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lone zenji

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Everything posted by lone zenji

  1. I dont remember the player name whom i fought, just that it told me I would get 24 honor for winning, and indeed I won the fight by a significant enough percentage but instead the game told me i lost. it didn't say the other player won either - which was weird. just kind of irritating you know? that sucks about the surveys, i was really looking forward to the MDshop credits oh well - the free gifts have been really nice
  2. I should have gained like 24 honor but instead lost 10, along with 80% of my vitality. this was a real bummer, why did it happen? also, I completed some of the surveys to get like $3 in the MD shop and I never got it?
  3. ahh it was probably that they had less than 300 health thanks!
  4. books! and money to pay my debts!
  5. Hey, Ok so I got a tip that in order to gain losses easier I should make a ritual with two barren souls that defends against enemy attacks. They would lose every time, thus I could concentrate on forming better attacks. However, my defense ritual will not defend on its own. The integrity is only 2 bars.. does that have something to do with it? If so, what can be done? thanks
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