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  1. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to AMLJ in Make Game 'right'   
    Hey, in the first page, in that picture. 'Register' is spelled 'Regester'.
    In the won fights and lost fights page, 'too' is written 'to'.
    You should really fix these things, and for making the game a bit more popular, you gotta do some other things to.
    Get a forum for yourselves, instead of this, a web address like forums.magicduel.com exists, but it is redirected to this place. You should change that.
    Also in game development status page, the word 'I' is used, I think you'd better act as a team and not as a single person.
    And get some more servers, name this server 1 and get some other ones too.

    *These are my suggestions and I want to know what others will think about them. And I think this way because all popular games I've seen are like this. This is how we'll have more than 10 million people in a game, and here we only got a couple hundred. The game is nice, but things like this make it a bit unpopular*

  2. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Selling Aged And Tokened Bloodpacts And Archers   
  3. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Chewett in Selling Aged And Tokened Bloodpacts And Archers   
  4. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Blackwoodforest in Selling Aged And Tokened Bloodpacts And Archers   
  5. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Mr Mystery in Selling Aged And Tokened Bloodpacts And Archers   
  6. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Pipstickz in Selling Aged And Tokened Bloodpacts And Archers   
  7. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Selling Aged And Tokened Bloodpacts And Archers   
    Close please
  8. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from nadrolski in Selling Aged And Tokened Bloodpacts And Archers   
    Close please
  9. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Yoshi in Birth Announcement   
    [quote name='Mysteria Blue' date='24 May 2010 - 08:11 PM' timestamp='1274746268' post='60337']
    Congratulations to Sage and Phan, but also congratulations to Loreroot!

    Uhm... what does Loreroot have to do with anything?
  10. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Yoshi in Birth Announcement   
    [quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='26 May 2010 - 08:26 AM' timestamp='1274876787' post='60406']
    A new loreroot citizen Yoshi!

    Congratulations to the parents!

    Yeah but, shouldn't she make the choice herself when shes of age? Kinda sounds similar to an arranged marriage, forcing them to do/be things when they grow up and that they would have control over, if left up to them.
  11. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Watcher in The Eternal RP Debate   
    [quote name='Yoshi' date='26 May 2010 - 01:03 PM' timestamp='1274893398' post='60410']
    Yeah but, shouldn't she make the choice herself when shes of age?
    Your argument is based on the idea that this new account is actually a new player. That is not the case.

    This new "character," if it can even be called that, is simply another alternate for an established player. There will be no "deciding;" all the choices a new character would normally make were settled on long before this account was created.

    Your argument would make sense if this had been the actual child of two people. However, this is little more than yet another example of the extremely poor quality of role playing that has permeated MagicDuel. A character conceives a "child," but the player portrays this “child” as being nearly identical to the character who is supposed to be the parent.
    The tradition of starting "children alternates," used by the same players who are supposed to be the parents, was a trend I had hoped to see the demise of, yet this is just more ammunition to be used by those who believe that role playing has no place in this game.

    If this is what role playing is turning into, and it pains me to say this, then they are correct.
  12. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Tarquinus in The Eternal RP Debate   
    [quote]The tradition of starting "children alternates,"...yet this is just more ammunition to be used by those who believe that role playing has no place in this game.

    If this is what role playing is turning into, and it pains me to say this, then they are correct.[/quote]
    Allow me to say that firstly, I agree, and secondly, that not every person who "roleplays" in MagicDuel agrees that role-played children are a good thing or role-plays in the same way.

    I will go further: I am very annoyed that some people seem bound and determined to remove the "fantasy" from what is advertised as a fantasy role-playing game. I do not refer to those who famously oppose role-playing, but to that same camp of those who think "child alternates" are good for the game, for they undermine, whether they mean to or not (and I think, on balance, that they are unaware of the effect they are having), the consensual fantasy and the magic of the MagicDuel game setting, and they undermine it with the basest of humdrum, everyday details. As my "alt" Keith Moon observed, no one cares whether there is toilet tissue in the invisible WC of the Defensive Quarters. That is a detail we can all live without.

    Until that second camp agrees to study the setting, analyze it, and attempt to understand the impact the setting has on their characters, I, like you, have only the feeblest of answers to the first camp: "It ain't me done it." Among the second camp, I must include, with no pleasure at all, those who smile and nod with approval at "events" such as are the subject of this thread.

    As a proud citizen of Loreroot, I, as the character Tarquinus, sometimes find it hard to be proud; and indeed some might say the pride I exhibit is only for the sake of role-playing the Latin [i]cognomen[/i] of that character.
  13. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to SageWoman in The Eternal RP Debate   
    [quote name='Watcher' date='26 May 2010 - 12:50 PM' timestamp='1274896254' post='60414']
    Your argument is based on the idea that this new account is actually a new player. That is not the case.

    This new "character," if it can even be called that, is simply another alternate for an established player. There will be no "deciding;" all the choices a new character would normally make were settled on long before this account was created.

