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The reason I applied for monarch is the following.


I wasn’t planning to go for it, not at all, but I heard a few MB citizens saying there were only “famous” candidates, Chewett and Fang I presume, and no representative of the “common” citizens. They wanted somebody who talked with the people a lot and knew what they wanted.


I thought: “Well, I was a spy for Loreroot once, I work in a bar and talking is something I am very good at. So why not apply?”


I will never abuse the power that goes with the job and will do my utmost best to be a good and unprejudiced monarch.




But you are famouse. Or better said "infamouse".  :D



Also except for the "not abuse my powers" because we all know you'll not as long as I will keep an eye on you, what will you do?

I doubt MB-ers are thrilled with a monarch that "will not abuse powers" :d


I think Magistra would make a great candidate for this position. She's never had a lead position in any of the lands, she's older so she's more mature and experienced than the other candidates, and I think she deserves the chance to be monarch. Or at the very least get a few months trial period then a fair judgment based on how well she has ran marines bell.

  • Root Admin

I think Magistra would make a great candidate for this position. She's never had a lead position in any of the lands, she's older so she's more mature and experienced than the other candidates, and I think she deserves the chance to be monarch. Or at the very least get a few months trial period then a fair judgment based on how well she has ran marines bell.


Would you argue that all that wish to try get a few months to try?  That seems impractical and chaotic to me.


My argument is that, if you want to help MB, you can without any special powers, as i have done with KoB, it is now an alliance with members doing interesting things. If you arent already doing it, who says you will when given fancy powers? This is the same logic as RPC status, you get it once you are already an RPC.

Posted (edited)

Magistras irl age is twice as old as the other candidates.

Fang has proven to be irresponsible in the past with how he ran the keepers.

Magistra currently has a rpc running the windys bar while windy is away, and she is also in the seekers as you well know. I personally feel she is the best choice.

Edited by VertuHonagan
  • Root Admin

Magistras irl age is twice as old as the other candidates.


I wonder where you found my age, since Mur is the only person who knows who i am ect :)


Or you are just saying rubbish... Others can decide


Why would IRL age be an indicator to how well a player can manage other people?As long as a candidate is not a little kid I fail to see how you can say that she is more mature then fangy or chewey on nothing but the basis of age.Im not saying that shes not mature nor am I making any comparisions between the maturity of the candidates, but thats a poor way to try to get her maturity across Vertu.

As far as experience goes, I do not understand why experience in RL means she'll be a better leader.I value players with experience in the game more than people with experience in RL, and i would trust someone with this kind of experience to lead me rather thansomeone whose experience seems to stem with the fact that she was born before me.if you argue that her experience in RL will translate to equal experienced behavior in-game when shes a monarch, shouldnt that experience already have translated into the game without this entire monarch business?If youre going to stand up for her, please use her achievments in game and for the game so they cant be dismissed so easily.
like that managing windy's bar thing and SoE thibg.Thats good.Do more of those type of reasons why she should be the monarch.
last point, irs really not that much of a biggie actually, how sure are you magistra wont mind you throwing about her age like that?Since she has informed me that only two people in the entire realm know her irl age?


Sorry for the people who secretly supported me. Tonight I left the Seekers of Enlightenment, and therefore am no longer a citizen of Marind's Bell. Accordingly I can not become the monarch.

  • Root Admin

Sorry for the people who secretly supported me. Tonight I left the Seekers of Enlightenment, and therefore am no longer a citizen of Marind's Bell. Accordingly I can not become the monarch.


If the vote indicates that people want to be monarch i feel you should be it, Assuming you are happy to. It shouldnt matter what issues you have with an alliance leader or whatever and if the people want you to be monarch, you should be it.


Sorry for the people who secretly supported me. Tonight I left the Seekers of Enlightenment, and therefore am no longer a citizen of Marind's Bell. Accordingly I can not become the monarch.



Bravoooo!!!! *applauds*. You finally did something of common sense! You're on the right track :D. Or not.


I agree with chewey.if thepeople of marind bell vote for you to be the monarch then we shouldnt let a case like this stop you.Sonce if the majority of people want you to be the monarch then the majority of citizens will also want you to be a citizen of a marind bell and would vote ffor you anyway if you try to become a citizen again.

on a totally different note, even if you cant make it to monarch, still apply for citizenship in marind bell so we can have you back in the land. n.n


I fully agree with Chewett's and Addy's posts.


Dst, don't you have some better things to do other than tease people of Marind Bell in their own forum sections? :P



If the vote indicates that people want to be monarch i feel you should be it, Assuming you are happy to. It shouldnt matter what issues you have with an alliance leader or whatever and if the people want you to be monarch, you should be it.


I would agree as well.  Citizenship may "technically" have been removed for Magistra due to the mechanics of leaving an Alliance, but should not effect eligibility for this vote.   If Magistra wins, the citizenship would be restored.   She can also now put up a vote for "regular" citizenship too, if she wishes, through the usual game-mechanics ways.  

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