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LadyDawn last won the day on April 20 2011

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About LadyDawn

  • Birthday 07/04/2009

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere, Sometime
  • Interests
    just loads of things
  • Playername
    Lady Dawn, Lady Dusk

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  1. Thank you very much.
  2. Ok so my post was removed due "role-playing elements" that apperantly should not be there. My bad, I guess. So here is my very bland re-posting. My RL demands my attention sadly. I have sick mother, I am not of perfect helth yet either and basicaly I am working my behind off so at this time I saldy dont have much time to play. But if I am needed, I can be reached and I do plan to return as soon as I will realy be able to. I dont want to log in game for idk two days and then be away for two weeks, if you get my point. I would wish to remain in CoE if that is possible, but if space is what you need, well... you can kick me out, I guess, since my rl ordeal. And btw grats to Amorab for becoming a Sybil. A well deserved spot, I believe.
  3. aha! lies! you weren't really back!

  4. darling one, welcome back! it is so good to see your face again.

  5. then you get a serious welcome back! x)

  6. You know... sudden dissaperances and entrances make for dramatic twists.

    I just thought I would return sooner but things got dire in process and I had to prospone. I am seriously back now, tho. ;)

  7. what's up with appearing once in 6 months to leave few comments? :D

  8. darn, now i worry about what you might heard but it is quite nice to know that you heard a bit tho
  9. Soooooo... let me first say HELLO ALL! Now grab a drink and something for the sweet-tooth, please. [img]http://tokyobaron.com/products_pictures/SUNTORY_ROYAL_Japanese_Whisky_aged_15_years_old_700_ml.jpg[/img][img]http://s6.mojalbum.com/peciva-pariske-rozice-marmeladne-tortice-orehovi-rogljicki-svedski-piskoti-gobice-medenjaki-cime_7055756_7174737_10466344.jpg[/img] Anyhow, I am back... at this moment only on board. I have no idea if anybody of you here remebers me or not (I know I am not so remebarable so no fault on your side ;I ) but still, I feel I should explain a bit where and why I dissapeared for so long... (If you just came for drinks and cookies you are free to leave now, no hard feelings ) Anyhow, after all the buissnes things I had to take care for I got extremly sick and was actualy on my death-bed (couldnt eat for about a month, was able only to drink but was dehidrayted over the limits, wasnt even able to get out from the bed due to physical exastion and pain etc etc). Anyhow, to make things short at the end they dragged me into hospital and it was, well more or less last minute. After they discovered that I got pneumonia (due to my laying in the bed unable to move etc) they did some further tests and disovered a 10x8x5 cm growth on my ovary. They decided it must go out (naturally) and it should be a standard operation but when they opened me they were in for a disgusting surprise because I had numerous little growths all around my abdomen sticking onto more or less everything and on spleen and so on, so it turned out to be 6 hours long operation with me having only about 5% chance to survive. Wont go in all gory details of it... Anyhow, that was just a bit before New Year. Just last week I had the second and last operation and I got out of hospital just yesterday (with my tummy looking like a battlefield ). Anyhow, basicaly I am just happy to be alive and almost ok now...just need to take better care for me in future. So thats one of the reasons why I was away for so long, the second one was, as I said work. But now I would like to return, if you ladies and gentlemans would take ma back... And well, lets for the sake of discussion saaaaay that you do... and advice please: Should I start totaly anew or pull one of my chars from the closet? Oo Anyhow, how have you been??? Missed you all. *hugs and kisses* Post Scriptum: Sorry for all my spelling mistakes... been awhile... :S
  10. Hello to everybody!!!! *big hugs*

  11. Hey there! Sorry to replay to you soooo late. :( How are you? You were in Slovenia?! Awwww

  12. oh by the way, I am currently in Slovenia :D

    hah forgot to mention that... my dad works here

  13. ...but...but... I am not realy back... you see... I am just hounting the forum... like a poltergheist... LOL

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