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Forum Post Reputation Reset?


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I know Chewett has been playing around with the forum backups and such. Perhaps this happened as a result?

I have been looking at some older posts and I noticed that every post has had the reputation reset to 0. Posts that I have already given +1 will not allow me to use the reputation tools again, so the forum must have some log of previous reps.

The current discussion (of canopy tree species for the forest garden) in the community garden plant list is supposed to use reputation marks to determine which proposed species will be used if there are more proposals than spaces for trees. With the history of rep marks erased, this becomes more difficult.

I'm sure there are other topics where the same decision process is used, as well as many topics where the reputation marks contribute almost as much to understanding the flow of the discussion as the comments themselves.

Any idea if this can be fixed with historical reputation marks returned?

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  • Root Admin

please go ahead and blame me :P

The forum was upgraded today. I do not "play around with backups" and if you look at the defintion of a backup, it is to store a record of a previous something.

I can have a look into restoring them, but if they were wiped it means the old storage system is incompatible with the new one, and invision were too lazy/too hard to write a script to re do it all.

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Interesting, I just went and +Rep'd a post on some other topic, which initially showed zero, and after I did that, it was showing +5.
So, I think the storage or record of Reputation is still there, but the display is not showing quite right.

Edited by Maebius
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Very interesting.... From what I can tell, you are right and it is just the display.

I just discovered you can click the rep mark, and it tells exactly who gave +1 and -1 scores. All the detailed scoring is historically accurate, but the display remains at 0.

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  • Root Admin

various buttons to control how rep works do _nothing_ so im guessing its a bug, will submit a report and keep peoples updated


Forum reputation being constantly at 0 is a confirmed bug, and is fixed in 3.3.1 and i shall update the board once the update is pushed

Edited by Chewett
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