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Day of no Sanctuary.

lone wolf pup

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While working out with my fellow comrades at the new sparring ground, I take a quick step to the right and noticed something heartbreaking.. There were 5 perfectly healthy players sleeping inside of a sanctuary snoozing happily and I couldn't help but think of how peaceful they looked. Seeing them roll around snuggling against each other, I also began to think of these days where we are blessed with no combat at all. (*cough* Booo, Day of Tranquility.) It stumbled upon me and I began to ponder why there isn't a day the opposite of these days! Where all players, including these cute snuggly ones, can be attacked mercilessly by ruthless stat-addicted players! (That doesn't sound as friendly as I thought.)

If we're required to do something other then fighting for two days every month, then the opposite should also be made where players can attack even in sanctuaries once every 2 months.
A day of no mercy... wooh!

I do not really expect this to be implemented but thought I'd just make a topic anyhow.

Edited by lone wolf pup
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