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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. I got the info just yesterday :D Imagine my surprise and happiness. I was really mad at Ary for joining Necro in the start. But yesterday when I asked him about not being in the Nomads, he told me the entire story. :D
  2. email id should work too. along with log in ID
  3. choco chip cookies with peanut butter.. omnomnom

    1. Maebius


      tease! share nao plz?

  4. Question to MUR, Can someone kill the other person if they are petrified? >.> or attack locked as a matter of fact? I am not talking about the game mechanics. But about applicability of the idea of attack lock and petrify.
  5. Thanks guys.. Your wishes mean the world to me... :) Also... Happy birthday Menhir :)
  6. Root warrior for 10s
  7. 1g4s
  8. I don't see your point. He put up something he thought was extreme.no matter how many pickles you have gettin 9k Ap in 1 regen interval is a feat. THere were many who put up a lot less significant stuff in this thread... So Whats wrong in that? Also, while you didn't have the guts to tele yourself to ToA because you were scared, he had the guts to enter? Feel free to Tele everyone in there.. Into ToA. :) Many of us can tele ourselves outside too. :)
  9. @menhir Barfi!!!!! :D
  10. 1g1s
  11. “For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” ~ John F. Kennedy

    1. MaGoHi


      xD nope https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Eg518Wrk--/c_fill,fl_progressive,g_north,h_358,q_80,w_636/17zdydkft9xpcjpg.jpg

    2. Nimrodel


      Its still the same air because it has been bottled from the same air we all breathe :P

    3. MaGoHi
  12. Yay! See MRF? I TOLD YA :D
  13. DO NOT Miss Spotlight. won the oscars this year i think?
  14. (REdacted)
  15. When has MD followed normal logic? You of all people shouldn't be talking about logic
  16. Does that mean it's OK for the land to remain geographically closed too? Since it's all about bonds and connections between people...
  17. In pursuit of happyness :D Recent discovery : The dressmaker :D <3 Kate winslet <3
  18. Umm No thanks. I hope you learn how to put up fair deals on the forum from next time. Thats all.
  19. Happy birthday mur :D
  20. I am not sure if its really your birthday, but MD says it is, So Happy birthday your Highness! All Hail emperor Eon :D
  21. why put up the offer if you arent interested? I put up the minimum bid you asked. Not very nice Rider.
  22. I don't burst much. When I do it's usually for the ve.
  23. Deadline for voting
  24. Bumping to atttract Mur's attention :3
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