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Posted (edited)

Since the silver and gold coins came out, there has always been a small problem of being able to change one into another. For example changing a gold coin into fifteen silver coins.

It can sometimes be hard to break down a gold coin or trade in silver for gold. What with coins being able to be used for item creation or to pay for items, creatures or other goods, this can become rather annoying.

So, I have two very basic ideas, that could be reworked or edited, depending on what others think.

[u][b]Idea 1[/b][/u]

My first idea would be to have a "bank" or "trade" station. This would be most suited in a shop, such as willows, and could be activated by talking to the man at the desk.
This bank would allow for the option to trade in [b]x gold[/b] for [b]x silver. [/b]

[indent=1][b]Example 1:[/b] [color=#0066cc][size=4][i]Sasha Lilias traded 10 gold for 150 silver.[/i][/size][/color][/indent]
[indent=1][b]Example 2: [/b][color=#0066cc][i]Sasha Lilias traded 15 silver for 1 gold.[/i][/color][/indent]

This would allow for an easy exchange and shouldn't have too big an impact on the gold:silver ratio as it could be converted at any time.

[u][b]Idea 2[/b][/u]

A transmutation spell could be implemented into the game. One for gold to silver and one for silver to gold.
These could be placed into the WP Shop and, when used, turned the a certain amount of gold into silver and vice versa.

[indent=1][b]Example 1: [/b]Gold:Silver - 1:15 per one cast[/indent]
[indent=1][b]Example 2:[/b] Silver:Gold - 15:1 per one cast[/indent]

This would allow for "simpler" conversions when needed rather than expecting others to convert for you or waiting for the TK's to do likewise.

Comments on possible issues, changes, etc are more than welcome.


Edited by Sasha Lilias
  • Root Admin

Have you considered that Mur specifically didnt implement trading multiple items over at once, so that people would have to trade coins one at a time?

I cannot repeat his reasoning for this, for i cannot remember it, but this would go against that reasoning.


That would mean that the coin production gets independent from the Shop, which doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
If you need gold, you have to buy gold or trade for gold. Likewise if you need silver.

I don't think it's good if you can buy the cool items with silver and trade for the gold, which you need to dig deeper for and buy on its own.

Posted (edited)

I believe the reason was along the lines of, so that you 'felt' how much you were spending.

As for a trading scenario, I have no idea how much coin stock they have, or even if they'd be willing to, but they might be able to set up a trade scenario for this. That way the levels of gold and silver remain exactly the same and there's no worries.

LE: apparently I didn't indicate I meant that bottom bit in reference to TKs

Edited by Grido

I see instantly that this leaves little possibility of changes in exchange rate many people regard 1GC = 15SC as the best exchange rate, but for me, and I'm sure there must be someone else who thinks alike, I prefer a different exchange rate when selling things. My personal exchange rate is 1GC = 13SC and any notes value I see as 1 less than printed (e.g. 10 Gold Note, to me is worth 9GC).

Posted (edited)

[quote name='The Warrior' timestamp='1344204313' post='119360']
I see instantly that this leaves little possibility of changes in exchange rate many people regard 1GC = 15SC as the best exchange rate, but for me, and I'm sure there must be someone else who thinks alike, I prefer a different exchange rate when selling things. My personal exchange rate is 1GC = 13SC and any notes value I see as 1 less than printed (e.g. 10 Gold Note, to me is worth 9GC).

[b][color=#ff0000]I was thinking about how there could be an exchange rate increase and decrease dependent on the amount of silver/gold coins in MD, although I didn't quite know how it would work out. (I'm terrible with coding!!)[/color][/b]

[/quote][quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1344209442' post='119361']
TKs are capable of exchanging gold for silver, or vice versa.

[color=#0000cd][b]Yes, but not quite as efficiently as people would hope. People don't like waiting weeks or months to exchange coins for a bid they made weeks before.[/b][/color][/quote]

As a general note: This is only a very simple idea, as I said. It would be nice to have a more [b]efficient[/b] way of trading coins.

