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No Shared item regroup this week?


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  • Root Admin

Im going to be working on improving the item trading/movement system, another backend that needs some work.


This means im going to be need to testing all methods of moving items, including shared regroup.


I can either

A) have no shared regroup this week, let me test it all and no one has shared items or

B) You are lucky, and get a shared regroup every single time i run and test the script, meaning that you might hold an item for a day, to have it regroup.


My working hours are going to be 20:00 to 24:00 and resets would occur during this period of time.


Please provide opinions, im probably going to be doing B unless people really really want A for some reason.

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Well,  I always seem to miss the shared tool reset due to my schedule, but I don't mind.


My opinion for the options you presented would be to reset them every iteration of your testing.   Who knows how many times you'll need to do it, but might as well let the lucky/active try for one, knowing full well they may lose it within minutes.   It's like a lottery.   To the victor go the spoils, and all that.  :)

makes life interesting, having the chance to grab one, but not assured.   One Maybe marshmallow now, is always better than Gaurantee of no marshmallows.  :)  0 + 1? >  0.

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  • Root Admin

Ideally, I dont do anything, and it all is fine, But i know im going to need to test it a couple times, so its going to mess things up.

A seems like a drastic solution to really "stop" MD how MD is, to me B is less drastic, and will give some people chance to grab tools they might not have got.

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