    Your argument would make sense if this had been the actual child of two people. However, this is little more than yet another example of the extremely poor quality of role playing that has permeated MagicDuel. A character conceives a "child," but the player portrays this “child” as being nearly identical to the character who is supposed to be the parent.
    The tradition of starting "children alternates," used by the same players who are supposed to be the parents, was a trend I had hoped to see the demise of, yet this is just more ammunition to be used by those who believe that role playing has no place in this game.

    If this is what role playing is turning into, and it pains me to say this, then they are correct.

    Yes, Dariea is an alternate. However, she will be an character unto herself and will be not portrayed as the main player. Falen Angel is also my alternate character and at no time does she act like an extension of Sagewoman. Dariea is not a citizen of Loreroot nor will she be of any other land for that matter. The Dariea account has yet to interact with anyone else save my own self role play with her as an infant. That is coming to an abrupt halt as of now. The mp3 account will begin to play and develop on it's own. Battling it's own fights and collecting it's own friends and followings. Don't like it? Battle or walk away. There is always a choice.
  14. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Watcher in Wts Gold Avatars   
    I completely agree with pip. Honostly... The whole injustice thing seems like a big mess (sort of pointless) that you guys expect firs to have to deal with. I highly doubt that anyone would built a shrine or hang up that avatar as a picture for all to see in some place like the DQ honoring the late eden. And since it was put in the shop again... it should be used for a new player. In nim's defense she was merely being oppurtunistic. (sp) XD too lazy to check.. and i see nothing wrong with that at all.

    but... i suppose if you knew eden or something that eden did then the avatar would be special to you and have some sort of sentimental value. still, why not? I can see why certain people would be upset. Though i believe that "hoping" for nim to be punished goes a little too far. eden was an important character yes... i think similar feeling arose in a topic that announced the recycling of avatars. look at that.
  15. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Fenrir Greycloth in Wts Gold Avatars   
    I completely agree with pip. Honostly... The whole injustice thing seems like a big mess (sort of pointless) that you guys expect firs to have to deal with. I highly doubt that anyone would built a shrine or hang up that avatar as a picture for all to see in some place like the DQ honoring the late eden. And since it was put in the shop again... it should be used for a new player. In nim's defense she was merely being oppurtunistic. (sp) XD too lazy to check.. and i see nothing wrong with that at all.

    but... i suppose if you knew eden or something that eden did then the avatar would be special to you and have some sort of sentimental value. still, why not? I can see why certain people would be upset. Though i believe that "hoping" for nim to be punished goes a little too far. eden was an important character yes... i think similar feeling arose in a topic that announced the recycling of avatars. look at that.
  16. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Yoshi in Wts Gold Avatars   
    I completely agree with pip. Honostly... The whole injustice thing seems like a big mess (sort of pointless) that you guys expect firs to have to deal with. I highly doubt that anyone would built a shrine or hang up that avatar as a picture for all to see in some place like the DQ honoring the late eden. And since it was put in the shop again... it should be used for a new player. In nim's defense she was merely being oppurtunistic. (sp) XD too lazy to check.. and i see nothing wrong with that at all.

    but... i suppose if you knew eden or something that eden did then the avatar would be special to you and have some sort of sentimental value. still, why not? I can see why certain people would be upset. Though i believe that "hoping" for nim to be punished goes a little too far. eden was an important character yes... i think similar feeling arose in a topic that announced the recycling of avatars. look at that.
  17. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Wts Gold Avatars   
    I completely agree with pip. Honostly... The whole injustice thing seems like a big mess (sort of pointless) that you guys expect firs to have to deal with. I highly doubt that anyone would built a shrine or hang up that avatar as a picture for all to see in some place like the DQ honoring the late eden. And since it was put in the shop again... it should be used for a new player. In nim's defense she was merely being oppurtunistic. (sp) XD too lazy to check.. and i see nothing wrong with that at all.

    but... i suppose if you knew eden or something that eden did then the avatar would be special to you and have some sort of sentimental value. still, why not? I can see why certain people would be upset. Though i believe that "hoping" for nim to be punished goes a little too far. eden was an important character yes... i think similar feeling arose in a topic that announced the recycling of avatars. look at that.
  18. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Pipstickz in Wts Gold Avatars   
    I completely agree with pip. Honostly... The whole injustice thing seems like a big mess (sort of pointless) that you guys expect firs to have to deal with. I highly doubt that anyone would built a shrine or hang up that avatar as a picture for all to see in some place like the DQ honoring the late eden. And since it was put in the shop again... it should be used for a new player. In nim's defense she was merely being oppurtunistic. (sp) XD too lazy to check.. and i see nothing wrong with that at all.

    but... i suppose if you knew eden or something that eden did then the avatar would be special to you and have some sort of sentimental value. still, why not? I can see why certain people would be upset. Though i believe that "hoping" for nim to be punished goes a little too far. eden was an important character yes... i think similar feeling arose in a topic that announced the recycling of avatars. look at that.
  19. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Nimrodel in Wts Gold Avatars   
    Well I have one gold avatars for sale, both bought from the MD avatar shop. I am willing to sell it to the highest bidder only if the bid is satisfactory. Here are the pictures:

    [IMG]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g173/ysnigdha/avatar_4bf115e2d3310.gif[/IMG] : [color="#00FF00"][size="5"]10 Sc[/size][/color]

    Please Pm in forum or in game or place your bids here in this thread.

