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Firefox & Safari issues

Elthen Airis

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I'm currently running a Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Leopard

I've been using Firefox for quite a lot of time now and i didn't have any issues, well outside of the game that is. It seems that with the Firefox browser, often, i cannot create new rituals. My cursor gets stuck when i click on one of the creatures to drag it to the left in the Battle ritual. Sometimes, i cannot scroll down the right screen to get one of the other creatures, which are far below.
The up-to-date version of Firefox that i'm using is 16.0.2

Now, i've switched to Safari today, because normally everything worked, but today i've got the issue that i cannot move the slider of Vitality involvement when i try to attack other players. I tried to clear the cache and cookies for MagicDuel, but none of it helped in any way.
Safari's version is 5.0.6 (5533.22.3)

There are two files that are stated as "not found" in the activity screen, but i've no idea if that's the problem.

I hope this gets solved. However, if it doesn't could you share what browsers the rest of you are using, so that i could finally switch to one, which would hopefully work.

Thanks in advance.


Edited by Elthen Airis
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I have an older computer at work that I can't use FF to create rituals. If I play at work, I have to use IE to create the rituals and then switch back to FF. I thought it had something to do with the age of the comp (Celeron processor). My laptop and desktop at home don't have the problem.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Elthen Airis' timestamp='1360830206' post='132615']
The up-to-date version of Firefox that i'm using is 16.0.2

Is that the most updated version avalible? Im on fedora atm and my version of firefox is 18.x

[quote name='Laphers' timestamp='1360913482' post='132653']
I have an older computer at work that I can't use FF to create rituals. If I play at work, I have to use IE to create the rituals and then switch back to FF. I thought it had something to do with the age of the comp (Celeron processor). My laptop and desktop at home don't have the problem.

Firefox version?

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[quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1360916011' post='132654']
Is that the most updated version avalible? Im on fedora atm and my version of firefox is 18.x

Apple decided to restrict updates on most programs(even usage of some, meaning they can't run on this particular OS) for customers that don't update their OS to the latest. Therefore, FF is updated up to 16.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard and is itself up-to-date.

[quote name="dst"]

I had the same issue with FF (could not create rituals cause the crits page got stuck). I restarted my laptop/cleared cache and cookies and everything worked.

It seems that restarting the computer, clearing the cache, cookies and history of the browser fixed the issue for now in Safari browser. It didn't work on FF though. If a moderator decides that this info is useful you could pin it in the Bug Section for other players.

Thanks, dst.


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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Elthen Airis' timestamp='1360939718' post='132680']
Apple decided to restrict updates on most programs(even usage of some, meaning they can't run on this particular OS) for customers that don't update their OS to the latest. Therefore, FF is updated up to 16.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 Leopard and is itself up-to-date.

wow i did not know this, thats incredibly sucky.

I will see if i can try and backdate my firefox on a VM to do some testing, however since i do not own a mac testing will be harder for me.

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It's even worse than you think, as newer OS requires better machines to run smoothly, notably, 64-bit Mac computers. So basically, everyone who hasn't upgraded his machine, bought a new one or paid the price of the newer OS, which is around 40-100 euros for each upgrade, is totally f****ed up.

I was eager to get a Mac a few years ago, with which i was certainly happy, but with those new market decisions i must say i'm quite disappointed from Apple. Quite certain i'd get myself a windows machine in the future if they don't do something about it.

Anyway, a little off-topic, but i thought it'll do you good to share this info for future reference when buying a computer.

Waiting for possible solutions.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

I am unable to test this, its quite possible that flash player is lagging and causing these issues, possibly due to low memory left or similar.

Try closing some programs, closing firefox and or restarting your program. Or if possible use another browser becuase firefox can get quite memory hungry at times.

Eventually a solution will be that flash isnt used for any part of the game, but this is a long way off.

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  • 6 years later...

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