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About jmaster

  • Birthday May 20

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. http://tinypic.com/r/2d8et6r/5 couldn't get the upload picture to work so here is the URL instead to it :)
  2. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1311354636' post='88603'] Then you are a fool and you will not sell. Simple as. [/quote] That is too stop people from continuesly pulling me away from what I am trying to do, If it doesnt work then prices will still drop but If people keep saying my prices are high and bothering me about it they will just continue to raise. I dont care if they sell fast, I am a patient Man. So please people only reply if you want something, and not bash on my business, I dont do it to your guys so I ask for at least the same respect.
  3. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1311336686' post='88561'] simularly with water. i am selling the water dowsers stock for half that price [/quote] I get the prices are higher.... Im trying to make a profit, they will drop slowly but surely to a price that will sell, for now its a test. And also If I am confronted about the prices again, dont worry about them cause you will only raise them then.
  4. OK, as you guys have heard I am selling my Inventory Resources. I will display a list of What I have and the price to sell them for Leave me a post, or a Pm ingame or Forum to let me know if you want Them. All are 1 Sc a piece except for certain ones, I will be adding and removeing stuff from this page as they sell and come into my Inventory. 9 Branches - 4 Sc's 9 Lumber - 9 Sc's - Reserved for Darry Dabby 15 Mineral Water - 10 Sc's 2 Timeless dust - 4 Sc's (2 Sc's a piece, Harder to get so costs more ) 27 Water - 20 Sc's 1 MirrorRitual Stone - 1 Gc and 2 Sc's
  5. Ok, Well Mur hope you like these recipies, There to possiblie make 2 items to raise the dead people in MD [spoiler] <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Body"; //the description will be about what the item is and asking you a question, it is a useable item $instr['description'] = "A dead body that is Souless, Why would you want such a thing.... You creep! //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe $instr['startline'] = array( "Let's make a ".$instr['title'] => $instr['title'], "Lets begin makeing a ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], ); //what words you want to use to stop the process $instr['endline'] = array( "This is too gross" => 'end_failed', "Stop please" => 'end_failed', "Finish makeing the ".$instr['title']."" => 'end_success', //what are the texts for different steps or events $instr['step_replies'] = array( "start" => 'starts creating a Body, "stop" => stops makeing a Body, "current" => 'currently prepares '.$instr['title'], "device" => 'creating using the '.$item['name'], "end_success" => Calls you a Creep', "end_failed" => 'Recipie failed, smart person ' "ingredients" => 'To prepare this mysterious item you need: %s ', "ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)', "steps_status" => 'We are currently done with these steps: %s. We still need perform these steps: %s. ', "1" => 'kill a Full level Elemental', "2" => 'Douse out the flames with water', "3" => 'Throw dead Elemental body on the ground', "4" => 'Use a unholy priest to remove the soul', "5" => 'Use a heat stone to keep the Body from decomposing', "6" => 'Prepare the Body', "random" => 'The Dead Elemental stirs', "random numbers" => 'picks a random number: '.rand(1,99), "description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'], "provide_Elemental" => "%s offers Elemental", "provide_water" => "%s offers some water", "provide_UnHoly priest ", "provide_Heat Stone" "provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but its not perfectly clear what (%s)", "provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)", "provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided", ); //NOT IN USE YET $instr['step_actions'] = array( "1" => 'start='.$instr['title'], "2" => '', "3" => 'wait=3600', "4" => '', "5" => 'wait=600', "6" => '', ); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array( "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Elemental,Water',Heat Stone "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'Elemental, Unholy Priest', "/i will donate the (.*)/is" => 'Elemental',Unholy Priest "/Here is a (.*)/is" => 'Water,Heat stone', ); //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Elemental=1; Water=30; Unholy Priest=1; Heat Stone= 2 ?> There is the First one the second One is a Ressurection stone <?php //adapted to md world $instr['title'] = "Ressurectin Stone"; //the description will be the item and its power to revive the dead with a Useable item called a Body $instr['description'] = " This Stone is a very powerfull Stone, It can revive those that have been murdered by anyone. You will also need a Body, and 3 Heat stones to provide the Heat needed to perform this three part spell //what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe $instr['startline'] = array( "Let's make a".$instr['title'] => $instr['title'], "I'm prepared to start making a".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], "We will begin making".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'], ); //what words you want to use to stop the process $instr['endline'] = array( "Im not skilled enough" => 'end_failed', "This is to hard " => 'end_failed', "Finish makeing ".$instr['title']."" => 'end_success', //what are the texts for different steps or events $instr['step_replies'] = array( "start" => 'starts creating a Ressurectin Stone', "stop" => 'failed creating a Ressurectin Stone', "current" => 'currently prepares '.$instr['title'], "device" => 'creating using the '.$item['name'], "end_success" => 'A glowing stone of great power appears in your Inventory', "end_failed" => 'stops working, recipe failed', "ingredients" => 'To prepare this powerfull item you need: %s ', "ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)', "steps_status" => 'We are currently done with these steps: %s. We still need perform these steps: %s. ', "1" => 'provide some sand', "2" => 'Provide some Water', "3" => ' Burn some Lumber', "4" => 'Turn Sand, Water and Burnt Lumber into a crystal orb', "5" => 'Pour Heat from the Heat Stones into the Crystal orb', "6" => 'Enchant with Resurresction spell words', "7" => 'Let Resurrection stone cool', "8" => 'put Stone into inventory' "random" => 'A sudden breeze hits your entire body', "random numbers" => 'picks a random number: '.rand(1,99), "description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'], "provide_water" => "%s offers some water", "provide_Heat Stone" => "%s provides the Heat Stones", "provide_Lumber" => "%s provides some Lumber", "provide_Bloodstone" => "%s offers a Bloodstone", "provide_Memory Stone" => "%s provides the Memory Stones", "provide_Sand" => "s offers some Sand" "provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but its not perfectly clear what (%s)", "provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)", "provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided", ); //NOT IN USE YET $instr['step_actions'] = array( "1" => 'start='.$instr['title'], "2" => '', "3" => '', "4" => 'wait=3600', "5" => '', "6" => '', "7" => 'wait=600', "8" => '', ); //what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation //each line also has the target resources it will work on //for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms $instr['provide_ingredients'] = array( "/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Water, Sand, Bloodstone', "/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'Heat Stone, Sand, Bloodstone', "/i will donate the (.*)/is" => 'Lumber, Memory Stone, Water', "/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Water, Sand, Lumber,' ); //what ingredients does this recipe require //feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new //as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device $instr['ingredients'] = " Heat stone= 5 Lumber equals= 10 Sand= 20 Water= 20 Memory Stone= 5 Bloodstone= 1 "; ?> [/spoiler] enjoy Thanks SS, didn't know how to make the Spoilers
  6. Awesome love the black and white
  7. I am so in on this one.
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