Edited by Sasha Lilias

[quote name='The Warrior' timestamp='1344204313' post='119360']
I see instantly that this leaves little possibility of changes in exchange rate many people regard 1GC = 15SC as the best exchange rate, but for me, and I'm sure there must be someone else who thinks alike, I prefer a different exchange rate when selling things. My personal exchange rate is 1GC = 13SC and any notes value I see as 1 less than printed (e.g. 10 Gold Note, to me is worth 9GC).

ya are probably one of few who realized it, when coins got released 1gc was worth around 15sc, and that value remained, however atm amount of gold and silver in circulation isnt anymore at that ratio its lower, yoar valuation of 1:13 is much better but still we cant be sure of it unless we get real numbers of coins in circulation, also with notes, they are pretty much out of use, few that are still out there arent easy to trade with, so their value should also be lower during trades even though they still hold and should continue to be valued by tks according to number on them

and i dont need to talk about land minted coins do i? if ppl start accepting fluctuating prices of currency, then we could start talkin about land related coins, and value of each coin, and the coins from one land should be separated in inventory from those of other land, and maybe even option to remint them should be possible, but md is far from this, it would also require quite well organized economies and trade procedures

back on topic, having system implemented to exchange gold and silver, is bad idea, cuz it would hurt gold:silver ratio by destroyin gold and producing silver from thin air and vice verse, if however such system had deposits of gold and silver then having exchange go in the way that deposited silver is given away by determinating ratio and received gold is deposited, that would be good, cuz it would keep same number of coins ingame, and one wouldnt be able to do exchange if this ATM machine runs out of one currency :P

but hell with all this, we have tks who are mds bankers, simply use them for exchange for now

imo coin trades are bs atm, i see resources as much better currency for now, which is actually downgrade of society

by having one stable currency ratio is totally unrealistic to me, all ratios are and should be prone to change due to events related to them, be it increase/decrease of its quantity in comparison to other currencies, be it acceptance in this or that trades/lands or be it the sheer demand in case currency is resource


[quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1344256321' post='119430']
ya are probably one of few who realized it, when coins got released 1gc was worth around 15sc, and that value remained, however atm amount of gold and silver in circulation isnt anymore at that ratio its lower, yoar valuation of 1:13 is much better but still we cant be sure of it unless we get real numbers of coins in circulation, also with notes, they are pretty much out of use, few that are still out there arent easy to trade with, so their value should also be lower during trades even though they still hold and should continue to be valued by tks according to number on them
My reasoning for those exchange rates is not based on supply/demand or abundance but by slightly darker reasoning.


[quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1344251123' post='119416']
As a general note: This is only a very simple idea, as I said. It would be nice to have a more [b]efficient[/b] way of trading coins.

Ya, ya. Nice jab at me Sasha. But, in reality, I am the only one in MD that can do that, and I won't charge a fee, or anything for doing it. Then again, I have to be alive, and able to walk around in order to do so.

Posted (edited)

if silver coin and gold coin are taken as currency and not ressources to trade according to supply and demand

if there is already an establish concencious of exchange rate of 15:1

Having an "bank" or "magic spell" that use that echange rate as a permanent exchange rate will not damage the economy.

as when one gold is exchange for 15 silver , one gold is remove from use to compensate the additionnal 15 silver in use, the global or total currency or value in MD that is in use dont change thus not changing the economy.

It even as the additionnal effect of preventing hoarding, or speculation, in keeping the exchange rate constant. Thus ritchness of players will remain constant either in silver or gold or a mixt of the two.

its like country dont care if its currency emitted by a central bank be in 10, or 20 banknotes.... the country only is concern with the total amount of curency in use.

Edited by Tom Pouce

exactly, thing is we dunt know how much of which coins are in use and how much of which coins are treasured (especially since theres no such thing as central banks so we have to assume that global/total amount of currency is same as amount of currency in use, due to assumption all coins are in circulation, unless we deduct coins from tks... since they are closest thing to bank)

the exchange rate shouldnt be static, it should flow according to the amount of currency in use, and banks reserves should be used in order to maintain wanted currency exchange rate.... then we come to the other problem in which it could happen things like embargo on coins from one land, enforced by all other lands in order to dwindle their economy at the time that lands bank has to emit its researves of gold or silver in order to preserve the rate

anyways.... exchange system, spell or w/e is fine imo as long as it doesnt do change out of thin air, but is done from some kind of major tresuary deposit in order not to hurt amount of coins out there (if there is no gold for exchange, then one cant exchange his silver for gold, and vice verse)


[quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1344298895' post='119477']
anyways.... exchange system, spell or w/e is fine imo as long as it doesnt do change out of thin air, but is done from some kind of major tresuary deposit in order not to hurt amount of coins out there (if there is no gold for exchange, then one cant exchange his silver for gold, and vice verse)

[color=#ff0000]Perhaps a spell or bank that can use treasury funding then?[/color][/quote]

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