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Referring to the announcement 06.04.08

Black Scyther

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There are currently 387 players at mp4 and just 85 at mp5. Most of the players are still at mp3, playerbase is growning fast but untill it gets bigger there is no way we will move on to other features or unlock mp6 for magic or alliance fights. I increased advertising and as you can probably notice allready there is a constant flow of new players. High level players please help newbs especialy at beginner areas such as the first creature encounter or the papercabin. Those of you that stay at lower levels just to wait for chapter 3 please don't , because chapter 3 will be playable only after mp5. I will be away for about a week, have fun. i'll be back with new things :blink:

I don't think that only a half of them are active players. There are a maximum of 6 users at this forum the last week.

It's about time to tidy up the db and to delete all players, which aren't online a month or more.

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The forum is one thing and the game is another thing. Most players don't use the forum.

that is corect and to deleat a player who wasent active for 30 days seams a little unfaire

i play the game olmost dayly seance almost at the begining and i have past trew a time that could not log in for 60 days and the only troulbe i have'd in that period whas that could not acces the game or the pc.

so if deleating players that r not active would be implemented i have to insist that the players woul have a period of 60-90 days of inctivity before deletion

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hmm i kinda agree with deleting players to an extent though... something like hasn't gotten out of tutorial mode and hasn't logged in in 3 months would be a start i think. Mainly because that's where most people i think would play or not play this game.

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also maybe some type of vacation mode for regular players. like just have a box to check for it and then type in a reason. hehe the only reason i point this out is cause i am going on a vacation for over a month in a couple weeks.

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Dudes... There are currently 387 players at mp4

To get to mp4 you need to be somewhat active and play the game. Even more, if you look at the stats when you log in you will see this:

New last 30/60days: 4596/3536

Registered today: 33 (84 in 24h)

Playing over 1month: 582

Active today: 335 (550 in 24h)

Active 48h: 768

Active 48h means that in 48h there have been 768 players that log in. Players that have been playing for over 1 month 582, so yes, this makes me think his calculations are in fact, pretty accurate.

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It takes a lot of people to saturate a game enough to see those numbers in front of you. If they only play for a few minutes then it takes a 24 hours 60*24=1440 people to have someone on at all times logging on and logging off one after the other just to have 1 person on at all times if it is for one minute each. That is also just for that one location! Because noone can ever be at more than one location at once. If they are on for 2 minutes then it takes half to have one person at one location all day. That is 720 people. So.... That is about the amount needed to even have that lv of saturation in the game AT ONE LOCATION! Think of how many people there need to be to keep it up and active 24/7.

Once again that is not even per MP level. Just one person period. And alot of poeple may only be logged on a few seconds. I usually do when I first sign up. I may not actually play for a day or even a week. I just signed up before I was going to get the chance to play.

And again the ones who are starting or on story mode for a second mp even are not going to show up untill they can play. And that takes a lot of poeple out of the game for a long time. So that is even less people for the weeks it takes to get through story mode for each person who is in it.

each individual takes up a different amount of time for how long they are on. They each make what you see then based on their amount of play, some only for seconds, some for minutes, some on and off, some for hours. If poeple came on and played for 30 minutes it would take 48 people per day to keep one game location with one person under the previous logic. so a perons on for 30 minutes fills one 48th of a location with a person of their mp lv for a day. That is it. Miltiply that by the number of locations and how many people you want to see and for each mp lv and you get how much it takes to make the game seem busy if people were all on for 30 minutes. Which is a high number to expect btw. So 6*(guess)100locations*3MP*48. If I'm still doing this correctly that is 86,400 people playing 30 minutes each to keep on person of each mp lv at each location all day. 86,400 for 1 peron/MP at 100 locations all day! All actively playing. And you should know that never happens by far. That 300 people all day times 48. I don't know where the 6 came from. so divide that by 6 and get 14,400 for 3 people at each location all day. One of each of the available MP lvs. If anyone can figure out if the 6 can be there then it is the larger number. I think it was supposed to be MPlv but I can't remember. It might be something else.

So 14k or 86k for that much all day. that is if everyone played for 30 minutes. Everyone who plays for less, which is extremely likely, multiplies that number by the difference between taht time and the 30 minutes. Which increases dramatically. Alot of other things require that number to be much larger than that also(Like false or double accounts taht mean they won't be on at once, or not in the way you would want.). Lets see. for 5 minutes(people just checking things out or just doing the starting stuff or whatever) it would be. 60/5*24=288 to keep one person all day at the paper cabin. If you project that into the rest of the game its (assuming 100 locations) 288*3=864 of each mp all day at one spot times 100=86,400 for 3 people at each location. ONe of each MP. All day with the same ammount. Maybe I got the calculation wrong But anything I did wrong at this point propably increases that number a lot.

Some people play for hours but if the majority don't then you have to think those numbers. The ones playing longer keep some population visible for longer with much less need. But it's only those people and they are always the vast minority(I could be wrong). Lets say the 3 hour people. 24/3=8*3=24. that fills the game all day with people playing along time. But it's 24*100=2400 just to get it at 100 location with one of each mp. Even with that lv of play. The rest of the game needs the 86k just to get the small amount. Each different amount of play time then has it's own saturation number to have impact and those culminate to show how many you see. the shorter the game time the more you have. Even half the time for 3 hours, 1.5 hours, doubles the amount. 4800 is alot. And it gets larger from there.

Did I do that right?

Anyway, my point was those 387 have to be considered stretched out over a long period of time. How much do the play each day? Do they even play every day. Or every week? Do they take long breaks from play? Do the play for long on top of it? How long and how likely in a day are you likely to see them(The period they play divided into 24 as a percent or something like that. Not taking into account when you are on just when they are on.) So those are small numbers! It's late. I'm not awake. 8)

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And there you go... on and on about numbers. You should have taken a look when my post was made and you will see that it was in the morning and not before midnight. Those are just a fraction of players that are active.

If you don't see them it doesn't mean they are not there. People log in, heal some creatures, do the story, have a few fights etc etc and log out. That's what this game is about, and you going on and on about how stretched is the player base is in fact stretched too.

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  • Root Admin

player cleanup will come soon too, it will be based on time since last login compared to toal active days.

There are players like Actraiser for example that had to go away for like 4-5 month , and they are active and even work on the game....so deleting them after a month or so is defenetly out of the question.

Maybe 6 month of inactivity will trigget their deletion, but for that ...we are not running for 6 month yet ...lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that more then 20 on willow shops .

If we move to another location will be the same.Seems that we need to wait until the mp3 and mp4 reach mp5. They are at every step:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

edit mp5 now and i am in story mode with my heads lol cant get points but cant get heads ither loldarnitMy opinion in the matter of deleting old inactive accounts is that if they havent logged in in the past 2 months with out notice of leaving for a short time or more then they should be deletedand in the case of older clients such as someone with over 100 days of activity there can be a trigger of 5-6 months but you should have like a vacation mode where you can activate itthat would be able to let you stay in the game but cannot play or gain age until you log in and you only gain half the age you would have or something like that

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