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[quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1327913206' post='102855']
Holy Cow !!!...The end is near ...

So girls what r u waiting for ...Lets be happy together with Lord Tipu :wub::wub::wub: before its too late hehe.
LOL, pls also do remember me :))

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<rant>I find it astounding how every time some disturbance is noticed people freak out. So it looks like a spaceship! People often see shapes in the clouds, not the least among them being *gasp* spaceships.</rant>

I don't mean to be cynical, but <rant>after the three hundredth time this whole routine of assuming every object that we don't identify is a spaceship gets a little old. And with all of the spaceship sightings recently, one would think that if the evil aliens were going to kill us all they would have gotten it over with by now and gone on to more interesting things.</rant>


it's a coronal mass ejection, weird stuff happens. Or perhaps it is an oddly-shaped asteroid, or a piece of a satellite that broke off, or perhaps a piece of a rocket launched by humans into space, the stage II or III or whatever, whichever one ends up just heading off into space. I think there's one of them that does that.

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