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Everything posted by LadyDawn

  1. Thank you very much.
  2. Ok so my post was removed due "role-playing elements" that apperantly should not be there. My bad, I guess. So here is my very bland re-posting. My RL demands my attention sadly. I have sick mother, I am not of perfect helth yet either and basicaly I am working my behind off so at this time I saldy dont have much time to play. But if I am needed, I can be reached and I do plan to return as soon as I will realy be able to. I dont want to log in game for idk two days and then be away for two weeks, if you get my point. I would wish to remain in CoE if that is possible, but if space is what you need, well... you can kick me out, I guess, since my rl ordeal. And btw grats to Amorab for becoming a Sybil. A well deserved spot, I believe.
  3. You know... sudden dissaperances and entrances make for dramatic twists.

    I just thought I would return sooner but things got dire in process and I had to prospone. I am seriously back now, tho. ;)

  4. darn, now i worry about what you might heard but it is quite nice to know that you heard a bit tho
  5. Soooooo... let me first say HELLO ALL! Now grab a drink and something for the sweet-tooth, please. [img]http://tokyobaron.com/products_pictures/SUNTORY_ROYAL_Japanese_Whisky_aged_15_years_old_700_ml.jpg[/img][img]http://s6.mojalbum.com/peciva-pariske-rozice-marmeladne-tortice-orehovi-rogljicki-svedski-piskoti-gobice-medenjaki-cime_7055756_7174737_10466344.jpg[/img] Anyhow, I am back... at this moment only on board. I have no idea if anybody of you here remebers me or not (I know I am not so remebarable so no fault on your side ;I ) but still, I feel I should explain a bit where and why I dissapeared for so long... (If you just came for drinks and cookies you are free to leave now, no hard feelings ) Anyhow, after all the buissnes things I had to take care for I got extremly sick and was actualy on my death-bed (couldnt eat for about a month, was able only to drink but was dehidrayted over the limits, wasnt even able to get out from the bed due to physical exastion and pain etc etc). Anyhow, to make things short at the end they dragged me into hospital and it was, well more or less last minute. After they discovered that I got pneumonia (due to my laying in the bed unable to move etc) they did some further tests and disovered a 10x8x5 cm growth on my ovary. They decided it must go out (naturally) and it should be a standard operation but when they opened me they were in for a disgusting surprise because I had numerous little growths all around my abdomen sticking onto more or less everything and on spleen and so on, so it turned out to be 6 hours long operation with me having only about 5% chance to survive. Wont go in all gory details of it... Anyhow, that was just a bit before New Year. Just last week I had the second and last operation and I got out of hospital just yesterday (with my tummy looking like a battlefield ). Anyhow, basicaly I am just happy to be alive and almost ok now...just need to take better care for me in future. So thats one of the reasons why I was away for so long, the second one was, as I said work. But now I would like to return, if you ladies and gentlemans would take ma back... And well, lets for the sake of discussion saaaaay that you do... and advice please: Should I start totaly anew or pull one of my chars from the closet? Oo Anyhow, how have you been??? Missed you all. *hugs and kisses* Post Scriptum: Sorry for all my spelling mistakes... been awhile... :S
  6. Hello to everybody!!!! *big hugs*

  7. Hey there! Sorry to replay to you soooo late. :( How are you? You were in Slovenia?! Awwww

  8. ...but...but... I am not realy back... you see... I am just hounting the forum... like a poltergheist... LOL

  9. INFJ (Idealist Counselor) Introverted 33 Intuitive 75 Feeling 12 Judging 33 You are: * moderately expressed introvert * distinctively expressed intuitive personality * slightly expressed feeling personality * moderately expressed judging personality Jung Career indicator says that jobs for me would be: Literature/Writer (ah yes, I am doing that) Humanities (sometimes) Web Design (doing that also) Philosophy (always) Archaeology (interests me) Religious Education (I do like to learn about different religions, yes) Psychology (seriously interested in it, hope to have time to study it more closely one day) Counseling (doing that a lot already) Anyhow, its quite me, altrough I would say that feeling thing should get more procentage.
  10. Still not realy back... sorry. :( But nevertheless HELLOOOOOO ALL!!! Hope you are doing great and enyoing summer days! (Its to hot for me, wish I would live on Alaska)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nadrolski


      hey! high five to you!

