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Demonic God

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Everything posted by Demonic God

  1. I purposefully choose some more revealing statements, so that'd be easier to narrow. I'll also add 1 is true, 1 is false, and 1 is leaning true.
  2. exchange? well, you are supposed to talk and figuring out who everyone is... and those are about mirus
  3. Mirus was disqualified due to inactivity/not giving statements To compensate for other players, I shall name three statement in his place: I am a man of great status My richness knows no bound Soldiers bow before me
  4. Bumping, updated and added PSA. This quest is meant to be very luck based, join in the fun!
  5. Er, would posting submissions be a good idea? Since isn't the labyrinth supposed to be explored by each player individually?
  6. I once tried to, erm, become not so terrible at drawing. Hope you like it!
  7. Tissy was the first to successfully solve the challenge!
  8. *sigh* @Steno wins the hidden unannounced creative meme solution! Please send me a PM to choose one of these as your reward: An encouragement to keep working on Darvin's quest A swift kick to the ass First letter of Chew the Ett password A kind reminder that this is still a discrete math problem A picture of a Silver coin Congratulation! *wonders if he'll live til the end of Anniversary*
  9. put simply, think of a straight line to infinity.
  10. indeed. He knows the direction, but his horse could accidentally just jump over, instead of trampling the mouse The mouse however, is a simple creature. It simply runs straight, caring not about the knight.
  11. This quest is a punishment for me being unable to keep my bid... due to Chew... booo A Knight of the Bell, riding a mighty steed, chases a mouse through the Plains of Tranquility, reasons unknown. The mouse will run in a singular direction, one step at a time, while the horse chases, 4 steps each. Though, as the mouse is tiny, and amidst tall grass, it couldn't be seen, yet can be trampled, should the horse jumps on top of it. The problem being, while it's direction known, it's location isn't. The question is as follow: Is there a strategy, which would assure the knight, that should he run long enough, that'd be the end of the pesky mice? ============================================== Math version The knight starts at 0 on a long, infinite line The mouse starts somewhere on the positive direction, and will continue running that way, 1 step at a time, after the knight's move The knight's horse can only gallop 4 steps at a time, forward or backward The knight must jump on top of the mouse to kill it, and he'll know when he succeed Question: Can you guarantee that the mouse will be killed? All correct solutions are rewarded with 10 SCs. Duration extended until 3 days after Anniversary. Happy Anniversary!
  12. Aelis was the first to find the optimal solution for 3x3! Congratulation!
  13. ah, we do, I'll update it now. Only Mirus statement is missing, tryin to track him down Queen and Empress differs on wordings, perhaps. Empress, would be a more clear-cut position of power, whereas a Queen is more ambiguous. A Queen may rule, or may just be the King's wife. One is also a chess piece, whereas the other is not
  14. Given that I recently raked in some silvers from @Ungod (bless him for that xD), I'll sponsor extra rewards for all who submitted a good attempt at solving the quest, but did not get a correct answer! The higher tier you go, the more reward you get! The only stipulation is that you need a strategy that works, and describe in detail of how it would guarantee Darvin's capture! Rewards are based greatly on the beauty and elegance of your solution, and you need not prove if it is optimal. Multiple submission is allowed, but you are only rewarded for the best solution (and you will be paid the difference from your previously claimed reward) Rewards will range from 1-6 SC, based on the tier you solved and the elegance of your solution! Based on this new criteria, Steno had won 3 SC for his attempt, and Chewett 1SC. Please contact me in-game With this new reward implemented, I would also like to state again, that a rigorous proof would be required to win the official prize. It is rewarded for finding and proving the optimal strategy, not simply finding it. I will sponsor additional reward, should you stumble upon this strategy, but couldn't prove it optimal.
  15. Here are all submissions: Tissy: r2c3 r2c4 r2c6 r3c3 r3c4 r3c5 r4c3 r4c4 Nathan: r1c2 r2c1 r3c3 r4c5 r5c4 r6c6 r7c7 r8c8 Taurion: r2c8 r2c4 r8c1 r5c7 r3c3 r1c7 r4c2 r6c6 Steno: r6c2 r6c3 r6c4 r6c5 r7c2 r7c3 r7c4 r7c5 Tyche: 4A, 4C, 4E, 5B, 5D, 5F, 6A, 6E (waiting for clarification Dark Demon: r4c1 r2c4 r3c5 r2c6 r2c8 r3c7 r5c6 r8c3 MaGoHi: A reminder again, that you do not need to solve anything to join in the fun! You can change your answer as time come freely as well! Join in the fun, and take out a random guess
  16. So I shall continue this with a good ol classic: Brian plays MD
  17. My my, the meme boat had sailed! I shall make more memes, post haste!
  18. Updated the (missing) rule that you may change your selection at any time! This game is meant to be a mixture of strategy, solving a secret message, and luck! You could easily gain the maximum point by getting some extraordinary luck, losing only to the first one to submit the solution, or someone who outlucked you by also getting the maximum point with the wrong solution!
