27 AM' timestamp='1252589236' post='41395']
    I think the caretakers are more a Graveyard type caretakers then the trim the hedges caretaker. I don’t see much of a point to an alliance that is just a face for a land. It should have a deep rooted sense of something it wants to accomplish. What better person to lead such an organization than me. I am slightly undead, have a love for finding trouble to get into, and think that an alliance such as this should be able to War as well as tend. What is a hedge trimmer going to do in battle? Gravediggers, throughout history, have been well known for taking matters into their own hands. Doing dark experiments, finding fresh corpses when none are available, and keeping the dead where they belong. I have a shrewd and keen mind, am more than willing to pull battle if needed, and have an overall love for things shady and dark dealings.

    I also have strong feelings towards guarding what I think needs guarded. I also have a great respect and would demand a great respect for togetherness. I have never liked the idea of people jumping in and out of an alliance. Once you are in you are in, and once you are out you are out. If people decide to apply, and I decide to accept, they will not be allowed to jump around freely with their tag. Alliances are a bond, a family, meant to care and watch after each other, and the lands they hold at ALL times.

    The Caretakers

    Purpose of the Caretakers--
    The underlying purpose I think should be about death. Just as a caretaker would tend to the gravestones and prepare the dead for their travels, that should be the role. As I think the Tribunal will be about monuments and pieces of great people in MD gone by, they will tend to the research and care of these illustrious names, and keeping a good care over the lands and the actions that hold within.

    Role of the Caretakers---
    To preserve and glorify names of the most memorable people of MD’s past, and to an extent, present. To all great sick and twisted caretakers, life wouldn't be complete without a little death and mayhem. Darkness would be their cloak. Death would be their sword. Fate would be their mind. Sometimes it is needed to hasten the process in which things happen. Caretakers have a love for the end of things. Sometimes the end of things do not come as fast as they would like, so they….hasten things. I think the alliance would be classified not as good or evil but as Chaotic.
    To walk through the lands with a shovel in their hand. The self proclaimed judge and jury of whatever they feel to be the judge of. Is it any more evil to see who should be judged anymore than a knight would judge who is wrong or right? Is it any more wrong to bury the not-so-dead for a little pay than to burn your enemies alive for the sake of religion?

    “Grave digger…when you dig my grave…please make it shallow…so that I can feel the rain”

    Structure of Alliance

    Master Chief- The Leader. The man with the master plan. Responsible for leading activities and making sure the alliance itself runs smooth. Approves or Denies Plans set forth by the Grave Diggers

    Grave Digger- Right and Left hand seats. Those deemed worthy by the Master Chief to carry out plans approved for action. Usually carries out secret plans that are only known between the upper management. Runs activities set forth in the land and keeps watch over the lower levels of the alliance

    Scribe- Responsible for keeping logs of meetings. Also keeps a record of festivities, duties carried out by the alliance, and a secret log of the things carried out that no one knows.

    Concotionist- The thinker. Thinks up ideas for activities and festivities. Is not aware of the more secret of workings though may be an unknowing participant in its actions. An active role in anything and everything within the alliance, with the exception of certain plans held privilege to the top 3 of the alliance.

    Caretakers- The grunts. The 5 general population members of the alliance. Carries out all propaganda and general actions of the Alliance. Those of the position to care after the land and the things concerning the alliance outside the land. All around fun people and held accountable for the smooth running of the land.

    Dark, underground, secretive, and protective to some extent? I would not be surprised if you are a member of the Brotherhood, O Dark One. What..you think I didn't know? And just when you thought you knew me so well.

    I like your ideas and structure of the Alliance concept. Hmmm, would be a long commute everyday. Work on getting your AP up.
  2. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Get ready for a long one...

