I once walked down Berserker's way,
unknowing what might be to find,
walknig down I found the ground
speeding fast towards me...
When I woke- on ground I lay,
I find myself in bind,
on my head there is a wound,
hurting bad and bleeding...
When I rose I start to wonder- say,
"why did this happen"
- looked behind
and saw round thing in the ground,
"so THAT's what made me fall"
It had the smell of mistery,
coming from inside...
I picked it up and opened it,
puzzled as I was...
After that and after this,
the thing was soon be solved
and that was then, when I thought,
"This isn't one of my days"...
My toe was hurt, I hit my knee,
when noticing the sphere,
My head was pounding and was blody,
since I hit the ground,
and now like that was not enough,
I had to suffer more...
My ears were thorn and I was scared,
most scared as I've ever been,
And then I went to sleep... well,
passed out and lost my way
Some kind took me home,
and that was that with this
never again I walk in dark,
but boxes... them I open !
Not much of a poet here... but I hope it's atleast a good try