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Mya Celestia

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Everything posted by Mya Celestia

  1. Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday dear Yrth! Happy Birthday to You! May your day be full of fun and pleasant surprises!
  2. *giggles* Switch it to whiskey and I can think of someone else who would try this cake.
  3. I have spoken with Lazarus and he freely and willingly has given me the drachorn scales. He was very friendly about the whole thing and was eager to settle things. I would like to thank Lazarus for his consideration.
  4. [font="Palatino Linotype"]Amoran's Winning Deer Hunt: [Outside the Oak Tower] : Amoran K Kol pauses and raises her silver, color ringed eyes to the Tower, veering off of her path to the Oak Fort upon sensing the need for her bow. : Amoran K Kol walks quietly up to the Tower and enters inside.. [Interior of the Oak Tower - 1st level] : Amoran K Kol searches behind Nelya's desk for her bow and mutters something as it is nowhere to be found. : Amoran K Kol manuevers her way out of the small space and heads up the stairs to the second level. [Interior of the Oak Tower - 2nd level] : Amoran K Kol brushes a lock of her hair back behind her elongated ear as she reaches the top step, scanning the dim room in search of her bow and quiver. : Amoran K Kol spots the elegant recurve bow resting vertically against the chest, the quiver of arrows resting right beside it. : Amoran K Kol pads across the room and picks up her quiver, fastening the strap around her chest so that the quiver sits diagonal on her back. : Amoran K Kol picks up her bow and quickly makes her way back down the stairs, a light glow washing over her pale tattooed skin as she moves. [Outside the Oak Tower] (The deer rushes by, symbolized by Thistle passing Amoran.) : Amoran K Kol drops to the stone pathway upon leaving the tower, kneeling as a large stag bounds out of the thicker wooded area and up the path. : Amoran K Kol lets out a low rumbling growl as she watches it's back hooves bounce upward in it's stride- waiting until it is quite a ways up the path before darting into the trees. [Outside the Defensive Quarters] : Amoran K Kol emerges from the trees after ducking under branches and leaping over piles of brush in pursuit of the stag. : Amoran K Kol walks in silence over to the path and kneels, following the majestic creature's tracks. : Amoran K Kol places her bow in the strap of her quiver on her back and starts to crawl, observing the pattern of the hoof marks in the dirt- gauging the possible size of the deer, how powerful the creature is. : Amoran K Kol stands suddenly and rushes up the path, pulling her bow free as she dives into the woods again. [Hollow Den] : Amoran K Kol ducks in and out of the trees to observe the creature's tracks. : Amoran K Kol continues up the path, keeping close to the treeline while she follows. Udgard: ammy? : Amoran K Kol pauses and kneels in the grass next to the far line of trees, waiting as Udgard passes by. : Amoran K Kol continues up the path once he has gone, glancing over to be sure the tracks of the stag are still visible in the road. [Outside of Lore Manor] : Amoran K Kol pauses as she makes her way along the tree line next to Lore Manor, noticing that the tracks seem to fade off of the path. : Amoran K Kol frowns and sits next to the last hoofmark dug into the road by the creature.. : Amoran K Kol touches it, following the estimated path of the creature.. Amoran K Kol: Into the trees... certainly not. : Amoran K Kol starts to stand and pauses, noticing movement past a thin wall of trees. : Amoran K Kol walks quietly through the grass, remaining low to the ground.. : Amoran K Kol moves with the slow, slinking gait of a predator ready to spring. [Raven's Peace] : Amoran K Kol notices the stag peacefully having a drink of water and decides to simply wait, remaining mostly hidden by low branches and tall grass on the other side of the pond. (The stag is symbolized by Thistle remaining in the scene) : Amoran K Kol remains completely still, her eager silver eyes peering through the tall grass...watching. Waiting for the creature to move. : Amoran K Kol narrows her eyes as the deer raises its head and looks back the way it came.. : Amoran K Kol gently sets her bow on the ground- removing her quiver and robes as the creature raises it's crowned head to the sky. : Amoran K Kol stretches forward, remaining hidden, and calls her fur- wincing in pain as her bones start to pop and shift. : Amoran K Kol digs her nails into the soil while fur flows from her back like water- covering her tattooed, almost deformed body. : Amoran K Kol holds her breath as her body forms, a force, a pull molding her like clay. : Amoran K Kol raises her large head as the last bone snaps in place, returning her attention to the creature just in time to see it prancing back the way it came. : Amoran K Kol slinks through the grass, her pupils growing large as a low rumbling growl emanates from her chest. : Amoran K Kol bounds out of the trees and intercepts the buck's path, letting out a hair raising feline roar that echos through the trees. : Amoran K Kol hisses as the buck turns and starts to run in the opposite direction, digging her back paws into the grassy soil as she leaps forward and pursues the beast. (The stag running is symbolized by Thistle moving on to the next screen.) [Madman's Trial] : Amoran