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Blackshade Rider

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Everything posted by Blackshade Rider

  1. oki need every body that has said the will help out to pm me so i can give them the details of the quest. Thanks guys

  2. Server time: Jan 30 15:23:41 ~ Day: 29 Year: 10 ~ Tagged amberrune at The Marble Dale park
  3. i cant screen print so asthir told me to tell him the sever time ect so here you go asthir Server time: Jan 29 23:04:39 ~ Day: 28 Year: 10 ~ Tagged Rophs at the gazebo of E....
  4. i am sorry guys will be a slight delay on the deatails for my quest. i am making a few last minute changes after reviewing it. thanks to all who have volunteered to help and im sorry for the wait

  5. Asthir thanks for posting it for me. i am working on fixing the problem with my computers file so i can print the screen. sorry guys
  6. i will be posting the quest info and rules by the end of this week the people that will be helping i will send you guys the details first..... John Constantine, Grido, rophs , and whoever else will help

    1. Rophs


      My inbox is waiting :) I'll likely be slow-to-reply ingame.

    2. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      ok. i still working on how i want it to go and where every thing is gonna be. it may be thursday when i send every one the deatails. so just look out then for a message. thanks rophs

  7. yes i know im talkig bout everything else
  8. so i have one willing sponsor that will help sponsor my quest im making.will anyone else put forth and help. Certain players that help can do the quest but there will be a few who know where things are so those few can not particeapate. this quest will be for all mind levels but you must have atleast 25 active days

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rophs


      The treasure keepers will be able to help. Send a PM to Pipstickz or Max Mortlock.

    3. Grido


      Pm me as well if you would, I'll happily try to sponsor quests by my citizens :)

    4. Blackshade Rider

      Blackshade Rider

      I am still putting togeather the quest when its done I will pm you all the details thank you and dd you may be right but I do think if its a newbie new it needs to be a comfiremed account

  9. i need older players that can put things in places like when you click on rocks ect. i have some pages that i am wanting to set up for a quest.

  10. i Have my story posted enjoy

  11. How The Hounds Came About By: Blackshade rider {intro}- This story is wrote into journal pages. I wrote it because i was board. Also my Alt Blackrider i had quit playing this game for some time. So i wanted to come up with a story line based on where (blackrider) went, what happened and how blackshade rider came about. This would be the first time ive done something like this so i know its not perfect. But with that said the other pages i will be trying to scatter around MD and turn This into a quest also. I do hope people enjoy this and i hope alot of you guys will join in to help cause i will need it. Thanks Enjoy [blackshade rider] It all started with my old self -blackrider.You see i was a fool and treated marind bells people terrible. So they formed a mob against me. They tied me to stone and beat me with sticks and threw rocks at me. After a while they tired of me and left me to die. As i laid their tied up bleeding out i could see death waiting for me. And he took me to my eternal damnation. **Day 83** It was a dark place. Hot and damp. It was not ideal for any living soul to be. For if they were they world become something dark and unnatural. I knew i had to get out of this place. A few months went by and i had lost all hope. i have gave in and become one with the darkness here. Also i have noticed that there seem to be dog like creatures here that run around every where. They seem gruesome and terrifying, but yet one seems to stay close to me. Yet it keeps its distance. I pay no mind to it although it does make me quarry. **Day 143** I have found a cave here. It seems to have a secret entrance to an offset cave area. I had found it due to some kind of creature chaseing me. If it wasnt for one of those dogs i would have been gotten by the creature. What ever it was. As i look threw this place i found a scrool about hell hounds. On the scroll it talks about Rebirth, Hell Hounds , A Ax called The Ax of the Dark , and a secret exit. As i read more it talks about how if one can tame a hell hound one would be expelled and re-birthed into a new world. It also shows that many have tried but also failed.,............. **Day 150** Every since i found that scroll I have been trying to figure out how to tame a hound so i can leave this place. I came across a Grimm like figure. It did not speak to me but it did hand me a ax and some kind of strange box with a strange symbol on it. "What do i use these for?" i asked him, but he dissipated into a mist. Is this the Ax of the Dark? Whats this box? Now i am left here alone again with unanswered questions. **Day 167** An animal was chaseing me so this time instead of running i took the ax that was given to me and killed it. I harvested its meat and bones. now there are several hounds that follow me. I keep walking and yet i do not know where i am going in this waste land. I seem to be loosing my mind. I came across a dead tree. It seems to suit me i think i will stay here tonight. **Day 168** Late last night i decided to give some of my meat to the hound that sat right outside my camp. It seemed grateful and was pleased with my actions. So i gave it some more and it seemed to take a liking to me. I think it may have something to do with the ax that was given to me. It stays by my side now and seems to protect me from death. Also the box the was given to me opened and a black liquid sprung out and merged itself with me. It hasnt hurt me so i dont know what to think of it. **Day 193** This hell hound is great! I have come to realize it is the ax that gives me the power to control the hound that stays with me. As long as i keep him fed he stays happy. I have also realized that it doesnt protect me from death but rather prevents it. The hound keeps leading me some where. Where i do not know. But it seems to know where its going and me i have no idea where we are going. **Day 207** The Hound has lead me to this mystical cave that seems to glow at the entrance. I feel the black liquid in me getting hot and bubbling and the feeling gets stronger as i get closer to the cave. I walk in and the hound follows. **Day ???** I cant remember what day it is. I was in the cave forever it felt. The hound still follows me. I remember talking to a man in the cave. I only remember 4 words he had said they were " liquid black welcome back". Then a black mist surrounded me and i woke up back in marind bell. But how? No one seems to remember me. They seem to know me as a person named blackshade. The hound is still with me but it seems no one can see it but me. A person in the park named (Lania) asked me what had happened, but i do not know. Most of my pages in my journal got lost threw the lands. I must find them. ( This is all i have for people to see right now. more pages will be provided but alot will be spread out threw the land. i will be spreading out about 20 pages and those 20 pages will be what you need to look for when the quest is open. for now i could use some sponsors in my quest that want to be a part of it. I have 4 openings for some one to be added into the story on later pages. Also will be accepting artwork for the land layouts and creatures and such ect. I hope you guys enjoyed the First part of the Hell Hounds Official story
  12. id 252882 (blackshade rider)
  13. well ive decided to keep on with my hell hound subject. since the last time i talked about it i have been writing a story for it. also i had drawn a few things. i hope to have this posted by the end of this month. when i do post it i do hope to see alot of participants.

  14. yes this was typed while we were in chat.i get paid mondays. so ill be putting more on my account then
  15. i dont have the coins unlocked yet so i can trade i guess not sure im gonna add more to my account later
  16. i mean how do i pay you. do i do it with coins?
  17. it can be predrawn as long as i like it also how do i pay you with coins. i just added some money i have 3 credits left i dont know how to get coins
  18. Im looking for some one that will sell me an avatar
  19. Well my computer has been getting a few Viruses and had got a McAfee anti-Viruses system. im not sure if they came from any of MD's sites but it did cause a problem uploading pics i had draw. but i do believe its fixed now
  20. So whos an mp4 and online. id like to battle today. Any takers....:)

  21. i need some pickles. can any one help me out

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chewett


      Dont know, Send her a forum PM will get her

    3. Syrian


      generally just send me an ingame pm and i will see it as soon as i wake up :) my wakeup routine goes as follows: wake up>check pc> check MD> get coffee > actually wake up

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