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Yes, it's more complicated and not the same. Further more, both methods require the use of fixed-interval pauses, but while phlegmtheorem's method requires either "0 or 1" pause between the answers, mine requires "0 to N" pauses between the calls which may not practically work. :P

So unless someone can find another method without the need for waits, I'm convinced that phlegm's method is the best one, and my method is just a clever way to be stupid. :P


Lol, well I know the answer :P and I shall give a hint :P, so that you all maybe get to live, without the bunny eating you all :)

The answer has a mathematical trait, so nothing fancy, like pausing, or some such, besides, the bunny likes to eat procrastinators

Also, I'm going to give the answer to the train riddle on monday if nobody has it by then :P

I'll give a hint

seriously think outside the box, and try not to fit your explanation in the story, but the other way around


@26, The devouring bunny:

Let the one in the back count the number of black hats. If the number is odd, answer black; even, answer white.

The next guy can then count the sum of black hats. If his sum is the same odd or even as the guy behind him he knows he wasn't counted and must be white. Otherwise he must be black, and answers correctly either way. In this manner anyone in the line can see the hats in front of them, know the hats behind him (except the last) from their answers. And determine their hat based on if their sum is odd or even of what is known.

Reworded... hopefully for the better...

The guy in the back counts the number of black hats.

If the number is odd he answers black, otherwise the number is even and he answers white.

For the next guy, and everyone else, count the number of black hats you see, add that number to the number of people behind you that have said black. If the sum is odd, answer black. If the sum is even, answer white.

Edit: Reworded my response, hopefully for clarity. Friday evening I had a 4 hour drive for a wedding the next day. Into the third hour my girlfriend was falling asleep in the car, so I turned down the radio so I wouldn't wake her, and then started thinking about this puzzle to keep myself awake the rest of the way. When I figured it out, I was nowhere near a computer so couldn't post the answer - I wound up posting it the next day during the wedding reception from my cellphone! That's part of why it wasn't very clear - that, and my poor grasp of the English language. :)


In bold are unsolved.

  1. Example ’What am I?’ riddle –By me
  2. 1st ’What am I?’ riddle – By me
  3. 2nd ’What am I?’ riddle – By me
  4. 3rd ’What am I?’ riddle – By me
  5. 4th ’What am I?’ riddle – By me
  6. The buttons and the lightbulb riddle – By me
  7. The dead man in the field riddle – By me
  8. The prisoners and the three crowns riddle – By 5acos(phi/2)
  9. The television game show riddle – By 5acos(phi/2)
  10. The 10 numbers riddle – By 5acos(phi/2)
  11. The room with a door to life and death riddle – By Grido
  12. The train riddle from hell – By me
  13. 5th ’What am I?’ riddle – By 5acos(phi/2)
  14. The cube and the box riddle – By phlegmtheorem
  15. The man, his wife and her death riddle – By phlegmtheorem
  16. The fake coin and scales riddle and her 2 other variants – By 5acos(phi/2)
  17. 6th ’What am I?’ riddle – By tobajas
  18. 7th ’What am I?’ riddle – By tobajas
  19. 8th ’What am I?’ riddle – By tobajas
  20. The 5 pointed star riddle – By phlegmtheorem
  21. The 100 coins riddle – By 5acos(phi/2)
  22. The epic Einstein riddle – By phlegmtheorem
  23. The $50 bill riddle – By phlegmtheorem
  24. The bottle, coin and cork riddle – By me
  25. The jars filled with marbles riddle – By me
  26. The awesome human devouring bunny island – By me

That’s it so far, I’ll edit it when more riddles are posted.

And maybe I'll edit in on who answered it first and where the answers are to be found. Maybe...

I also edited this into my first post.


I think it's time I put this clunky self-made riddle to rest:

I cannot exist without people, yet people can exist without me.

I can work without people, yet people cannot work without me.

I cannot be seen, yet people see things better through me.

I cannot be heard, yet people understand me.

I cannot be touched or moved, yet people exploit me.

I am Her twin, yet people mark me as Her enemy.

What am I?

The answer (which I intended) is:


Note that I play around with a few different definitions of the word. :D

Science is our knowledge and methodology. It is what we know about the world around us, and also what we learn to do to make the best out of each situation. We define Science, so it cannot exist without us, but we can abandon science altogether and still be able to survive with just instincts. Since Science is everything we know, we cannot work or accomplish anything without Science, but the laws and mechanisms of Science are always at work, even those unknown and undefined by us. In fact, if those laws weren't working, we wouldn't even exist.

