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Riddle me this,

Metal Bunny

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Well sorry Saki, it's not that either.

But seeing as how it's already taking you guys a couple of days, I'll give you a hint :P

It's Alive, ALIIIIVEEEEE :P, so now you know that the flight part is different kind of metaphore.

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The second riddle gives me a headache...I'ma gonna say...



BTW No one, He was just saying that Death is the opposite of life there for it wouldn't be the answer since the answer is something living.


Also Metal Bunny, that first riddle...never heard it in that form... The one I have heard went like,

I am greater than God,

More evil than the Devil,

The Rich want me,

The Poor have me,

And if you eat me you will die,

What am I?

That's the version I've seen before.

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@Ruin, well I found the riddle like that, but without the God and Devil thing. Then I changed it a bit and made it rhyme :). It happens sometimes, that riddles change, so that it becomes harder or easier, or just nicer :)

It's not life :)

And @ thrall, you are pretty close, except for the fact that a


does not live in what he is. And the first answer is wrong :), it has been given already :)

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Lol Metal what about my answer for the second one? I had said




lol Though I doubt it is the answer I feel that I should throw it out there.

Edit: Added the spoiler just in case lol

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Lol Ruin, women do not live in uh... what they are... "coughemotionalbeingsgettingannoyedatmenreadmoifordoingsomethingtheyarenota


Yeah... great memories of my last girfriend, not saying that every women is like that... "coughcough"

And Grido that's not it either, though I can say that

there is no real difference between a snake and a lizard, not in this riddle there isn't, so my latest 'clue' still stands :)

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The answer to the first riddle,


, has already been given. A classic one indeed. :)

On the second riddle, I'm not sure what to make of the riddle's four lines:

Hear me child for what I am. (something which makes same/similar sound as its name?)

I am as cold as day and night. (some kind of







marine creature


I have lived in what I am. (something with an

attached habitat


Near my kin and we'll give flight. (something that flees when approached? does it imply speed? the ability to fly?)

I failed to find anything which fits all these descriptions, so I'll assume that the line(s) that Metal Bunny didn't emphasize on aren't clues. :)

My (current) take:




, or


EDIT: beaten to it :) what's the word again....



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Huzzah, Saki got it, even when I am sure everyone else would've gotten it, should they have read that last clue.

Because in scientific view our mass is made up of molecules and atoms and stuff, and the majority of it consists of water, yay

And that cough could've been longer, but my illness has been cured and faded away. :)


If people want to, I could give my last riddle (I have other's but they're not that good... yet :) Just say so.

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I am my enemy's creation.

Though I'm no longer, when he is gone.

I grow stronger, when he moves his pawn.

For I sadly cannot tread,

Where his galefull bane has shed.

What am I?

Good luck with this one :)

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I am my enemy's creation.

Though I'm no longer, when he is gone.

I grow stronger, when he moves his pawn.

For I sadly cannot tread,

Where his galefull bane has shed.

What am I?

Good luck with this one :D

Is the word "galefull" there a typo or intentional? :P

In any case, I still don't know how to translate that sentence. :D

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woopsie, I made a typo, galefull doesn't exist, it's gale full :D


It is not hate nor fear (because these 2 relate to (enough) with the pawn and gale full bane treading part :P)

And chewett you 'spoiled' the wrong word :D

I am my enemy's creation.

Though I'm no longer, when he is gone.

I grow stronger, when he moves his pawn.

For I sadly cannot tread,

Where his gale full bane has shed.

What am I?

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