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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. @Chewett Help is Extremely appreciated This makes my work so much easier... Let me talk out the details of the payment with people and let you know THank you CHewett.. This is great
  2. Congratulations!!! Here's a list of your wins and the amount you owe me as per your bids: Ungod: Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851574 - 669 days - 2gc 3s Shmsh - 852877 - 623 days - 2g 5s Coloured Loreroot Archer (shop item) - 721571 - 2473 days - 5scColoured Loreroot Archer (shop item) - 844072 - 660 days - 5sc Coloured Archer (shop item) - 350738 - 2826 days - darkshield, kellethafire, jewelshards - 10sc Angien - 563406 - 3033 days - emeraldglare, firedrop, darkshield - 2g 5sc Winderwild - 623489 - 2919 days - claw2, claw3, goldbelt - 6sc Winderwild - 623491 - 2919 days - claw1, blackdiamonds, kellethafire, osirisbelt, sunshine - 6sc Total: 6g 45s PAID Shemhazaj: Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851577 - 669 days - 2g 10sc Molima - 851848 - 661 days - 10 gc 5sc (7gc + 10 creds) Horseman - 851879 - 661 days - starting bid 8gc - 22gc Loreroot Archer - 828849 - 1029 days - 10sc Total: 31g 20sc + 10 creds PAYMENT RECIEVED Ledah: Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851586 - 669 days - 30sc Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832951 - 929 days - 2g 30s Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832955 - 1028 days - 70sc Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 856416 - 280 days - 10sc Loreroot Archer - 270942 - 2727 days- claw1, firedrop - 10sc Total: 2g 150sc PAID Miq: Halloween Elu (uncoloured) - 749935 - 6gc10sc (20 creds) Black and white Joker (wishpoint shop item) - 695033 - 2542 days - 8sc Total: 8sc + 20 creds Paid Aia: Molima - 851682 - 666 days Starting Bid -2g - 10gc 5sc Wind Drachorn - 784020 - 1823 days - 15gc 5sc Reindrach (coloured drachorn) (shop item) - 794019 - 1919 days - 8gc 5s Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 696965 - 2514 days - 11 sc Total: 33g 26sc Aia : PAID dst: Dark Angien - 693262 - 2048 days - 10gc 5sc Dark - 680419 - 1824 days - 8gc The Nutcracker (shop item) - 757552 - 2147 days - 1g, 5sc Santa (shop crit) - 797436 - 1889 days - starting bid - 1gc Tree - 849140 - 747 days - 2sc Tree - 849139 - 747 days - 2sc Winderwild - 836958 - 933 days - 2sc WAter Daimon - 802230 - 1863 days - 2sc Water daimon - 802231 - 1863 days - 2sc Total: 20gc 20sc PAID Jubaris: Sword Shade - 834031 - 1043 days - 7gc Total: 7gc PAID Chewett: Coloured Tree (shop item) - 828472 - 1158 days - 4sc Coloured tree (shop item) - 828471 - 1158 days - 4sc Coloured Tree (shop item) - 844483 - 782 days - 4sc Coloured Loreroot Archer (shop item) - 724809 - 2467 days - 6sc Coloured Loreroot Archer (shop item) - 724810 - 2467 days - 6sc Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 436985 - 2969 days - blooddrop1, blooddrop3 - 11sc Coloured Grasan (shop item) - 742531 - 2157 days - 2sc Coloured Grasan (shop item) - 753232 - 2119 days - 2sc Coloured Grasan (shop item) - 742533 - 2157 days - 2sc Coloured Archer (shop item) - 716101 - 2224 days - emeraldglare, claw1, claw2, darkshield, goldbelt - 6sc Coloured Archer (shop item) - 636175 - 2859 days - goldtear, claw2, jewelshards 6sc Colored Aramor (shop item) - 836784 - 919 days - darksky - 7sc Colored Aramor (shop item) - 804128 - 1827 days - 4sc Colored Aramor (shop item) - 795061 - 1932 days - 4sc Colored Aramor (shop item) - 795905 - 1918 days - 4sc Coloured Joker (shop item) - 802018 - 1866 days - 4sc Angien - 793920 - 1436 days - 5sc Angien - 715911 - 1826 days - 5sc Barren soul - 802238 - 1863 days - 1sc Barren soul - 802237 - 1863 days - 1sc Barren Soul - 802239 - 1863 days - 1sc Skill Vampire - 673050 - 2708 - kellethafire - 1sc Skill vampire - 828784 - 1157 days - 1sc Skill Vampire - 689199 - 2438 days - 1sc Toxic Dendrite - 733676 - 2418 days - 5sc Toxic dendrite- 733674- 2418 days - 5sc Toxic Dendrite - 733675 - 2418 days - 5sc Tree - 783983 - 2089 days - 3sc Tree - 623766 - 2919 days - Firedrop, onyxfangs - 6sc Winderwild - 786093 - 2070 days - 3sc Knator - 793197 - 1962 days - 3sc Knator - 793196 - 1962 days - 3sc