Science is just a concept. It is intangible, so it cannot be seen, heard or touched, but it can indeed be understood and exploited, and it allows us to understand the world better.

Nature is the existence that encompass us. When we study our world, when we study out "Science", we are essentially studying Nature, thus these two concepts are twins in a sense.

But Science has become a powerful tool that enables us to disturb Nature's balance to a worrying degree. Some people blame others for the deed, some blame political or financial forces, some simply blame us humanity as a whole, and some put the blame on our tools: the existence of Technology and Science.

I'll try to be more thorough with the clues next time I compose another riddle. :)

On the other hand, I don't plan to spoil my other two unsolved puzzles (the 10 sets of numbers, and the 40 coins & scale) because there is no ambiguity in them. Feel free to send me PMs about those puzzles if you need help or want to declare your progress :) but I'm not going to publish the solutions, at least not yet :D


Oh sweet, just had this quicky... (no you pervert, although I surely wouldn't mind... :)

What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the start of every end, and the end of every race?

What am I?

Go nuts.

  phlegmtheorem said:
MD's quicky:

it would appear to me that the answer is the letter "e"...


Oh! I swear I have seen something similar to MB's riddle before with that answer. Too bad now :(


Correct phlegm, but my name is MB, not MD :)

Another quicky one.

I once was on a wedding, seeing a man toasting on the groom.

He starts his speech with:

'I have no Brother's or Sisters. But This Man's Father is my Father's Son.'

Who is this man?


EDIT oops shouldve checked which page i was on before posting

hehe, a riddly-type thing i adapted from Thunderbirds i think:

If the bells of Big Ben (in London, England) are working fine, on the stroke of 12, how is it possible to hear the bells chime 13 times?


Well, my riddle has two kinds of answers. The first one No one had right.

It's the speaker himself

If you take the religious tour, then it would be

mankind, sorta, unless Jezus had an actual child, not verified yet so... Mankind, yeah, because we're his lambs, it's all in the metaphore :P


Grido and Big Ben:

you can "hear" the bells ring 13 times if you're listening to it from a distance with your window open and have the TV on that is reporting live from the tower. You will hear the first chime from the television, the next 11 will happen simultaneously (both from the TV and through the window) then the last chime will just be through the window. I'm not exactly sure what distance you have to be from the tower, but i know that it is loud enough for this to happen.


@Big Ben:

Either phlegmtheorem's answer or

the bell chimes once every 5 minutes.

(probably not :P)

Assuming you're already at the broken pattern gazebo and at the navigation screen, what is the minimum number of clicks required to solve the broken pattern gazebo puzzle?

... just kidding. :P DON'T answer it since it might be considered spoiler. ;)

I have a lot of MP3 players but only one song. What am I?

... sorry, that's just for laughs, please read along. :P

A few slightly-modified-but-not-so-original riddles:

I am a distraction and a bringer of doom.

I might be behind you and lurking in your room.

Ignore me and my deeds, and you risk painful death.

Impede my and my works, and your blood will be spilled.

What am I?

This is an unusual paragraph. It is so unusual, but you might not find anything wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it, but it is still curiously unusual. Can you pinpoint what is so unusual about this paragraph?


Phleg got mine right, and if you have the chance, any of you, do find the time to watch thunderbirds, tis awesome ;)

@Saco, is it about

a book


  Grido said:
Phleg got mine right, and if you have the chance, any of you, do find the time to watch thunderbirds, tis awesome :D

@Saco, is it about

a book


I'm not sure which riddle you're referring to, but that answer doesn't fit any one of them. :D

If you're referring to the first riddle that is not crossed out.... again, no, because

it's a living thing.

Oh, and if you haven't figured out the crossed out "What am I?" riddle yet, shame on you. It's something very, very close to you at this very moment. ;)


Unusual paragraph:

The only article it contains is "an"; neither "a" nor "the" are used in the paragraph.

I don't know if that's what you had in mind, but it's odd enough for me to mention. ;)

  Trahern said:
Unusual paragraph:

The only article it contains is "an"; neither "a" nor "the" are used in the paragraph.

I don't know if that's what you had in mind, but it's odd enough for me to mention. :D

No, it's not what I have in mind, but it's very similar. Try something a bit more "


". ;)

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