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About Belexar

  • Birthday 07/31/1994

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. [log=Trapping Sunfire... Again...](Missed some things here, I thought someone else was recording it. Basically sunfire showed up and kneeled next to the body. I asked him for his name and he basically told me to go headbutt a bullet, but with other words. Then he pulled out a knife and a vial.) : Sunfire places the vial next to the body and raises the knife to cut a small part off : Belexar carefuly pushes sunfire away from the body Belexar: Get away from her. Sunfire: hey! Belexar: I guess I don't need your name to know who you are anymore. Belexar: If you have business with her, and the others haven't told me abiout you, you must be one of the undetakers. Belexar: *presses the ball on his hand* Am I right? Sunfire: *sarcasticly* bravo Belexar: I assume you know I won't let you get anywhere close to her. Sunfire: *grumbels* they re all the same Belexar: I guess you could say that. Its because we all know what are we doing and why are we doing it. Sunfire: dont try to stop me Sunfire: or you ll be sorry Belexar: And just what is it that you're trying to do? Sunfire: examine the body Sunfire: it has changed recently Sunfire: and i want to know why Belexar: With a knife and that vial? I'm no stupid, undertaker. I wasn't built to be fooled by anyone. Sunfire: i want to take ssome flesh with me so i can examin it in peace and quiet Belexar: I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that. I was left here to guard the body, and that is what I will do. : Blade Faryn hurries on across the bridge Sunfire: fool Sunfire: dont make me hurt you Belexar: Step back, undertaker : Belexar raises his metalic sphere Blade Faryn: *furrows his brow at the tension in the room and approaches the body* Settle down Belexar Blade Faryn: You too for that matter Sunfire. Belexar: He was trying to cut her! *points at the knife and the vial in sunfire's hand* Blade Faryn: *narrows his eyes at the tools, then looks back towards the body* Even so, breaking out into a fight here isn't within our best interests... Blade Faryn: The body could easily be damaged in a fray. Belexar: And what was I supposed to do, let him do wathever he wanted with it? Blade Faryn: No. Belexar: Then what should I have done? : Belexar crouches next to the body, with his weapon still in his hand Blade Faryn: I'm not sure.. but I'd try to avoid fighting around here if possible. Just about anywhere else is fine Belexar: *looks at sunfire* Would pushing him down the border would suffice? *evil grin, not really meaning what he said* Blade Faryn: *raises a brow* I guess, though preferably no one would have to be killed over this. Blade Faryn: I guess sometimes it's just inevitable though Belexar: So... What should we do with... What's his name, again? Blade Faryn: Sunfire? Belexar: Oh! This is the guy who got tied up in the defensive quarters? *laughs* Blade Faryn: I think he is. Belexar: Anyways, yes, what do we do with him now? Blade Faryn: It's too bad we don't have any rope on us, hm? Blade Faryn: Just keep him at bay for the time being. Belexar: *smiles* You know... We could always knock him out. Blade Faryn: That works, though we'd still have to be careful. Belexar: Don't worry, I have just the tool for it *shows blade his weapon* : Belexar quickly moves his arm in an arc, throwing his metallic sphere to sunfire's head Blade Faryn: Interesting choice of weapon for sure.. : Belexar looks at sunfire's fallen body and smiles Belexar: Yeah, I have better things, but I left them at Golemus. *pìcks up his weapon* Blade Faryn: Is it just a sphere or is there something more to it? Belexar: Just a sphere. As I said, I left the fancy things at home. Belexar: How long do you think he'll stay down? *tilts his head towards sunfire* Blade Faryn: *shrugs* Your guess is as good as mine. Belexar: Maybe we should tie him up... Blade Faryn: I don't have any rope on me. And tying him wouldn't keep him long. Blade Faryn: He could probably easily burn through them. Belexar: Maybe... But he can't burn this! *takes out a roll of wire* Not without hurting himself, at least. Blade Faryn: That could work. Belexar: Great. Help me lift him up. : Belexar Picks up sunfire and puts him against one of the columns. He then starts wrapping the wire around Sunfure's arms and legs and around the column. Belexar: *smiles satisfied with his work* That should do it. Blade Faryn: This seems to be a trend.. : Belexar laughs in and nods in agreement[/log]
  2. I want in! I just hope I don't end up making a fool of myself...
  3. I'm with the Resurrectioners. You monsters (undertakers).
  4. Count me in! I may not be so important right now, but I have awesome things planned for the near future! I?m in whatever team wanted.
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