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Blackwoodforest last won the day on December 10 2019

Blackwoodforest had the most liked content!

About Blackwoodforest

  • Birthday January 1

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Path of loneliness
  • Playername
    Blackwood Forest

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  1. heheh tako nesto :) imamo kolekciju stvarno kvalitetnih igraca u MD-u iz bivsih republika YU.

    samo da ostaju malo duze, evo Ravena vise ne vidjam uopste (nije da sam nesto mnogo bio dobar sa njim, ali mi zao sto ga nema), Aleph otisao... ti bledis, mada se nadam da mi se samo cini :)

    nista ja cu morati ovde sa ladydawn onda da blejim xD

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