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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. Apparently I can Loneliness Rejection Tall library bookshelves
  2. Can I still participate? Seems interesting
  3. I can sell an angry mask 5s?
  4. Sold to chewett
  5. Faceless chewett goes higher.
  6. Sold to Rider... I'll be at bob.
  7. I have six Marksmen for sale (coloured LR archers level 1) 1. 847138 (274 d) 2. 847139 (274 d) 3. 794031 (973 d) 4. 794033 (973 d) 5. 794034 (973 d) 6. 794036 (973 d) Each will be sold separately unless someone offers a total bid of 5g. Then the whole bunch will be sold stat. Will be sold to the highest bidder only if the price is satisfactory.
  8. Hey guys, Its me again taking a hiatus. The last time I wanted to take a break was because some in game events upset me a lot. But this time its different. My RL is making it very difficult for me to dedicate even limited hours to MD. Final year of post graduation with night duties, surgeries and superspeciality entrance exams to prepare for is making me extremely busy. I have a number of Roles in MD that I must fulfill and a lot of promises that I've made to People. I was tryiing to avoid the whole "bye for now" thing mainly because I had a bleak hope that I could handle MD time too along with my daily activities. I really wanted to make it to mp6 and stay there for a while. Apologies to all my adepts. Feel free to adept anyone you want to. I am really sorry for not being able to fulfill my promise to you guys. Apologies to Zleiphnier and Mallos. I know I agreed to participate in your plans and help you out with them. But rather than giving you people False hopes, I'd rather prefer you had someone more active help you out. Blackshade, I can't be a judge anymore. Apologies for that too. Land Leaders of MDA and East, please PM me the details of whom you want the tools to be transfered to (If it works that way. I have no idea if it does. Someone please confirm from Mur/Chewett) No i will not be giving away my stuff or lend my stuff to anyone while i am inactive. I have full intentions of coming back time to time. Just not now. I will responding to all PMs in Forum. No promises for the ones in game. Thank you folks. I will miss you
  9. not sure if its the same thing, got it today as well : Comes every single time I log in. Can be reproduced on opera and firefox.
  10. Will help as much as I can
  11. Disclaimer : all characters in this story are fictional and any relationship to the living or dead is purely coincidental. So there was this govt and it passed a law without foresight regarding a certain small loophole. Whether it was intentional or unintentional no one knew. When the loophole came into light, the officials were approached. Victims were told that the loophole and any advantages or disadvantages arising from it couldn't be corrected because people would lose faith in the credibility of the govt if they kept changing things, even if the accused seemed to be at fault. The victim decided to sympathise with the govt and keep her mouth shut. But history repeated itself. And this time, the issue was brought out in public. And govt. Still decided to give no comment regarding the complaint. People lost faith in them anyway. And the loophole kept on getting exploited. Now., Something in relation with the topic, I thought the judges were free to pass judgement without interference of mur and chewett regarding which issue they could select and which they couldn't? I don't see dst's voice anywhere regarding the issue?
  12. Hippocrisy much? Really. Also , I call upon DST and burns too to pass a judgement.
  13. Arrrhhh... We be secretive..
  14. I was given some interesting answers about this issue when I talked to mur and chewett. One was extremely interesting. And oh - Yes higher ups. Us bitches are crying because we be jealous... <Insert sarcastic laugh>
  15. As many of you know, I am looking forward to going mp6, for reasons most of you know. All my adepts, You people have been loyal and faithful despite the fact that there has been no mp6 recently, owing to the fierce competition between me and Syrian for the spot and lack of adequate number of players for both of us to make it there at the same time. Yet I have a bit of finances, resources and spells to help most of you. So if you could start laying out your requests for me as an mp6, I could start working on them from now onwards depending on the priority/ urgency/ importance etc.Feel free to pm me IN FORUM or post here. If it is something I can't do till I get to mp6, then apologies. You'll have to wait. But it will surely make it up to the list :). Waiting for your requests. Don't care if they are big or small. Please let me know if I can help you out.
  16. i can confirm this.
  17. saved a person's life by doing a successful gastric perforation closure. ^__^
  18. 2g 10s
  19. 2gc
  20. @Aeoshattr Err... Tool guardians are supposed to guard the tools and prevent abuse if needed. I recieved clear instructions regarding banning people from the leader in MDA. So I am keeping Quiet. As For The tea related stuff in TBs, I helped people with those even before i was a tool guardian. So I didnt see the need to do anything special after becoming one. I usually help people prepare tea right before festivals because thats when people need it the most. With the current loyalty gathering rules and the ap shoes though, the need for tea has significantly reduced. No one, is offering candy. Candy helps elu produce paper which makes it a very important resource. Eara, incharge of necrovion tools is guarding tools from a restricted area, an area off limits to almost everybody. And there are bone collectors and skull collectors in Necro, items which help create a death fenth. Obviously she needs to plan something for that. I wont even talk about nad. Really... I would be very happy if someone approached me with 100 sand and said they wanted to make a sand castle or they wanted help with making tea. BUt hey, sand castles and tea arent that needed anymore.
  21. @AeoshattrAnd by doing something do you mean ban people randomly?
  22. I'll give you move lock, attack lock and locate for free. You know how to Contact me.
  23. All hail the great Juba the hutt!!
  24. I dont know if this has been reported before or if its intentional, but i recently tried an mp3 alt account. The interface seems to have presumed that I already have 100 wins, 100 losses and 500 honour points even though I dont. Now the quest page just has an xp requirement.
  25. yes yes. Your humour is not dead. Since you clearly chose to joke using a meme. Talking about memes, that one didnt seem that neutral to my eye. Oh wait. You also say that it was in a serious tone? Were you being humorous? or serious? Or were you being serious about being humorous? Or humorous about being serious? Bleh. Maybe you were just hurt so bad to see a negative rep. Who knows? Also, why are you being touchy about Eon's post? He didnt claim to be your king. I dont see any easterners asking for you to speak up for them either. Unless you were chosen as an ambassador for voicing out their thoughts secretly. Or unless you aim to sow some kind of discord. Or unless you want to run for kingship of the East and didnt like the baton being passed over to Sunny? Heh.. Whatever the reason is, point is, Verbal diarrhoea. Thats it. Nimrodel can suggest that Mr. A is a brainless Ass. Does that make Mr. A a brainless ass? Matter of opinion. Some would laugh about it. Some would cry. Some would pass some other comment in a serious and neutral tone. Some would give out a prejudiced reply. Me - I will always love you Empress Eon... Disclaimer: This was not an invite to a fight. Just voicing my views in the politest possible way. I'll try to improve on my diplomatic skills if this hurts the feelings of little shmshs. please no be mad chew. *puppy dog eyes*
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