K Kol leaps forward, seeing the frightened animal panic- blocking it's path as it turns toward the direction of mistle toe bridge. : Amoran K Kol hisses and claws at the creature's front hooves, rearing back as the animal charges toward her with it's antlers forward. : Amoran K Kol gets pushed back against a tree trunk, letting out a helpless mewl as her back is slammed against the tree. : Amoran K Kol drops to the ground heaving for breath while the animal escapes in the direction of Wasps Totem. : Amoran K Kol rests next to the tree for a long while, recovering from the animal's blow. : Amoran K Kol flattens her ears and stands, letting out another chilling feline cry as she continues her hunt for the stag. : Amoran K Kol leaps forward, seeing the frightened animal panic- blocking it's path as it turns toward the direction of mistle toe bridge. : Amoran K Kol hisses and claws at the creature's front hooves, rearing back as the animal charges toward her with it's antlers forward. : Amoran K Kol gets pushed back against a tree trunk, letting out a helpless mewl as her back is slammed against the tree. : Amoran K Kol drops to the ground heaving for breath while the animal escapes in the direction of Wasps Totem. : Amoran K Kol rests next to the tree for a long while, recovering from the animal's blow. : Amoran K Kol flattens her ears and stands, letting out another chilling feline cry as she continues her hunt for the stag. [Wasps Totem] : Amoran K Kol bounds up the path next to the lake, barely able to make out the creature's hooves as it passes through the back entrance. [Hidden Exit] : Amoran K Kol slows and slinks through the grass, curling her tail downward- smelling for the stag. [Alche's Alley 3_-2x-3_1] : Amoran K Kol keeps low to the ground, slinking through the trees as she heads over the hill. [Alche's Alley 3_-1x-3_1] : Amoran K Kol remains ontop of the highest point of the hill, hidden by the trunks of several oak trees. : Amoran K Kol peers at the deer for a moment and crouches, readying her feline body to spring forward. : Amoran K Kol bursts out of the trees and down the hill at full speed, her 300lb body crashing into the buck with enormous force. : Amoran K Kol digs her claws into the buck as it topples over and catches the stag by the neck- biting down with a crushing force while the animal struggles and thrashes about. : Amoran K Kol holds the creature's neck firmly against the grass, letting out a low rumbling growl, the animal's thrashing limbs growing limp. : Amoran K Kol bites through the animals' neck, her large head thrashing to the side- tearing the meat away. : Amoran K Kol raises her head, glancing up the path once before biting down on the dead deer's antlers to drag it back in the direction she came. [Alche's Alley 3_-2x-3_1] : Amoran K Kol walks backwards, dragging the animal down the hill next to the path- staining the grass in it's blood as she moves. [Hidden Exit] : Amoran K Kol drops the deer and shifts her position, releasing her grasp on the antlers and biting into the back of the dead creature's neck for better leverage. : Amoran K Kol walks backwards through the back entrance.. [Wasps Totem] : Amoran K Kol grunts and drops the deer by the lake, shaking her head as the dead animal's blood starts to dry in her fur. : Tarquinus walks over to Amoran and strokes her fur : Tarquinus takes out a boning knife and begins to dress the deer carcass : Amoran K Kol stretches out in the grass, resting and watching Lucas as he works at the carcass. : Tarquinus washes the gore from his hands and fastens the cleaned, skinned carcass to a pole Tarquinus: *scratches Amoran's ears* When you return to your elfin self, you can take it back to the Root of the Matter, love. : Tarquinus kisses the top of Amoran's head : Tarquinus cleans the knife and re-sheaths it : Amoran K Kol stretches as he scratches her ears, purring loudly and nuzzling him as he kisses the top of her head. : Amoran K Kol flops over onto her side in the grass and rolls around happily for a moment. : Tarquinus sits by her, watching the lake as he pets her : Tarquinus nods off as he sits : Amoran K Kol rests her head on his thigh and relaxes for a time.. Deer: 10 points.[/font]
  5. [font="Palatino Linotype"]Winners of the Loreroot Contests: RP Deer Hunt-- 1.Amoran K. Kol 2.Assira the Black 3.Adam Icepheonix Kudos to Nimrodel for her humerous attempt and Czez for trying to save the deer Cocktail Receipe-- Czez Pimp My Knator-- North Equilibrium Loreroot Fashion-- Assira the Black Muffin Receipe-- Nimrodel Dance Contest-- Kyphis Events at the Bonfire-- Trivia 1.Rhaegar 2.Grido Story writing Sagewoman Thank you all for participating! I hope you enjoyed it. Winners who haven't received their prize yet, please see Mya Celestia.[/font]
  6. [font="Palatino Linotype"][size="6"]Loreroot Fall Festival's Finale!![/size] An assortment of events will be happening this day including a story contest. Your story must include something from Loreroot or take place in Loreroot. No word requirement or anything too challenging. Be sure to be in Loreroot throughout the day for different events popping up, which include trivia, story telling, a "battle-friendly" CoE service, and other random events. Awards will be given out at the very end for the winners of the contests through the week. We of Loreroot hope you enjoyed the Festival and I would like to thank the judges and all who helped.[/font] edited for appearance.