Knator - 793195 - 1962 days - 3sc GRasan - 804133 - 1827 days - 3sc Grasan - 804134 - 1600 days - 3sc Water Daimon - 649659 - 2799 days - claw1, claw3 - 4sc Aramor - 802240 - 1863 days - 1sc Elemental - 700112 - 2344 days - 4sc Total: 143sc PAID Mercurial Spectre: Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 756097 - 2261 days - 15sc Total: 15sc PAID No one: Coloured Joker (shop item) - 831651 - 1046 days - stardust, osirisbelt, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, claw2, firedrop, kellethafire, sunshine, claw3, claw1, emeraldglare, jewelshards, purpurfog, blackdiamonds, darksky, goldbelt, blooddrop3 - 1g 5s Tree - 562441 - 2950 days - purpurfog, jewelshards, blacktear, darksky, onyxfangs, goldbelt - 9sc Total: 1g14sc PAID Pipstickz: Angien - 612119 - 2965 days - blooddrop3, purpurfog, osirisbelt, stardust- 1g 5sc Angien - 562947 - 2941 days - claw1, purpurfog, osirisbelt, onyxfangs - 1g 5sc Total: 2g 10sc PAID Please Contact me via FORUM PM to fix a suitable date and time for the trade. THank you people for being patient. Thank you for making this auction Such a huge success
  3. since No higher bids, consider this auction to be over. give me some time to sum up stuff
  4. Updated.. Please Check! End of auction is still on tuesday 23.59 if no one bids higher till then.
  5. update. End of the auction is post poned to TUesday 23.59 if there are no more bids.
  6. If there are no more bids by this saturday 23.59, consider the auction to end. P.S.- Updated.
  7. I could consider doing that if you have any urgency. Was planning to wrap the entire auction at the same time actually. PM me if you have any issues. P.S. - Updated!
  8. Updated. @dst reduced the starting bid to santa to 1g and added your bid. @Fang Archbane Mailed reply via PM. Replaced all Fang's offers as he is choosing to back out. Please Check and let me know if there are any errors
  9. @Fang Archbane I wanted to write a long reply trying to convince you that what you said is not really true and I genuinely want to talk... Deleted it and decided not to because you seem to want to believe that there cannot be a civil discussion between you and me and as you said it's probably true considering all that you've spewed out. However, I am not the one who doesn't want a shot at it. You are. You seem to be so strongly into your belief that you are choosing to drag down other people in the mud apart from me . Whatever it is, Yes you are out of this hillarious auction and all the other ridiculous auctions that'll come in the future. Please do not spam the thread anymore. Anything else that you want to say out loud to the public, please create another thread. By selling most of my crits, I am saying sort of a goodbye to the game fang. I may or may not return... At least feel happy that someone you dislike so much is leaving. Instead of making their departure such a mess, common courtesy calls of you keeping quiet. PS - I will update the bids later today. Am on 24 hours duty. Don't have a lappy.
  10. Updated. LEt me know if you find any errors!
  11. Updated. PLease Check your bids once again. Let me know if there are any issues. @Ungod your First 'tree' bid was referring to the tokened joker I think. If i am not correct, please let me know. I updated your bid for the tokened Joker. @Fang Archbane I have waited since the time I put up a post wanting to talk to you about your explanation via PM. I even contacted you at the same time with a PM. If you refuse to even give me the basic courtesy of acknowledging my PM with a single reply by 0000 server time today, I am sorry to say I will consider your backing out as a serious move and to prevent further discrepancies and inconveniences, I will ban you from all my future auctions and sales. I will not stand temper tantrums from anyone, especially when I approach them politely to sort out matters.
  12. updated... Please verify once again if everything is correct
  13. So is that 10 sc for each SW? Please dont state Bundle offers. Tell me how much you would bid for each crit separately.. and mention the IDs specifically
  14. Updated. Please go through and let me know if you find any errors PS- Thank you very Much Chewett Its very Generous of you.
