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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. I dont think I mentioned anywhere in this thread that I have the item Mur. You must have misunderstood my post or something. I could clear the misunderstanding if you can point out what made you think that I already had the item.
  2. Updated with new wookie points
  3. Updated the wookie points!
  4. I would. But repeating history is very predictable.... It'd be great if the ending could be made unpredictable somehow.
  5. Updated Rewards and Added Samon as the Final character.
  7. Bump for the members of established housings. If no one claims that position by 2000 MDST tonight, it goes to samon.
  8. I believe this si over? when Can we expect the results?
  9. Please keep your brilliant comments to yourself. If you have any issues with my quest you can refrain from participating. The vouching requirement was for junior only. Not for anyonelse. This was in an attempt to secure a fair place for a person not affiliated with any lands like in your case. But hey... Being considerate is not really appreciated nowadays
  10. @ Junior: You are currently affiliated to Marind Bell, as a member of KoB. You cannot represent no man's land. If you wish to represent Marindbell, please talk to Jubaris about it and decide one champion amongst yourself. Noting your attempt to represent No man's land even though you are affiliated to MB, any future requests in order to represent no man's land would require you geting vouched from atleast 3 active members from no man's land. Also consider this a subtle warning, any supposedly clever stunts of sorts to enter this quest, will ban you from not only this quest but all future quests of mine.
  11. Happy 11th MD Bday! I bet a few of you must remember the Queen of Sheba from Last year? Well the Haughty good for nothing arrogant queen will be back this year too! With all her money as well! For those who haven't participated in this quest before: Nimmy will be the Queen of Sheba for one day and will have certain demands involving the brain and the Brawn! The date is on 16th of April all over the day! Winner of each random event will be given a small reward ranging from silver to an item from my inventory to a crit etc etc and the winner of a certain number of random events will get something special! Rewards: Individual tasks will have individual rewards which I will be giving out from my inventory. Apart from that, here are the bonus rewards: Any Person Winning 3 or more than 3 events: Sharptear Any person winning 5 or more than 5 events: Sharptear + Jewel of Sheba (sponsored by TKs) (unusable unique item.) Any person Winning 7 or more than 7 events : Sharptear + Aged Rustgold (sponsored by TKs) + Jewel of Sheba Item. Any person winning all The Events: Sharp tear + Aged Rustgold + Jewel of sheba Item + Wishpoint. I'll be giving out the wishpoint and sharptears from my own stock More sponsors are also welcome. UPDATE: WE NOW HAVE WOOKIE POINTS! All people who complete a task win 1 point. Winning 3-4 tasks : 2 points Winning 5-6 tasks: 3 points Winning 7 or more tasks : 4 points Task 1: Gift the Queen a bouquet of flowers (5 or more flowers will suffice) - completed by lintara - 4 crystals + 1 gc + 1 Black rose ~random RP event~ Silver to a bunch of participants and 11th anni achievements. Task 2: Recite a poem about the Queen's awesomeness and post it on the forum within 30 minutes. THe best piece wins. - winner - Phantasm (1 gold) Complimentary rewards: Aeoshattr (mech. heart) Aranna (mech. Heart) Task 3: Make the Queen a fresh cup of aromatic tea - Aranna - Teleport to PC stone, Complimentary: Magohi & Mallos 3 sc each. Task 4: Solve a crossword puzzle. - Magohi rewarded a send to GoC stone. Task 5. Fetch me a fresh heretic Archer with zero age and 50 wins. - Magohi - wiiya bubble Task 6- Recite a horror story - gory horror story - Aeoshattr Attack lock stone (due to incredibly low competition) Task 7 - Give the Queen 10 Heat stones to make her feel warm - Magohi - 1gc + 1 attack Lock stone + 1 Move lock Stone + 1 empty Box Task 8 - Draw the Queen a necklace made out of Golemus Jewels - dst - 7 Rare metals, *Nimrodel* 's autograph Task 9 - Solve the Word Search (vs2) the Queen recieved from Her *coughs* friend King Solomon - dst - 1g Task 10 - Enter Necrovion. Take a screenshot with time and date. Come out alive. - 1 TST reward. - dst Lintara - 1 win - 1 wookie point Phantasm - 1 win - 1 wookie point Aranna - 1 win - 1 wookie point Magohi - 3 wins - will recieve an extra Sharp tear + 2 wookie points Aeoshattr - 1 Win - 1 wookie point dst - 3 wins - will recieve an extra sharp tear + 2 wookie Points All the gold and six silver was sponsored by the tks thank you tks
  12. Happy 11th MD birthday folks! Here's another quest I created. As the title says, its an RP based Murder mystery. Mr. Mariano has been murdered. No one knows who the murderer is and the police is still investigating the case. 7 family members get together and talk about it over a dinner. And one of them is the murderer! Over a period of 4 rounds, each RPer will be given details about the role and information they need to communicate with the other members at the start of each round. You shall RP a dinner table scene with the details given to you and one of you will be given the role of the Murderer. After the 4 rounds of RP are over, each of you shall send me a PM regarding who you think the murderer is and what was their motive. Here's how the Grading will be done: For non Murderers: For RP: Score out of 50 Bonus points: 6 points for guessing the Murderer correctly + 6 points for the correct motive (total max score - 50+12 = 62) For the Murderer: For RP: score out of 50 Bonus points: +2 for every person who does not guess the name of the Murderer