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Logs from Seedwalks


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Acoustic Remains log

[29/07/18 01:35] Rophs:He overshot...
[29/07/18 01:40] Rophs:Oh well I\'ll go alone.
[29/07/18 01:43] Hemicar:ok
[29/07/18 01:43] Rophs:We had a red service to seal the Little Old Man.
[29/07/18 01:44] Hemicar:what you want me to do now?
[29/07/18 01:44] Rophs:Aia del Mana led the service and managed to restore the existence of her alliance.
[29/07/18 01:45] Rophs:We tell rumors, news, to The Maple.
[29/07/18 01:45] Hemicar:i dont care
[29/07/18 01:45] Rophs:The Children of the Eclipse are once more!
[29/07/18 01:46] Hemicar:and dont undertand why posted in loreroot
[29/07/18 01:46] Rophs:This is where Awiiya planted a Maple Seed.
[29/07/18 01:47] Hemicar:there are 1 active and 2 inactive guilds in loreroot and now 1 more
[29/07/18 01:48] Rophs:yyes
[29/07/18 01:48] Hemicar:there are more important things to do in this game
[29/07/18 01:48] Rophs:I recently lost my Golemus citizenship when I was killed and now Loreroot calls to me
[29/07/18 01:48] Rophs:I wonder if I\'ll be allowed to join Children of the Eclipse, even if it\'s only to see if it\'s something I am fit to do.
[29/07/18 01:48] Rophs:Do you have any news for the maple?
[29/07/18 01:49] Hemicar:nope see you around
[29/07/18 01:50] :Rophs failed to cast a spell
[29/07/18 01:50] :[Spell] The seedwhisper will guide me as I visit the Willow and Spruce by myself.

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Acoustic Remains log

[28/07/18 17:15] Ungod:1st is too late \'cuz i got so used to going to bed at 10 pm max
[28/07/18 17:15] Ungod:but i like seedwalks, keep doing them
[29/07/18 01:00] Rophs:Let\'s begin...
[29/07/18 01:00] Rophs:*crawls over to The Oak all by his lonesome(
[29/07/18 01:03] Hemicar:what should i do?
[29/07/18 01:03] Rophs:Would you lke to tell The Oak a story?
[29/07/18 01:04] Hemicar:what kind of story?
[29/07/18 01:04] Rophs:A story about horses!
[29/07/18 01:04] Hemicar:sure
[29/07/18 01:06] Hemicar:there was a horse called ZIMZELEN
[29/07/18 01:06] Hemicar:for further i will called it ZZ
[29/07/18 01:08] Hemicar:he was a rase horse since he was a foal
[29/07/18 01:08] Hemicar:he won so many medals
[29/07/18 01:09] Hemicar:he was trained by a very good man who had no luck in love
[29/07/18 01:09] Hemicar:the man had a son with his first wife
[29/07/18 01:10] Hemicar:but mother didnt want her son to get near horses
[29/07/18 01:10] Hemicar:little kid was so in love with horses
[29/07/18 01:11] Hemicar:that he escaped the house
[29/07/18 01:12] Hemicar:after years of winings and as kid grown
[29/07/18 01:12] Hemicar:time came that ZZ goes to sausage
[29/07/18 01:13] Hemicar:boy stole a horse and made him a house from the shed
[29/07/18 01:15] Hemicar:owners then decied that ZZ desereves retirement and was a training horse for kids until he die
[29/07/18 01:15] Rophs: (oo brb water)
[29/07/18 01:17] Rophs: (you can keep teling the story...)
[29/07/18 01:18] Hemicar:the story ended
[29/07/18 01:18] Rophs:oh
[29/07/18 01:19] Rophs:I see *grins*
[29/07/18 01:19] Rophs:Well what kind of story should I tell?
[29/07/18 01:20] Hemicar:story of shortcuts in this game :D
[29/07/18 01:20] Rophs:Shortcuts are rather interesting.
[29/07/18 01:21] Rophs:In most games a shortcut lets you go from point A to point C and skipping point B along the path.
[29/07/18 01:21] Rophs:In MD there are shortcuts, but those shortcuts let you start at point C without bothering with A or B.
[29/07/18 01:22] Rophs:The trick is you have to know where you want to be and already be there.
[29/07/18 01:22] Rophs:One player who did this was Ary Endleg.
[29/07/18 01:23] Hemicar:how do you take shortcut to Mur land?
[29/07/18 01:23] Rophs:You see, a long time ago he played the game and was known under the name Liberty and he had a lot of knowledge about the game.
[29/07/18 01:25] Rophs:When he came back as Ary Endleg he knew where he wanted to be and made sure he was there before he needed to be there.
[29/07/18 01:25] Rophs:From there he was already there.
[29/07/18 01:26] Rophs:To Mur land...
[29/07/18 01:27] Rophs:Well you could do something so terrible tht he has to summon you there for a trial maybe.
[29/07/18 01:27] Hemicar:nice :D
[29/07/18 01:28] Hemicar:you have a key from the lighthouse?
[29/07/18 01:28] Rophs:Hm?
[29/07/18 01:28] Hemicar:that is a secret shortcut to where?
[29/07/18 01:29] Rophs:When the lighthouse is fixed it will probably be used as a shortcut to go somewhere.
[29/07/18 01:30] Hemicar:ok nice story we will continu it some other night
[29/07/18 01:31] Rophs:=]
[29/07/18 01:31] Rophs:Let\'s visit The Maple
[29/07/18 01:31] Hemicar:do you know labyrinth well?
[29/07/18 01:31] Rophs:I\'ll tell the spruce a secret of the labyrinth
[29/07/18 01:31] Rophs:Promise me you won\'t listen *winks*
[29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:i just need to come to the rp giving tree
[29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:if there is one there
[29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:and i think there is
[29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:but not sure
[29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:i forgot
[29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar::D
[29/07/18 01:33] Rophs:hmm
[29/07/18 01:33] Rophs:Do you know where The Maple is?
[29/07/18 01:34] :[Spell] Listen carefully and you will hear the seedwhisper.
[29/07/18 01:51] Rophs:Acoustic Remains log [29/07/18 01:35] Rophs:He overshot... [29/07/18 01:40] Rophs:Oh well I\'ll go alone. [29/07/18 01:43] Hemicar:ok [29/07/18 01:43] Rophs:We had a red service to seal the Little O
[29/07/18 01:51] :[Spell] seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[29/07/18 01:52] Rophs:=-=-=
[29/07/18 01:52] Rophs:Impish and impertinent
[29/07/18 01:52] Rophs:Others who walk can be impatient
[29/07/18 01:53] Rophs:Purpose and pride
[29/07/18 01:53] Rophs:Principles to guide my stride
[29/07/18 01:53] Rophs:=-=-=
[29/07/18 01:53] :[Spell] seedwhisper