    [color="#FF0000"][size="5"]Bidding starts from 4s[/size][/color]
  20. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Nimrodel in Wts Gold Avatars   
    I completely agree with pip. Honostly... The whole injustice thing seems like a big mess (sort of pointless) that you guys expect firs to have to deal with. I highly doubt that anyone would built a shrine or hang up that avatar as a picture for all to see in some place like the DQ honoring the late eden. And since it was put in the shop again... it should be used for a new player. In nim's defense she was merely being oppurtunistic. (sp) XD too lazy to check.. and i see nothing wrong with that at all.

    but... i suppose if you knew eden or something that eden did then the avatar would be special to you and have some sort of sentimental value. still, why not? I can see why certain people would be upset. Though i believe that "hoping" for nim to be punished goes a little too far. eden was an important character yes... i think similar feeling arose in a topic that announced the recycling of avatars. look at that.
  21. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Nimrodel in Wts Gold Avatars   
    [quote name='Amoran Kalamanira Kol' date='17 May 2010 - 11:31 PM' timestamp='1274119305' post='59939']
    Your.. selling Eden's old avatar. :|

    Err... So? i dont see your point.
  22. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Sir_Kamil in Savelite Shop [Closed, New Topic Will Be Opened Soon]   
    the doggy is cute i love it, once again brother, you had proveen that You set the Quality standards on MD

    i finished the trade whith the customer for the dog. expect income shortly.
  23. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Chewett in Alt Liberation   
    Your stupidity has reached a new level of unintelligibility.

    lets dissect your "post"

    [quote name='Czez' date='09 May 2010 - 05:20 PM' timestamp='1273422036' post='59584']
    [I am posting this on behalf of a friend who because of 'Alt' status cannot even get a forum account!]

    What BS is this? there is no limit to the creation of forum accounts, if you wanted to you could make 200 right now. The only limit we put on alts is that if you create several we talk with you (before any action is taken) and remove your accounts depending on what you say. This is because "alts" can easily change the outcome of polls and such.

    [quote name='Czez' date='09 May 2010 - 05:20 PM' timestamp='1273422036' post='59584']
    1. Henceforth, stop using the offensive terminology 'main' !!!

    That word is merely a description, It depends on how people use your alt. I would never see Keith Moon even mention his "main" wheras i would use it when speaking on Chewett2 to describe Chewett

    [quote name='Czez' date='09 May 2010 - 05:20 PM' timestamp='1273422036' post='59584']
    2. End discrimination in training areas such as GGG. We Alts have long provided public service keeping such areas rich with targets during off-peak hours, and some of us with honor as well! No longer shall we be forced into slavery, hidden in remote locations and abused by a select few!

    Mur himself said he will BAN alts in GGG each and every time he goes there. So your post will not change his idea.

    What is your issue with alts? Are you annoyed that when you roleplay with you 50 different friends that you go into idle mode and its annoying? or perhaps that you cant farm of your alts to get easy wins.

    All of the points you have made are both pointless and rahter stupid.

    Oh yes, please do neg rep me and flame me. But all i see here is a stupid post from someone who has a past in abusing their own alts.
  24. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Czez in Alt Liberation   
    [I am posting this on behalf of a friend who because of 'Alt' status cannot even get a forum account!]

    People of MD!

    For too long we have tolerated injustice perpetrated on our brethren! The time has come! End Alt Abuse and Discrimination now! Demand more Rights for Alts!

    Who among us can say he is not an Alt? Who has not been forced into idle mode while another 'Alt' is active?!

    We, concerned Alts of MD, are seeking redress to include the following:

    1. Henceforth, stop using the offensive terminology 'main' !!!

    2. End discrimination in training areas such as GGG. We Alts have long provided public service keeping such areas rich with targets during off-peak hours, and some of us with honor as well! No longer shall we be forced into slavery, hidden in remote locations and abused by a select few!

    3. End abusive practises which give us all a bad name, such as bringing us unto alliances solely to pass Heads and kicking us out with no role! You know who you are!

    Support our cause! Liberation for Alts!

    Alt Liberation Front

    p.s. If you do support this cause, show your solidarity by marking your own PL with 'I AM AN ALT'
  25. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Blackthorn in Savelite Shop [Closed, New Topic Will Be Opened Soon]   
    [quote name='adiomino' date='06 May 2010 - 07:30 PM' timestamp='1273199411' post='59510']
    I have already contacted Blackthorn to draw my avvie (i'm sure no one forgot) but just for the sake of keeping communication up i would like to inquire about my custom beagle avatar. I have 13 silver atm how much would a beagle avatar (drawn with acceptable dimensions) be? Jw! Thank you blackthorn for replying to my first messages too

    Alright thank you Blackthorn! Sounds great then haha


    OK thanks for your patience I hope you will like it...


    you will need to see brother Kamil
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