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Dyeles Von Esc

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Everything posted by Dyeles Von Esc

  1. 4 colors, IBM DOS 4.0 system, Intel 80386, yeah back in time to 1985, that is where everything started...now to the games my old memory can recall. Prince of Persia (First one) Doom Wolfenstein Heretic Hexen Test Drive I-II-III-IV Pong Space Invaders Tetris Dig-Dug Tron Golden Axe Budokan Bushido Quake Duke nukem Pacman Golden Axe California Games I - II Sokoban Dungeon keeper Ultima VII Warcraft I-II StarCraft Red Alert King Quest (All of them) Space Quest (All of them) Police Quest (All of them) Kyrandia (All of them) Where in World is Carmen San Diego? SimCity Tycoon F-15 Stunt Syndicate *I've played many more of those so called classics that SHOULD be on this list...I just can't remember the names but reading all those post makes me want to try them again with an emulators.
  2. Hello Manda, you are right, long time no see, basically I've been running around getting to know the whole place and I haven't have the time to relax for a conversation, plus I'm getting ready for my trip back to Canada and then Colombia! Thank you for the visit ;)

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    1. lepus


      purple bunny rabbits!!??

    2. Dyeles Von Esc

      Dyeles Von Esc

      Lshmsfoaidmt! Nice try. :)

    3. lepus
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