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Status Updates posted by Shemhazaj

  1. "Knoxx has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?"

    ok. Hello? :D

  2. all work and no play makes Shem a dull boy...

  3. along came the wolf on his big bad harley...

  4. anyone interested in buying Dream Mutation (colorless) Joker?

  5. Beautiful morning please don't wake me from my sleep Cuz I need some comfort to regain my sanity And I don't wanna feel this crazy, I don't wanna feel discarded Shattered into million pieces...

  6. beautiful morning, please don't wake me from my sleep...

  7. beer!

    1. Xcercses


      to the Tribunal pub!

    2. Sunfire



  8. Bring me that horizon...

    1. The MoM

      The MoM

      shem's back to normal :D!!!

  9. Chippoke na boku wa kurikaesu ayamachi bakari...

    1. Guillak


      ... dorehodo tsuyosa wo te ni shitara ... ?

  10. Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana!

  11. dead tired... miss you guys.

    1. gonzalocsdf95


      MD also misses you brother

  12. Does it work the same if I think good of you dst? if it does you are very naughty... :P

    1. Shemhazaj


      kidding ofc, no offence :)

  13. dream diving...

    1. Magnus X

      Magnus X

      ..into a sea of mist...

  14. drozofila melanogaster...

  15. early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy but socially dead...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jubaris


      Unless... We create our own society of early-rise-early-bed people!

    3. dst


      I would NEVAH be part of such a horror!

    4. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      A secret of dubious veracity which I discovered today: not sleeping at night makes one socially dead during the daytime hours when he is awake. He becomes accustomed to being alone, and seeks what he is accustomed to.

      For this reason "he is liable for his life": because he will not seek help from others...

  16. From Hangman's journal: "No noose is good news"

  17. Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good... so far so good... so far so good. How you fall doesn't matter. It's how you land!

    1. Brulant


      Thank you, Hubert! *winks*

    2. Shemhazaj


      a good movie, isn't it? :D

    3. Maebius


      I love the earth. No matter how many times I stumble, it's always there to catch me. :D

  18. heaven beside you, hell within

    1. purplebunny


      Like the coldest winter chill.
      Heaven beside you, Hell within.
      Like the coldest winter will.
      Heaven beside you, Hell within.

      -- LOVE that song Shem! XD

    2. Shemhazaj


      and you wish you had it still. Heaven inside you...

      yeah. good song :)

    3. purplebunny


      XD haven't listened to them in ages. must really hoak out my mp3 player lol

  19. hello... is there anybody out there?

    1. Maebius


      is there anybody out there? (x3 more) :P

    2. Kiley


      need to send out the bat signal:P

    3. Jubaris


      need to send out the bat signal (x3 more)

  20. I am the Lizard King. I can do anything.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. purplebunny


      Shem: We came down
      The rivers and highways
      We came down from
      Forests and falls.

    3. Shadowseeker


      Lizard King..as in Tokage no Ou? Wish there were more translations of that.

    4. purplebunny


      personally I thought Shem meant the song by The Doors. Unless I'm wrong.

  21. I hate when I'm struck by lazyness and hunger at the same time... whatever I do, I lose....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dst


      No, you lose...weight :D

    3. nadrolski


      The food will set you free!

    4. Sunfire


      let someone get you some food

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