correctly. (total max score: 50+12=62) EDIT: If 2 people have the same score, then the one who submitted the report earlier will be the winner. Here are the characters you get to choose from: Danny Smock - Samon (LotE) Antonio Belluci - Jubaris (Marind bell) Francesca Botticelli - Lintara (Loreroot) Kathy Mart - Miq (Golemus Golemicarum) Margarita Mariano - Dst (underground) Mrs. Mariano - Aethon (MDA) Sylvia Mariano - Aeoshattr (No Man's land) Further details of the characters will be given once the roles have been chosen WARNING: There is some questionable behaviour in the story line of each Character. No offence to any minority group intended if anyone finds it offensive. Subtlety with effective potrayal in such areas will be given more points rather than brashness keeping in view the PG requirements of MD community Seven Champions from the following affiliations are needed: 1. Marind Bell 2. Loreroot 3. Golemus Golemicarum 4. Underground 5. MDA 6. Established housings 7. No man's land. 8. Lands of the East ONLY IF one of the affiliation fails to produce a champion by 11th April. Each land can choose their champion and announce it here in the thread with the name of the Character which they wish to play in this thread. Rewards: 1 wishpoint for the winner and 30 silver to distribute amongst the members of their land. UPDATE: We now have WOOKIE points! Highest score: 4, Second Highest: 3, Third highest: 2, Next set of scores: 1 point each. Since No one from Established housings applied for a role, The role goes to Samon. The Quest will be at 7pm MDST in the east pub Cleaned up Log RESULTS: First place: dst Score: 55.13/62 - Wp + 30s + 4 wookie points Second Place: Samon: Score: 54.81/62 - 3 wookie points Third Place: Aeoshattr Score: 49.56/62 - 2 wookie points Fourth place: Lintara Score: 40/62 - 1 wookie point Jubba and Miq get 1 wookie point each too The Murderer was sylvia Mariano (aka Aeoshattr) because she wanted money basically. It was an accidental murder. But all those details are not relevant. Anything around murder for money was accepted. Congratulations guys the judges were happy with your RP.
  13. Happy 11th Birthday MD people! Few of you have finished the Prologue. Now it’s time for the real Quest. Few things to note before you start this Quest: 1. Post your Names and player Ids in this thread to register. 2. This is again a ‘person taking the least time wins’ kind of clickey Quest. If two people finish it in the same amount of time, the one finishing earlier will be placed higher. 3. Winners will be announced after the First 10 people finish the quest or by 30th April. Whichever comes first. 4. Rewards: First place: Choice of one from pool of (2 wps (from me), 2 drach charms(from burns), and a send to GOC stone (duxie)) + Reward from the dream sequence (sponsored by me and 3 by the TKS) Second place: Choice from the remaining pool of rewards + Reward from Dream sequence Third place: Choice from the remaining pool of rewards + Reward from Dream sequence Fourth place: Choice from the remaining pool of rewards + Reward from Dream Sequence Fifth place: Choice from the remaining pool of rewards + Reward from Dream Sequence Anyone who completes the quest successfully but doesn't win, gets 5sc per head. 5. Note every little thing. If you forget to take notes and ask me later I will not repeat it for you. 6. This is a long Quest. Being patient will help you a lot. 7. Plenty of chances to get kicked out in the initial stages. Plenty of Chances to get delayed throughout the quest too. Be wary. Be careful. Do not be reckless. 8. Quest starts on 16th of April at 0000 hours MD ST. Check this thread for more updates. Good Luck. Enjoy yourself UPDATE: WE NOW HAVE WOOKIE POINTS! : First place : 4 points, Second place: 3 points, third place: 2 points, Rest of the participants get 1 point each. REGISTRATION CLOSES ON 15th of APRIL at 0000 hours MDST Registration is open. Just add your name and id here in this thread UPDATE2: You are a retriever by profession and do petty to major retrieval jobs for earning your daily bread. Your most consistent customer is an organization called RICA (Rare Item Collectors Asso.) which is known to send retrievers on dangerous jobs for items which are usually heard of in Grandma’s tales or read in dusty old books. The requisitions are always sent by a woman named *Nimrodel*. Getting further details about the RICA has been very very difficult if not impossible. On one fine morning, the postman knocks at your door and delivers you a white envelope which bears a mild fragrance of lilies. You immediately tear open the envelope and find a letter inside, a letter you've been waiting for. Visit the signpost at the Willows signpost Last date of completion of Quest bumped uptill 30th April HINTS will be provided via Pms. Winners: First Place: dst: 4 wookie points + 1 wishpoint Second place: Clock Master: 3 Wookie points + 1 drach charm Third place: Ungod : 2 wookie points + 1 Wishpoint Dream sequence will not be held as five people didnt complete the quest. All the three players are requested to give their feedback here This how this Quest Ended:
  14. I'll be hosting for the 16th. So If anyone wants to hold a quest on 16th, please pm me so that i can include it in my announcement.
  15. Someone open a subforum for MD Birthday 2016 in the Contests forum. I want to post threads for the signups >>

  16. Someone open a subforum for MD Birthday 2016 in the Contests forum >> Please. I want to post threads for the signups >>

  17. Happeh Birthday Miq
  18. Boxes are horrible. Please remove >>
  19. notifications settings say admin has disabled this option. (about the email regarding messages that is)
  20. Can anyone find the folders in the Message section? For some reason i cant >>
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