    Would you make a list of your weaknesses in your pages? I lied, as part of the RP. DUHH!! you would hide your weaknesses as well. actually i don't think i've ever seen a list of weak spots in ANY PLAYER PAGE.[/i][/b]
    In general Role Play games, your character description (in MD, that’s your papers for the most part) is there so that people playing with you are aware of what they see visually and potentially what they are or are not able to interact with in regards to you. That doesn’t mean you make a list of weaknesses you are correct. However, it does mean that your story should at the very least allude to them. Especially if you are playing something irregular that people won’t be able to draw conclusions from, because they arn’t inside your brain to see what you feel is obvious. Your papers are not your RP, so writing lies in them, in my opinion, is a terrible thing to do. Your papers/description are/is there for ooc informational purposes in order for those playing with you to be more well informed. If you don’t want someone to know something, then of course don’t put it there. Anything visual should be there because their character could see it anyway, other than that, it’s down to how well you interact with others in game as to whether you can pull something off or not.

    and no, RP shouldn't be based off game mechanics. it will simply spawn some gods into this world and trillions of weaklings crawling around.that would utterly squash the creativity of new players and make them leave the game before they even get a taste of it

    It's a bit hard with stats and trying to *hit* people that *dodge*, but I found my way around that and just cast a frog spell if necessary. They can't *resisted the spell with magical dragon scale armor* when they're clearly saying *ribbit*

    There are limits imposed by the game such as illusions[/i][/b] - (not a quote, but my summary of a post)

    This isn’t like any other live text based role play game. It isn’t a free world, there is a world built around you. That’s the confusing thing. You are born into Magic Duel as whatever age you choose, but no matter what age you are, you are still a new born. At least that’s how I see it. You worry about spawning gods....but you have no issue with god-modding...seems odd to me. Ud demonstrates the game mechanics in play there, so does Burns, I would have thought that that would be an adequate explanation no?

    you can't just make a program that stops you from saying *kills Mur*[/i][/b]
    No one suggested that. They just suggested that that was a very dull thing to do, and I’ll explain my view on that at the end of this post.

    Godmodders will always be here.[/i][/b]
    As long as you are happy for people to act in a certain way, they will. I could say...thieves will always be around, but I doubt that would stop you from installing an alarm system in your house. So you are correct, they will always be around , but I fail to see your point?

    Oh, and Udgard, asuming you were a new player, would you play this game for a year and a half, striving everyday to rise your stats, getting beaten up by older players, just to be allowed to say *attempts to kick X or Y*?!
    and then to be answered *dodges*!?[/i][/b]
    Have you considered why role play should be an attempt and not an act? As you said earlier, not all your information is likely in your papers. Only you truly know the limits and strengths of a well thought out character. As such, only you could say how they would or would not react, what they could or could not dodge. I could not just walk up to your character and hit him, for all I know your character might have the ability to dodge me very easily. I can go to hit you, I can try to hit you, but then you say whether I do or not. I give you that freedom and trust. I give you the freedom to show me what and who your character is, and in turn you give me the same respect and freedom. As a result we build both a knowledge of one another’s character and also a respect for each other’s actions. Sometimes I realise I will get hit, because you write the RP in a clear enough way, and I know my character well enough. It’s a story we build after all. One argument I hear often is “everyone wants to win though”, of course, and if you understand that properly, then sometimes you will allow yourself to get hit, sometimes you will lose. That’s called mutual respect. Of course sometimes enforced action will happen, more often than not when it is a friendly gesture, because the point is for everyone to feel involved, understood, and respected, and of course for the story to progress and build. The latter is a bit of a complicated one, but I think I've explained what I mean.

    roleplaying should consider what a character cannot do as much as what s/he can do.[/i][/b]
    Couldn’t agree more.

    you are trying to manipulate us, by using your influence in this game and what you have best here. Not like anything's wrong with that, but it's just the most annoying, self centered thing I can think of.

    the more you try to deny or forbid something, the more everybody will try to do it[/i][/b]

    It’s not about trying to deny or forbid you. It’s about making interaction just that, and not some grab for power or to demonstrate the girth, or lack of, in a certain area of your anatomy. It’s about making role play viable. When you say “you” are trying to manipulate “us”, could you clarify precisely what it is you mean by that?