  19. Each floor is a separate problem with a separate solution.
  20. Here shall be the list of all participants that had submitted a solution and their current progress: Aia: Solved the top (3x3) floor. It appeared that I had rushed the submitted solution and was wrong. Partly due to my own phrasing, which I had fixed, and a detailed non-MD description shall be added shortly Chewett: A simple general solution (not optimal), and a decent 3x3 solution (not optimal) Steno: A decent general solution Aelis: A simple general solution, and the optimal solution for 3x3. Congratulations on being the first
  21. On a beautiful day, Darvin had surfed into a brand new region of the realm, one that the realmshapers were working on. It is detrimental however, due to the cryptic nature of a place with such intense creation magic, that it served as a prison to poor ol Darvin, in such that he can't escape on his own Mur then tasked the realmshapers to go after Darvin, and bring him back to safety The new region is under construction, and take the form of a large tower consisting of 3 floors. Each floor is essentially a square of 3x3, 5x5 and 9x9 rooms respectively. Darwin starts on the top floor, and needs to be banished one by one, eventually out of the tower and back to the realm. Each turn, a realmshaper can teleport to a single room, and should they find Darvin there, banish him to a random room on the floor below, or out of the tower if he is on the lowest floor. Each turn, after the realmshapers had teleported, Darvin will surf the heat vein and move to a random adjacent (sharing a wall - NSEW) room. Do note that even if Darvin chance upon a realmshaper, due to the unfinished nature of the realm, the shall not be able to see him, unless they refresh their vision, which alas, takes the same amount of time as it would for them to move to another location. Thus, put simply, after Darvin's move, he could only be seen or captured should a shaper decided to stay within the room, or came into the room from elsewhere. What is the minimum amount of realmshaper needed on each floor, to guarantee Darvin's capture? Details: There exist a NxN grid, in which Darvin may be in any square Each turn, you can select some squares. If you selected the square Darvin is in, you "win" If you didn't find him, Darvin will move 1 square NSEW (cannot go over walls for obvious reasons) What's the lowest number of squares you need to select per turn to guarantee that you will catch Darvin eventually? Rewards: Tier 1: solving the 3x3 floor - 5 plushies Tier 2: solving the 5x5 floor - 5 plushies and a gold coin Tier 3: solving the 9x9 floor (or general case) - 5 plushies, a gold coin and anni crit (first 3 solvers - 2 gold coins afterwards) Note: Rewards are not final, and may be bumped once I can establish how difficult others find this challenge. A correct proof is required. Anni crit can be given out as tier 2 if too few were able to solve tier 3. Tier 3 may hopefully be bumped to reward a WP if deemed difficult enough.
  22. PSA: This quest is meant to be a mixture of both a lottery, and a traditional quest. There's no effort required to join! Skip the story if you're lazy, rules summarized below Clarification: Each player answer are separated. You don't have to take what others had chosen into account ========================================================================================= You walked along the shores of Golemus, and chanced upon a message in a bottle. In it detailed a map, to a field of fog within Necrovion There, awaits you is a lone, dreadful spirit, one that seemed to care little about the world around him. He gazed at you with his hollow eyes, and your mind fills with a deep voice: - I am a cursed being, condemned here by a long forgotten god. He scattered my life essence, and buried it in this enchanted desert, forever chaining me to this wretched land He murmurs some spell, and an eerie, holographic smoke rises out of the ground, forming what seems to be a grid, barely visible within the fog - My energy are buried within these squares, one piece at a time, seemingly at random, a total of 39. I am able to muster enough strength, once every hundred years, to attempt digging at a single spot - To that end, I've resorted to find outside help - he snaps his finger, and two dowsing rod appears - These rods operates by filling it with your own vital energy. Worry not, it takes an insignificant amount that shall recover in time, albeit limited that one may only uses it 8 times. These rods are able to scout the land, telling me of the vibration from within. With it, I shall be able to determine, if there's something hidden beneath the sand where you had scouted - For every piece of me that you found, I shall take it into consideration. You are not the only one in my employment, and my treasures limited. I wish not to simply have idiots running around, and I am unable to guide you the exacts, so if you managed to scout every single row once, and every column once, I shall take it into consideration as well, albeit only half as much - Unused vital energy are also beneficial towards my recovery, so if you simply do not want the chore, I shall gladly take the energy itself as well. A piece of energy enough for an attempt, is worth to me half as much as if you were to find something there He then points towards an enigmatic message etched onto a nearby stone: czlopzxqegjp UKWCIII 140420 210420 abcdefghijklmnop - The god who imprisoned me, left this behind. It is supposedly the key to the location, but I had long given up on deciphering such nonsense. If you were however, to give a plausible explanation, I shall remember it, and consider it for up to twice the normal amount. Should long after, your theory is correct, I shall "consider" you greatly, uncaring for what else you have offered, nine times as much. An additional time, if you were the first to come up with it. - Now go, into the fog Upon entering the fog, you can see vast emptiness segregated by the smoke. You can see where he had dug, and the faint traces left behind where there were once energy Now, what shall you do? ============================================================================================== There are 39 pieces buried in the desert (8x8 grid), some were shown You can choose at most 8 squares Choosing exactly once every row or column grants 0.5 points each Finding a piece gives 1 points each. Choosing a dug site obviously gives none, but can satisfy the row and column criteria (albeit the spirit probably wouldn't be happy, but it's his mistake :D) Not choosing grants 0.5 point each An enigmatic message: czlopzxqegjp UKWCIII 140420 210420 abcdefghijklmnop may reveal the location Attempting to solve the message grants up to 2 point (0 - 2 in steps of 0.25) Getting the right solution automatically set your point at 9 (10 if first) First come - first serve for draws Note: It seems that the maximum point is 11, if he deems your solution exemplar, but wrong, and you were to get the perfect score on the grid. Old thing must have lost his mind, but he does seem like he'd honor his words... Rewards: 1 anni crit per 2 players, up to 3, based on score rank All players on top 50% receive 5 plushies 1st: 2 GC 2nd: 1 GC 3rd: 1 GC (yes, same as 2nd) Extra rewards for those who submit a good attempt at deciphering the message. Rewards for those given at my discretion. Note: You can change your grid selection at anytime before the anniversary ends. This game is intended to balance between attempts to solve the puzzle as well as just luck for the less serious players. There's no harm in just choosing a bunch of squares randomly!
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