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The Great Pashweetie

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Status Updates posted by The Great Pashweetie

  1. I was away for a while, ready to come back and face the wrath of my many haters mwahahahahahhaha

  2. what is a arguement if it is only fueled by anger... what do your words become? are they yourself, or another creature all in itself?

    1. aaront222


      they are me calling my teachers treehuggers because they force me to use the placebo bin most people call a "recycling" bin even though most of the recycling in my township goes to trash dumps because the recycling plants can't handle it

    2. The Great Pashweetie
  3. opinions never go unchallenged in this game.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maebius


      and judgements, as with our watches... None runs quite the same, yet each believes his own

    3. Fyrd Argentus
    4. adiomino


      It's my opinion that clouds are fluffy

  4. everyday magic duel seems like highschool all over again *Chuckles*

  5. You learn eventually that the hard way is more worth it than the easy way.

    1. Luke27


      Yes if you only reach the end of the hard way that is...

    2. keida
  6. Continuing in the wrong path only makes getting lost easier.

  7. If hate was a weapon, we would all be dead

    1. adiomino


      Hate is a weapon, in a way

    2. The Great Pashweetie
  8. hiya groundy ;) you did well in the heads contest.

  9. Tomatoes or tomatoes?... YOU DECIDE!!!

  10. Any friend of Azulls is a friend of mine.

  11. yet again i am the weakling of a mp, but soon i will get better (stupid marind!!!)

  12. Why follow trends when you can be original?

  13. uh huh :P... there you go again with the humility... but ill shush :Z

  14. Humble too!?!?! sir, you are a 4 way meal :P

  15. having people who hate you is just as important as having people who love you.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sharazhad


      dont be pedantic, you know I am referring to you.

    3. Pipstickz


      I also know you're overreacting to my statement, yet I still answered you.

    4. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      having people who hate you help you grow as a person and focus more on yourself

  16. :P yeah yeah MR.ohdontbesorryformeimtooselfless lol try saying that as one word.
  17. hahaha, sorry about the heads contest, but now i've won :D, thanks for your help and support

  18. What is life without problems?

  19. nice tat, did you get it because of md? :P

  20. ello :D... my head contest competitor!

  21. *hopes to win the head contest, Sighs*

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