    I don't play MD to fight. I play MD to interact with friends[/i][/b]
    This is the main thing really isn’t it. People role play... to play. If you choose to god-mod and you meet another god-modder then...no one will ever win or lose, there will be no story just a big bash up with very little of any interest for anyone else involved. Role play gets cut short so quickly because someone decides to just walk in somewhere, hack everyone to death, and walk out again. Is it really such a surprise then that people either ignore that sort of thing or argue with the person who did it? The god-modder has just walked into a piece of game play they don’t understand and have no part in (yet), then decide to obliterate it, ruining the game for everyone involved instead of adding to it. It is the same on a one on one basis too. Coming up to me and saying you chop Bob down accomplishes nothing, it doesn’t move the game forward, it doesn’t seem realistic and it doesn’t make me want to play with you. How about creeping along against the wall trying so Z doesn’t see you? Then Z might or might not see you. If he doesn’t see you, creep some more, then get to Bob, then get your axe out, run your thumb across it...do you see where I’m going with this? You elongate your actions, you make the game, you create the story, you make people want to play. For me, Burns (yes, shock horror, Burns, supposedly a grinder) is a very good example of someone who does this extremely well.

    Anyway, that's my two cents as you guys like to say.

  3. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Burns in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    neither J nor me fight for fighting's sake, but because it's necessary to upgrade our critters and advance to the next level of the game...

    i can't get a vampire without upgrading my TS, i can't get my private angel without killing you with the angien hatchlings, i can't get more stamina without destroying things with my trees...

    you might be right with WoW and CS (btw, both games i really like) as far as pointless killing goes, which is really calming sometimes, but even in here, we can't go on without fighting, and for that we need valid targets, not stabled creatures and 'i'm on ahigher plane, don't touch me'-players...

    btw, i found a nice little mechanic for your role: advance to mp6 and leave your ally, then you are SOO untouchable that it almost hurts my eyes to look at your glowing energy *chuckles*

    and we insist on mechaincs to be used for RP because otherwise godmodding is allowed... we have had that phase and we are over it -.-

    PS: we are NOT dealing with kids here, you are the youngest player by far XD
  4. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Burns in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    if the bridge is not exactly that small, and i haven't seen such a bridge yet, i can't keep you from walking past... i'm skinny, not ten feet in width -.-

    if i thoroughly bash you, by which i don't mean killing a dummy-def or jsut your combat rit, but beating you up in style, you can't go on and kill someone else, your crits will be dead

    Ok, that thing with stepping in between is somewhat true... but you can argue that the mechanics are only based for PvP RP, and you can step in between by slapping one of the combattants or both of them as you wish

    and no matter how many people are fighting you, you always finish them one by one, that's the one thing we learn from martial arts-movies xD
  5. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Jester in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='10 September 2009 - 07:52 AM' timestamp='1252590740' post='41403']
    that is right, udgard. but still... how many DO that on day 1?
    and how exactly are you gonna back RP-ing up with mechanics? RP-ing offers infinite possibilities in how you express yourself. you can't just make a program that stops you from saying *kills Mur (just an example )* because your attack isn't high enough. even if you do, there might be another godmoder that says *strangles Mur to death* and the program won't stop him, because he didn't say *kills Mur*. Godmodders will always be here. the important thing, IMHO, is not to exagerate. i mean, i think every player here has godmoded at least once, i can even make a bet on that.
    Perhaps we should hold a lecture somewhere and educate godmodders XD i will attend if you want!
    Oh, and Udgard, asuming you were a new player, would you play this game for a year and a half, striving everyday to rise your stats, getting beaten up by older players, just to be allowed to say *attempts to kick X or Y*?!
    and then to be answered *dodges*!?

    If you want infinite chances to express yourself, GO TO A ROLEPLAYING FORUM. Finally, I've been wanting to say that for months... ever since people keep saying "if you want to fight, go to WoW". Anyways... Coming into a game with a combat and spell system already set up, with its own legends and rules, and then saying "yeah, well I'm above them because I have an imagination" is the most annoying, self centered thing I can think of. (sorry for the tone, but I'm fed up with stupid RP that ruins the game for the rest of us because some immature kid wants to feel special)
  6. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Burns in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    next time we meet i'll feed you to my grasan, just to prove that a weapon as simple as a club CAN harm you...
    or even a lolly, if i feel like using Pimped ^^

    back to topic:
    obviously there are limits in MD!
    you can push some, and breaks others, if you know what you are doing, but if you leave the complete mechanics aside, you are nothing but another godmodder who earns nothing but a toad-speak...