  7. [font="Palatino Linotype"]Get out your costumes and get ready to dance! Day 338 is a dance contest. So shake your fanny and raise your hands in the air! Send your dances to Sparrhawk or Phantom Orchid. You've got until Day 339 to get them done. Preview of Day 339: An assortment of events will be happening this day including a story contest. Your story must include something from Loreroot or take place in Loreroot. No word requirement or anything too challenging. There will be other events throughout Day 339.[/font]
  8. WP's for alts would be nice because many quests are not alt friendly. Maybe 2 a year for the main and 1 a year for alts. Perhaps a non-transferrable code could be placed on age earned wp's. (edited)
  9. [font="Palatino Linotype"]Get out your mixer and get ready to bake! Day 337's contest is in honor of Loreroot's king. A muffin receipe contest!! Here's the conditions: 1. Create a muffin receipe from some of the many wonderous things that grow in Loreroot. 2. Muffin receipe must actually work (Firsanthalas may want to try it). 3. Submit your receipe to Firsanthalas or Tarquinus. You've only got 24 hours so get baking! [/font]
  10. [font="Palatino Linotype"][size="6"]Pimp My Knator!![/size] Make your knator look awesome on Day 335!! Using the tool found at http://the-cript.com/gotr/knator/knator.html Pimp your knator or you could try other computerized tools you have at your disposal. (no hand drawing) Then send a link for your picture of your Pimped Knator to Sparrhawk or Princ Rhaegar. Contest ends 0:00 Day 336!! Early notice of Day 336's contest. Loreroot fashion. Is there an artist in you somewhere or a fashion designer? Draw something that may be worn by someone in Loreroot. People to send to will be released on day 336.[/font]
  11. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Ray! Happy Birthday to you! New year and new opportunities. Hope you have a great day and year!
  12. Could always send an e-card. Many of us have our email address in our info. If someone wants to receive a card but not give their address, send an e-card. Merry Christmas! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Holidays!
  13. I must admit I really don't see a need to push people to another level. Forcing someone along doesn't really benefit them just the person waiting hungrily at the next level. Besides, if the lower MP level joins an alliance, MP5's in an alliance can beat on them. Maybe create a battle arena where MP level doesn't matter. Then all levels can beat each other all they want.
  14. [font="Palatino Linotype"]It's day 334 and the start of a new contest. Today's contest: Cocktail Receipe! 1. Create a drink from things that may be grown or brewed in Loreroot. 2. Drink must be reproducible. 3. Description of the drink including any garnish added to it. Contest ends 0:00 day 335! Anyone can participate Please send your entry to Gremlin or Sharazhad[/font]
  15. [font="Palatino Linotype"][size="5"]Welcome to the Loreroot Fall Festival![/size] Our kickoff event is a deer hunt. The rules for the hunt are as follows: 1. 1 deer limit per player 2. RP must be written in chat, copied to a pm and sent to Sparrhawk or Mya Celestia. We will be watching. Include the coordinates or screen name of your hunt location, too. 3. Deer may only be taken in Loreroot, backdoor, and 2 Alche's Alley screens 4. No deer may have over 14 points. A smaller rack with high quality RP could easily win. Hunt ends 0:00 day 334. (edited) All trophies and/or prizes will be awarded the final day of the festival.[/font]
  16. Bound to Loreroot heart and soul, I humbly ask for citizenship. My talents, abilities, and blades for the great forest of Loreroot. Thank you for your attention, Mya Celestia Second of the Guardians of the Root
  17. When the notifier goes off, refresh your screen. That way the pm doesn't automatically open. Then you can click the pm button and see who sent it and delete it without ever reading it.
  18. Aww, absolutely adorable!!!! I completely understand. Enjoy!
  19. Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday dear Tara! Happy Birthday to You! May you have a joyous day
  20. [font="Palatino Linotype"]Loreroot's Fall Festival!! The first event for the festival will be a deer hunt! This will be a combination of RP and numarical calculations. The hunt starts at 0:00 day 333. Details will be posted outside the Defense Quarters. [/font]
  21. *hugs* You'll be missed more than you think. Who's going to pounce Lucius?? Who's going to train on me?? I understand. Your future is very important. Take all the time you need and know that we care and will miss you. *pounces and hugs*
  22. Farewell, Tzaroth. You were a great person to know. Arion and I will miss you and horse *hugs*
  23. [size="5"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Hear ye! Hear ye! Come one, come all to the Loreroot Fall Festival![/size] [size="4"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Starting day 333 (11/30) and running 7 days there will be a daily event announced outside the Defense Quarters (Coord: 1_-5x2_1).[/font] [/font][/size] [font="Palatino Linotype"]Bring your knator. Bring your bow. Leave your grasan ‘cos he’s too slow. Bring your pencil and your mind You’ll never know just what you’ll find Food and fun with a forest flare Hurry and make sure you’re there![/font] More information to come. Contacts: Mya Celestia, Sharazhad, and Sparrhawk
  24. ~sings~ Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday dear Storm! Happy Birthday to You! Hope your day is one to remember
  25. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Rendril! Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy your day and have a great year
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