  15. So you are not bidding? :3
  16. Technically you cant redact your bids because it would suggest towards artificial inflation.. But i will choose to give you a benefit of doubt and lets try to talk it over in PMS rather than spamming this thread. Contrary from what you seem to believe, I am willing to hear you out. I am giving away like 80-90% of my crits Fang. You think I'll create a ruckus over petty matters like this? Anyway.. I will be Pming you about it. Please check your forum PM. I will also leave your current bids intact. THank you @klawdees for pointing out the errors.. will correct it shortly.
  17. Updated. Everyone who has participated in this auction please go through the ENTIRE list once. I dont want you coming later and saying you cant afford to pay because you forgot that you bid on some crit. Please let me know if there are any corrections.
  18. Bids once raised will not be lowered. You bid 5 credits 1 silver for your nutcracker in your previous post. IT stays. Please learn the rules of a basic auction before participating in one. The previous bid of 5 creds and 1sc on the nutcracker has been retained. rest of the bids updated and taken into consideration.
  19. Revised the bids. Please let me know if there are any corrections.
  20. Please do not state bundle amounts. state what you would give for individual crits.
  21. You have to state which molima with Id no.
  22. As I promised, here's a List of creatures I am putting up for auction. only acceptable payment modes are COINS, CREDITS and Useable items. I shall deem the value of useable items when you put them up for offer. A crit will be deemed sold only when I say so. The Auction is open till then. Each token is worth 1 cred = 5silver coins.so please consider that while bidding. Rare Crits: Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851574 - 669 days - 2gc 3s - Ungod Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851577 - 669 days - 2g 10sc - Shemhazaj Barren Soul - 11th anniversary Edition - 851586 - 669 days - 30sc - Ledah Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832951 - 929 days - 2g 30s - Ledah Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832955 - 1028 days - 70sc - Ledah Halloween Elu (uncoloured) - 749935 - Starting bid - 5G - 6gc10sc (20 creds) - Miq Shmsh - 852877 - 623 days - Starting bid 2g - 2g 5s - Ungod Molima - 851848 - 661 days Starting bid - 2g - 10 gc 5sc (7gc + 10 creds) - Shemhazaj Molima - 851682 - 666 days Starting Bid -2g - 10gc 5sc - Aia Black and white Joker (wishpoint shop item) - 695033 - 2542 days - 8sc - Miq Ultra Rare Crits: Dark Angien - 693262 - 2048 days - starting bid - 10gc - 10gc 5sc - dst Horseman - 851879 - 661 days - starting bid 8gc - 22gc - Shemhazaj Sword Shade - 834031 - 1043 days - Starting bid 7gc - 7gc - Jubaris Dark - 680419 - 1824 days - Starting bid - 8gc - 8gc - dst Wind Drachorn - 784020 - 1823 days - starting bid - 7gc - 15gc 5sc - Aia Shop Crits: Coloured Tree (shop item) - 828472 - 1158 days - 4sc - Chewett Coloured tree (shop item) - 828471 - 1158 days - 4sc - Chewett Coloured Tree (shop item) - 844483 - 782 days - 4sc - Chewett Coloured Loreroot Archer (shop item) - 724809 - 2467 days - 6sc - Chewett Coloured Loreroot Archer (shop item) - 724810 - 2467 days - 6sc - Chewett Coloured Loreroot Archer (shop item) - 721571 - 2473 days - 5sc- Ungod Coloured Loreroot Archer (shop item) - 844072 - 660 days - 5sc- Ungod Reindrach (coloured drachorn) (shop item) - 794019 - 1919 days - starting bid - 5gc - 8gc 5s - Aia Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 436985 - 2969 days - blooddrop1, blooddrop3 - 11sc - Chewett Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 696965 - 2514 days - 11 sc - Aia Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 756097 - 2261 days - 15sc - Mercurial Spectre Coloured Soulweaver (shop item) - 856416 - 280 days - 10sc - Ledah The Nutcracker (shop item) - 757552 - 2147 days - 1g, 5sc -dst Coloured Grasan (shop item) - 742531 - 2157 days - 2sc - CHewett Coloured Grasan (shop item) - 753232 - 2119 days - 2sc - Chewett Coloured Grasan (shop item) - 742533 - 2157 days - 2sc - Chewett Coloured Archer (shop item) - 716101 - 2224 days - emeraldglare, claw1, claw2, darkshield, goldbelt - 6sc - CHewett Coloured Archer (shop item) - 350738 - 2826 days - darkshield, kellethafire, jewelshards - 10sc - UNgod Coloured Archer (shop item) - 636175 - 2859 days - goldtear, claw2, jewelshards 6sc - Chewett Colored Aramor (shop item) - 836784 - 919 days - darksky - 7sc - Chewett Colored Aramor (shop item) - 804128 - 1827 days - 4sc - Chewett Colored Aramor (shop item) - 795061 - 1932 days - 4sc - Chewett Colored Aramor (shop item) - 795905 - 1918 days - 4sc - Chewett Coloured Joker (shop item) - 831651 - 1046 days - stardust, osirisbelt, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, claw2, firedrop, kellethafire, sunshine, claw3, claw1, emeraldglare, jewelshards, purpurfog, blackdiamonds, darksky, goldbelt, blooddrop3 - 1g 5s - No one Coloured Joker (shop item) - 802018 - 1866 days - 4sc - Chewett Santa (shop crit) - 797436 - 1889 days - starting bid - 1gc - dst Black and White Crits: Angien - 563406 - 3033 days - emeraldglare, firedrop, darkshield - 2g 5sc - Ungod Angien - 612119 - 2965 days - blooddrop3, purpurfog, osirisbelt, stardust- 1g 5sc - Pip Angien - 562947 - 2941 days - claw1, purpurfog, osirisbelt, onyxfangs - 1g 5sc - Pip Angien - 793920 - 1436 days - 5sc - Chewett Angien - 715911 - 1826 days - 5sc - Chewett Barren soul - 802238 - 1863 days - 1sc - Chewett Barren soul - 802237 - 1863 days - 1sc - Chewett Barren Soul - 802239 - 1863 days - 1sc - Chewett Skill Vampire - 673050 - 2708 - kellethafire - 1sc - Chewett Skill vampire - 828784 - 1157 days - 1sc - Chewett Skill Vampire - 689199 - 2438 days - 1sc - Chewett Toxic Dendrite - 733676 - 2418 days - 5sc - Chewett Toxic dendrite- 733674- 2418 days - 5sc - Chewett Toxic Dendrite - 733675 - 2418 days - 5sc - Chewett Loreroot Archer - 270942 - 2727 days- claw1, firedrop - 10sc - Ledah Loreroot Archer - 828849 - 1029 days - 10sc - Shemhazaj Tree - 783983 - 2089 days - 3sc - Chewett Tree - 623766 - 2919 days - Firedrop, onyxfangs - 6sc - Chewett Tree - 562441 - 2950 days - purpurfog, jewelshards, blacktear, darksky, onyxfangs, goldbelt - 9sc - No one Tree - 849140 - 747 days - 2sc - dst Tree - 849139 - 747 days - 2sc - dst Winderwild - 836958 - 933 days - 2sc - dst Winderwild - 623489 - 2919 days - claw2, claw3, goldbelt - 6sc - Ungod Winderwild - 786093 - 2070 days - 3sc - Chewett Winderwild - 623491 - 2919 days - claw1, blackdiamonds, kellethafire, osirisbelt, sunshine - 6sc - Ungod Knator - 793197 - 1962 days - 3sc -Chewett Knator - 793196 - 1962 days - 3sc - Chewett Knator - 793195 - 1962 days - 3sc - Chewett GRasan - 804133 - 1827 days - 3sc - Chewett Grasan - 804134 - 1600 days - 3sc - Chewett WAter Daimon - 802230 - 1863 days - 2sc - dst Water Daimon - 649659 - 2799 days - claw1, claw3 - 4sc - Chewett Water daimon - 802231 - 1863 days - 2sc - dst Aramor - 802240 - 1863 days - 1sc - Chewett Elemental - 700112 - 2344 days - 4sc - Chewett
  23. hmmm.. since the value seems skewed... ima remove tsts from this auction... NO TSTS ALLOWED IN THIS AUCTION.
  24. @Chewett 1 TST was rewarded for every 100 dollars spent in the shop? So that's 100 creds I understand. But the way certain items were sold in TST only auctions.. people have spent up to 8 tsts. Doubt anyone would've paid 800 dollars for a single item.. so I went halfway and alloted it 50 creds.
  25. I agree with bsr. useable Items are of variable value. So I will tell you what value your item holds for me when you offer it. The rarer the function of the useable item the higher it'll be valued. Permanent items will be of more value compared to ones with limited number of uses. Needless to say one must be a permanent owner of the item. TST I would like to hold the value of 1 TST at 50 cred = 10gc. Is the community ok with this conversion?
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