    -there are limits on illusions, you don't change them like a hat, they have a cooldown of about 20 minutes, and even if you have totally no chance of really accessing one, you can either stick to the rules or have a nice 'godmodder, don't interact with!' stamp on your forehead

    -there are, as some people mentioned already, limits on spell-casting, which are called heat... you can store some, but at some point you are out of spell-points, and if your briskness doesn't go through the roof, you'll some time to fill your heat before casting a new spell

    -there are limits on engaging people in combat, 8 or 40 mins, to be exact... you can't come back after ten seconds, say you are healed, and bash me, simply cause you can't even try to bash me, the game doesn't allow that

    -if you don't have the patience to improve your skills in every aspect of the game, you are wrong here anyway
  7. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Tarquinus in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='10 September 2009 - 08:52 AM' timestamp='1252590740' post='41403']and how exactly are you gonna back RP-ing up with mechanics? RP-ing offers infinite possibilities in how you express yourself. [/quote]
    I'm sorry, but I couldn't disagree more. Roleplay does NOT offer infinite possibilities for how you express yourself. It offers a range of possibilities dependent on the setting.

    Your energy being character cannot be played in the majority of roleplaying-game systems with which I am familiar... and I have been roleplaying now for quite a bit longer than you have been alive.

    There is nothing in the MagicDuel setting to imply your "energy being" character could exist; that's okay, given that the MagicDuel setting is rather ambiguous... HOWEVER, combat actions in MagicDuel should not ignore the combat system entirely. There are not two games here, a roleplaying chat room and a dueling game off to the side. It is one game.

    If you want to look at a roleplay character who does not god-mode, ever, then take your cues from Innocence.

    Finally, saying the Subtle Knife is the only thing that can harm your character, yet it is in your possession, is god-moding twice over. You've basically taken the Excalibur of the [i]His Dark Materials[/i] series and given it properties suitable to you; and somehow, your non-material creature can hold it?

    I will repeat: roleplaying should consider what a character can[u]not[/u] do as much as what s/he can do.
  8. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Kafuuka in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    [quote name='Aeoshattr' date='10 September 2009 - 12:14 PM' timestamp='1252577643' post='41390']
    I RP a lot in MD and i DO admit i tend to godmod. But my godmod is different (now i'm expecting posts from someone saying like hell it is). I always follow the role written in my pages, therefore my weaknesses and strengths are settled. What amazes me is that most try to cut my arms, even though i am an energy being (sry, i mix ooc with ic here...) and they're saying you godmod. well, excuse me, think about using a different weapon when you attack someone like me, duhh... Returning to my godmodding problem...[/quote]
    And I quote from http://magicduel.com/players/Aeoshattr :
    "Material weapons cannot harm me, except The Subtle Knife. Yet *grins* it is in my possession." -> Just how many immaterial weapons are there in MD?
    "I have ascended, i am no longer allowed to interfere with lower planes of existence." -> Isn't fighting interfering?

    Unless it is explained in chapters 1-6, I don't see any weaknesses nor what exactly a pure energy being is. If I were to rely on physics, pure energy (no restmass) equals photons, or light. Yet I doubt that this is what you meant by 'pure energy being'. And since I don't know how you manifest, it's going to be difficult to guess your weaknesses.
    At least with a werewolf you can assume they are highly allergic to silver and can rely on your tea spoon in an emergency.

