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You never know...he could be wrong. >>"

I presumed, and today both STF and I were right. (:

We the people of this forum on this topic are not bananas, though we may dance in joy for STF.


EDIT: Oh no, STF is a banana... Manu is cruel.

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Lol, it was death? :P, Yay for Ruin (It was Ruin right? lol)


Nope it was Venger, hehe sorry man. :D

Banananana :D

No it was me I was the one to say Death, even explained why I thought it was so.

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If the answer is "Death", then I'm afraid somebody is going to have to explain it to me,

because I just don't get how it could be. The "so close but yet to far" maybe, but the

"one's fear is the other's war"...

I think the second part logically indicates a two part answer. I don't think it means that

some people fear death and others fight it because the people who fear death ARE the people

that fight it. Maybe not exclusively, but still.. one/the other are disjunct.

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Woops sorry ruin, hehe.

Well I could try and explain. But like I said before, it did seem strange to me as well, namely the 2nd part of the riddle. The close yet far is easily explained, as death is inevitable and could always come for you in the next few moments, but it is also far away, because we are not conscious of every single second, and most of us die of old age, so it's far away, unless you are like 90 years old.

The fear part we all know, some simply fear death, the connection between that and the war part is kind of confusing though. It could imply a victim-hunter relationship, those who fear death (victim of it) and those who propagate it (hunter). This could also be taken metaphorically, or as a conflict in one's mind, as one is weak and constantly fears death, the other is strongwilled, or rational enough to know that death will come anyway, and therefor does not fear it, this could be seen as a 'war' on death, but that would only make sense if death wants to impose fear upon humans. It could also mean what I stated in a previous post in this topic. Other than that... Noooo idea...

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  • Root Admin

death is close any moment but we all think its far. we could die any moment by mistake or live a long life ending in death eventualy.

Ones fear [of death] is the other ones war [death's war aganst you]

death is eventualy hunting us down in a way or the other , you could say it has a personal war against each one

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Hmm excellent idea! Walking around tires my legs...with a "horse" my legs shall be fine MUWHAHAHAHAHA!!! Quick someone find me a saddle and a bridle! OOO And some spurs for when he walks too slow BUWHAHAHAHA!!! Lol

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