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Posts posted by lisana

  1. hhhmmm... I think this is a wonderful idea... implementation will be a pain... but... if you can pull it off... I'll help ya out as much as I can...

    I can copy edit... and be a source... I seem to somehow manage to step into the juicy stuff at just the right time... soo...

    Anyway, I like the scroll idea... and as for a name... something along the lines of "The Town Crier" it fits with the setting, and it's something associated with news.

    Something to think about... you want it readable... no long articles... not a massive amount of pictures either... a few here and there to satisfy the "MB"'s out there *giggles*, but you want it short and sweet... something we can read when we are sitting at our favorite tavern having a drink waiting for regen so we can go out and whomp on someone again... ^_^ (which happens to be what I am doing at the moment...)

    I like the idea of a gossip column... perhaps something like "Tavern Talk"... as for cartoons... unless we have a cartoonist who is willing to do one... that may be a problem and a half (although linking to one off site would be fairly easy... if you could find one that would let you)

    hhhmmm... what else... ah yes... you need eyecatching names not only for the paper itself... but for the different sections as well...

    as for the quizzes... why make them have any rewards... except possibly recognition... those who answer correctly get a mention in the next issue, perhaps if they answer correctly so many issues in a row... they get something like ... well like the smaller gifts that mur gave out in the shop... maybe a small amount of honor... or even a bit of exp... (in the range of up to ten for honor... and upto 100 for exp)

    hhhmmm... oh... and an updated section about ongoing quests... just basic info... the name of the quest... who is running it... and what the reward is if any is named...

    oh and the critter section sounds great... but how about making it a war advice type thing... like how to set up rits... what critters are good at what mp levels... how to keep your balance without losing your mind... etc...

    and before I forget... this would actually probably end up very similar to the last thing... but... basic info on game play... such as info on principles and how they are used... the differences between the three types of magic... actually this kind of thing would go with the last one... an advice column... gleaned from the more experienced players...

    okay... I think I'm done for now... I'll probably have twice as many ideas tomorrow... though so... be warned...

  2. [quote name='Je Suis Oeufs Fous' post='22313' date='Dec 14 2008, 01:00 PM']Awww. Poor Li. If it's any consolation, you're not the only one. ;p[/quote]
    Iknow... to keep myself from clicking refresh constantly... as others have been doing... I read through this whole topic... all at once... then tried refreshing... then started looking at the archives... refreshing in between articles... which is I guess what I will now continue to do...

    :D:angry: :drinks:
    *decides to drink some rum while she waits...* I've given up on gin for the time being... everytime I go to take a sip of that I end up sputtering because someone wants to crack a joke... hopefully I'll have some better luck with this...

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