    [quote]Many use weapons in combat and godmod. i agree, you can godmod for a while, but then your character, no matter what type of race it is, will grow tired. same with magic. especially with magic. let's just say godmodding consumes a lot of energy. i think anyone would agree to that.
    OMG i don't understand what i wrote anymore, too many ideas XD
    Now, i agree with godmodding, but only for a short wile, like "the super-duper-ultimate-no-one-can-beat-power of that character. but just for a short while, with consequences. i mean you can't just cast your most powerfull spell then hop away happily...[/quote]
    Swinging your sword isn't godmodding, chanting an incantation to make the room very bright isn't godmodding. Both should be tiring if you keep them up for a while. However there are lots of people that want to cast spells the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. And lots of people that think they are capable of dodging everything. Those are not just energy consuming feats, they are the boring rusults of RPing a fight without loosing; escalation:
    A swings at B, B dodges and swings back [i]harder, better, faster, stronger.[/i]
    A dodges, preferably in the middle of a long jump (rule of cool: mid air dodging is awesome!)
    B chants an instant levitation spell and pursues A in an areal battle (because we all read too much Dragon Ball manga and anyone that can't fly is a douchebag)
    A speeds up till s/he reaches the speed of light
    Kafuuka walks in and makes a joke about A and B being fat, then bakes two pies and throws them into their faces.
  9. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Udgard in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Well, I ignore the godmodders those people who RP *kills Mur* and RP seeing a delusional insane person =)IMHO rather than godmod and not exaggerate, I choose not to godmod at all. Although it is a thin line between unexaggerated godmodding and not-godmodding, because the point of godmodding is it's exaggerated xD
    You'd lose that bet if you made it btw I'm one of those players who has played for more than a year, don't godmod, wait till I actually get the mechanics on my side, and then do the RP with something backing me up. It's a bit hard with stats and trying to *hit* people that *dodge*, but I found my way around that and just cast a frog spell if necessary. They can't *resisted the spell with magical dragon scale armor* when they're clearly saying *ribbit*
  10. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Udgard in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Well, I don't agree xD
    Godmodding is godmodding, no matter how 'short' it is. And the whole idea of basing RP on some game mechanics is so that people know their limitations. If you are strong enough to kick someone's ass, why shouldn't you be able to? If you're too weak to do that, than work your way till you are strong enough to hold your own. IMHO, playing a super-strong-being in day 1 (without any mechanics to back it up) is a form of godmodding as well.
  11. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to SageWoman in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    [quote name='Guybrush Threepwood' date='27 August 2009 - 01:09 AM' timestamp='1251353365' post='40317']
    Well if you're going to base the RP off of game mechanics like that (which I have no problem with at all) what about a burst? That'll do the trick, depending on who you are I suppose. But it'll work for most people.

    Sagewoman sees how Guybrush defeated her army and "Bursts" into tears. Hows that? XD
  12. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Creature Stable   
    you didn't get the point. it's not like doubling the extra slots in the md shop. if you sttable a creature, it still keeps the slot in your inventory occupied. you just cannot use that creature in rituals, and if you stable all of them you'd appear as without defending forces. it's for new players that don't have a chance against older ones. i mean honestly, that hint that says " a new player can defeat an older one with enough skill and a good ritual" is totally fake. for instance, there is absolutely no way to beat dst, who has super high initiative. just making a point here, not suggesting anything. or MRD, with his super high attack. seriously. new players don't have drachorns, birdies, tormented souls, unholy priests, whatsoever. besides, all the latest upgrades have come in the aid of old players. did any of you look at the stats boosts given by the equipment to an mp3? and at the stats boosts given to an old rpc? seriously now...

    besides, getting attacked all the time makes you lose loyalty and honor. in my opinion it doesn't make things complicated. and burns, compare your stats to mine. it's obvious why i came up with this idea, now because i'm a coward, but because i fail to see the point in fighting a battle you have absolutely no chance of winning.
  13. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Jester in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
  14. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Jester in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    YAY finally found the "mark all entries as viewed" button so i can freely search for new posts without getting results like "2000 new entries" XD
    Now about RP, i love it. in every online game i do it. It's brilliant. anyway...
    I RP a lot in MD and i DO admit i tend to godmod. But my godmod is different (now i'm expecting posts from someone saying like hell it is). I always follow the role written in my pages, therefore my weaknesses and strengths are settled. What amazes me is that most try to cut my arms, even though i am an energy being (sry, i mix ooc with ic here...) and they're saying you godmod. well, excuse me, think about using a different weapon when you attack someone like me, duhh... Returning to my godmodding problem...
    Many use weapons in combat and godmod. i agree, you can godmod for a while, but then your character, no matter what type of race it is, will grow tired. same with magic. especially with magic. let's just say godmodding consumes a lot of energy. i think anyone would agree to that.
    OMG i don't understand what i wrote anymore, too many ideas XD
    Now, i agree with godmodding, but only for a short wile, like "the super-duper-ultimate-no-one-can-beat-power of that character. but just for a short while, with consequences. i mean you can't just cast your most powerfull spell then hop away happily...
    and no, RP shouldn't be based off game mechanics. it will simply spawn some gods into this world and trillions of weaklings crawling around.that would utterly squash the creativity of new players and make them leave the game before they even get a taste of it