    3. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Lady Dawn!! I'm glad you are....kind of back!

    4. LadyDawn


      Ty Pample and Sephirah. High five to you 2 Nadrolski. Amoraaaaaaan!!!

      I seriously hope to be back soon as I am missing you all. I am probably a month away from it or so. Just need to make my buisness running and then I should have some more time.

  11. Hey there! I am a bit late but: Thank you!

  12. Droping by to say: HELOOOOO! And happy birthday btw altrough I seem to be a little late. :o

  13. *looks for a place to hide for an "if" that might occour* In that case... I will be sure to return soon. ;)

  14. *hugs* not yet back but almost there ;) I hope you are doing great. Missing you 2.

  15. Kitty is a real sweetheart. :D I am lucky that I got him, he is just joy to have around. :)

  16. You are quite right. If cat wants something it must get it. :D

    Btw. my Sil-sil totaly recovered and proved the vet from the shelter wrong: he aint limping anymore. =)

  17. not yet back but soon to be... sending my "Hi" to all!

  18. LadyDawn


    Nice choice DST! I almost forgot of Satriani. Shame on me! So, today I have: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN0FFK8JSYE[/media] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP0Ne9aW7UI"]Skillet - The Last Night[/url] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLIboc0PFT8[/media] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLcdlBgKEWU&feature=related"]Moby - The Sky Is Broken[/url] then to move away: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK01RmJhIAY&feature=related"]Tristania - Equlibrium[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0_-8g230hU&feature=related"]Sirenia - In My Darkest Hours[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PieS0zG228A"]Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vabnZ9-ex7o"]Nirvana - Come As You Are[/url] Enaugh for one day... Edit... oh one more: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4"]Mad World - Gary Jules[/url]
  19. Thanks Grido, Pipstickz, Mya and Amoran. Hopefuly I will, altrough I am not fully gone yet.
  20. [i]Well, I figure this is the topic for this then... ok, here we go:[/i] I can't count anymore how many games I played in last 10 years, but it was a lot and none could compare to this one as it challenges your mind, imagination, perception, creativity and so forth. MagicDuel is a little world in its own, full of mystery and puzzles to crack and dabble your mind into, some implemented in the game and others run by players itself. Yes, you can set up your own quest and let others to solve it or try to solve one that was put up by others. It seems white&black at first start but sooner than later, when moving around and looking at the wonderful artworks, you will fill in the colors with your own perception. A community of helpful, interesting, witty and fun people spark everything up, might it be with casual conversation or a role-play; a community with diverse age-span as much as diverse in character. You soon find yourself walking in friendly neighborhood where you know everyone and everyone knows you. A character creation like no where else allowing you to be what you want to be, might it be a talking cat, a walking plant or anything else. It is upon you to forge your character with working on personal pages and playing it over the world, you might even get your very special role in the world, a challenge worth taking. Different alliances for different characters or people, from those who cherish simple life amiss the trees to neutral ones across to those who dabble into dark. You can become one of them or you can walk as independent one, it is your choice. A unique fighting system where won fights mean as much as lost ones, with fighting rituals for you to figure out and test, creatures to collect, train and level. You can choose to role-play or fight or even both, there is no limitation. Updates upon updates are done as MagicDuel is still evolving and you can even hear from the one who is working on it. The first game that I have seen that happen. All in all, this is a good game where you can actually learn things instead of mindless click&slash, a game where you actually can find role-playing and furthermore, it really is free to play which is much different than most of so-called-free-to-play-games out on the market.
  21. LadyDawn


