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Applying to Marind Bell


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  • Root Admin

For citizens applying to Marind Bell we recommend you find a sponsor already in the land. This will allow them to post information about you on the private forum where discussion may take place and will allow people to get to know you without you having to go around finding everyone and talking with them.

If you apply without a sponsor it is recommended that you make a post yourself in the public area of the Marind Bell forums detailing why you want to apply, it doesn't need to be in depth, but its nice to know something about who we are voting for.

For all applicants it is suggested that you go to winds sanctuary once a day or so during the voting so that if anyone has any questions about you they can talk with you directly.

The recommended practice for all Marind Bell Citizens is to vote negatively against any new citizen if they have never heard of them. Alternatively not voting also is a negative mark against based on the scoring.

We look forward to all citizenship applications and new members to our land, On being accepted to the land you qualify for Citizenship forum access and should contact Chewett regarding gaining access.

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