    Reason for editing: read something that made me want to edit
    Reason for second edit: wrote "smawn" instead of "spawn" XD
  15. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    that is right, udgard. but still... how many DO that on day 1?
    and how exactly are you gonna back RP-ing up with mechanics? RP-ing offers infinite possibilities in how you express yourself. you can't just make a program that stops you from saying *kills Mur (just an example )* because your attack isn't high enough. even if you do, there might be another godmoder that says *strangles Mur to death* and the program won't stop him, because he didn't say *kills Mur*. Godmodders will always be here. the important thing, IMHO, is not to exagerate. i mean, i think every player here has godmoded at least once, i can even make a bet on that.
    Perhaps we should hold a lecture somewhere and educate godmodders XD i will attend if you want!
    Oh, and Udgard, asuming you were a new player, would you play this game for a year and a half, striving everyday to rise your stats, getting beaten up by older players, just to be allowed to say *attempts to kick X or Y*?!
    and then to be answered *dodges*!?
  16. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Jester in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    that is right, udgard. but still... how many DO that on day 1?
    and how exactly are you gonna back RP-ing up with mechanics? RP-ing offers infinite possibilities in how you express yourself. you can't just make a program that stops you from saying *kills Mur (just an example )* because your attack isn't high enough. even if you do, there might be another godmoder that says *strangles Mur to death* and the program won't stop him, because he didn't say *kills Mur*. Godmodders will always be here. the important thing, IMHO, is not to exagerate. i mean, i think every player here has godmoded at least once, i can even make a bet on that.
    Perhaps we should hold a lecture somewhere and educate godmodders XD i will attend if you want!
    Oh, and Udgard, asuming you were a new player, would you play this game for a year and a half, striving everyday to rise your stats, getting beaten up by older players, just to be allowed to say *attempts to kick X or Y*?!
    and then to be answered *dodges*!?
  17. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Creature Stable   
    ok, so here is my idea: what about a creature stable like some sort of bank where you can put your creatures, without sarcificing or losing them in any way. they still get age, but cannot be used in combat. therefore you can't attack, but can't be attacked either. the stable should have as many creature slots as you have.
    oh, and they shouldn't lose XP, won fights, whatsoever. and during HC the creature stable would be unavailable, so that everyone participates.
    i'm expecting LOTS of negative criticism, my reputation will probably get to -80, from those that fight.
  18. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Creature Stable   
    duhh... that is not what i meant but whatever.
    the main point of this idea was allowing weak players to get out and socialize without getting busted down the first second they leave sanctuary. i really really don't think of this idea as complicated. you can add tons of disadvantages: for instance, a creature once stabled cannot be returned to your inventory for 2 weeks. besides, the stable could be in a location, not in a player page. that way, you couldn't just go to GGG without creats, bust everyone up, stable your creats then run away.
    But if everyone is against me (stupid me, all influent players are daily fighters) then i'll just dump the idea...
  19. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Creature Stable   
    alright, i'll give it a bit more thinking then post the complete idea.
    and jester, i'm not acting "the whatever role you wrote there",( i'm too lazy to copy it XD), i knew from the first this idea would not be liked. i just didn't expect getting only negative comments :|
  20. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Creature Stable   
    as i said, i'm working on it. it'll probably take a day or two before i balance it out
  21. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Fenrir Greycloth in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
  22. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lady Renata in Creature Stable   
    easy to say...
    then why not just make a "kill all creatures" button?
  23. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Watcher in Creature Stable   
    as i said, i'm working on it. it'll probably take a day or two before i balance it out
  24. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Watcher in Creature Stable   
    alright, i'll give it a bit more thinking then post the complete idea.
    and jester, i'm not acting "the whatever role you wrote there",( i'm too lazy to copy it XD), i knew from the first this idea would not be liked. i just didn't expect getting only negative comments :|
  25. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Watcher in Creature Stable   
    duhh... that is not what i meant but whatever.
    the main point of this idea was allowing weak players to get out and socialize without getting busted down the first second they leave sanctuary. i really really don't think of this idea as complicated. you can add tons of disadvantages: for instance, a creature once stabled cannot be returned to your inventory for 2 weeks. besides, the stable could be in a location, not in a player page. that way, you couldn't just go to GGG without creats, bust everyone up, stable your creats then run away.
    But if everyone is against me (stupid me, all influent players are daily fighters) then i'll just dump the idea...
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