    [quote name='Czez' date='24 March 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1269467709' post='56865'] Give me chastity and continence, but just not now. - St. Augustine [/quote] Convenient! Few more, because I am in the mood: “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.” [i]Benjamin Franklin[/i] “We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them” [i]William Arthur Ward[/i] “Firmness in enduring and exertion is a character I always wish to possess. I have always despised the whining yelp of complaint and cowardly resolve.” [i]Robert Burns[/i] “While others may argue about whether the world ends with a bang or a whimper, I just want to make sure mine doesn't end with a whine” [i]Barbara Gordon[/i] “I love the fact that art allows you the freedom to be able to do what you want with no real constraints as to how you can express yourself. There is no real right or wrong, which is one of the main attractions I've had towards painting.” [i]Jacquelyn Singer[/i] “Nothing troubles you for which you do not yearn” [i]Marcus Tullius Cicero[/i] “In spite of all the yearnings of men, no one can produce a single fact or reason to support the belief in God and in personal immortality” [i]Clarence Darrow[/i] “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” [i]Emma Lazarus[/i]
  22. [quote name='Jester' date='24 March 2010 - 02:31 PM' timestamp='1269441068' post='56838'] Yes, how could I possibly defeat the 4 of you with my max Drachorn ritual and 60 alliance seats? MDA is even more pathetic, a few archivists and a single legend speaker. Face it, if a main land wanted to take a neutral one by force you couldn't do anything about it unless you got a different main land to help you. However neutral lands aren't there to be taken over, they have a set purpose. If there were alliances to take over they would have to be part of one of the 4 main lands. [/quote] There are two legend speakers now as from yesterday, if I am not mistaken, but that's not the point here I completely agree with last two sentences. --- My way of looking at neutral lands could be completely off, but still... I see them as a place where people from any alliance, friendly or enemy one, could gather and "mingle". A place of entertainment, trade, information-gathering etc. In times of wars, it could even be a place where the opposing sides would gather and conduct diplomatic discussions as the ground would be neutral. Further-more, it should be a hub of craftsmen, service providers of all sorts, places of culture etc. Besides of that, there are people out there who would like to be a part of guild, if that is the word, but wouldn't want to be involved into military affairs. Neutral lands can or do provide that. But again, that is my way of thinking and I could be completely wrong in perceiving what they are. --- A bit off-topic: If "we" would have need for a land that would be free to taking and holding until another alliance wouldn't take it over, which could actually be interesting perhaps, then it should be completely new area, Badlands of sort if you wish, with one or maybe just few scenes true which you would progress as in you start at the gates, break defenses and so on until you reach the "throne". Actually, something like the "King of The Hill" could be done, maybe once per month on specific day and hour, a sort of siege? Just a thought...
  23. Considering the vp needed for angiens and later ve that they need for evolving I believe these new setting dont affect a newby player whatsoever. Besides, as some stated, there are ways of raising ap. And, a newby should be focused on other things than getting the strongest crits possible, angien should in a way be holy-grail instead of "a bit better aramor". If its harder now to get to some areas, well, thats good. It makes them a bit more special. If informations are not given out on silver plater, why would acceses to lands be. And if alliance members have a bit of advantage over non-alliance ones now, well, I find that good also considering that there are also negative effects from it. And on the other hand, it is good if newby learnes to "slow-pace", gives more time to actualy think of what you are doing, why you are doing it and how you will do it. Anyhow, I believe the changes are good. I might be wrong, but thats on time to show.
  24. LadyDawn


    Another bunch: Joel: Ed, are you hallucinating? Ed: Oh, yeah, but not right now. [i]Sy Rosen and Christian Williams, Northern Exposure, On Your Own, 1992[/i] Sometimes the mind, for reasons we don't necessarily understand, just decides to go to the store for a quart of milk. [i]Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure, Three Doctors, 1993[/i] There is no great genius without some touch of madness. [i] Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD), Epistles[/i] When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane. [i] Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962)[/i] In a mad world only the mad are sane. [i] Akira Kurosawa (1910 - 1998)[/i]
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