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  • 2 weeks later...

Acoustic Remains log

[12/08/18 01:01] Rophs:Hello friends
[12/08/18 02:32] Rophs:Hmm, still nobody came.
[12/08/18 02:32] Rophs:Time for another lonely Seedwalk.
[12/08/18 02:33] :Rophs sits down in The Oak\'s shade
[12/08/18 02:40] Rophs:This is a story about...
[12/08/18 02:40] Rophs:Let\'s go with an older story.
[12/08/18 02:40] :Rophs flips through his book of scary stories for a few minutes trying to find his favorite one
[12/08/18 03:05] Rophs:Memorystones can contain more than just spells and heat, they are also often full of stories.
[12/08/18 03:05] Rophs:The story I am about to tell is from a Memorystone I found when I was exploring a ruined town...
[12/08/18 03:06] Rophs:I have no proof that it is true, but also none that it is false.
[12/08/18 03:06] Rophs:Take what you will from it.
[12/08/18 03:06] :Rophs takes in a deep breath
[12/08/18 03:06] Rophs:After months of trial and error I had perfected my conjuration ritual. Nothing could avoid being summoned by my precist pinpoint techniques. Such an ability must be shown to the world!
[12/08/18 03:06] Rophs:I ran down the streets shouting for all to hear, "Go to the plaza at 0:00 ST! I have something the show everyone!", calling me excited would be an understatement, I was estatic.
[12/08/18 03:06] Rophs:My heat jars slowly filled as I ran through the streets, just one of many preparations soon to be complete!!
[12/08/18 03:07] Rophs:As soon as I set foot in my study there was no time to waste, my heat jars were empty in minutes and the pile of memorystones on my desk were heat stones.
[12/08/18 03:07] Rophs:After I had completed filling my pockets with heat stones there was barely any space left for the other component.
[12/08/18 03:07] Rophs:Creature after creature of mine was shoved into the press, and as each Fenth popped out I smashed the capsule open and smeared its contents onto my Wiiya Bubble.
[12/08/18 03:07] Rophs:I looked up at the sky when the Bubble was complete and smiled, for I saw a rainstorm approaching.
[12/08/18 03:07] Rophs:There was still much time leftover when I returned home, I did the only thing that was reasonable... I pondered my master plan!
[12/08/18 03:08] Rophs:I would turn all of the foolish townsfolk who attended the summoning into my eternal slaves! The creature I would summon wouldn\'t be some sort of demon or shade...
[12/08/18 03:08] Rophs:I would summon a Tainted Water Being to seduce all of the townsfolk and do my bidding!
[12/08/18 03:08] Rophs:At 23:00 ST I rushed to the plaza and crowds were already beginning to gather. They stared in awe as I placed the Heat Stones in a circle on the ground and put the Wiiya Bubble in the middle.
[12/08/18 03:08] Rophs:The rain begain pouring at 0:00 ST, right on time. I stood behind the circle of Heat Stones swaying my body, my arms, my voice, and my words. Nothing would be able to interrupt the spell.
[12/08/18 03:08] Rophs:Little by little the Heat Stones started glowing and releasing their heat. The crowd watched in awe as the rain evaporated as the drops hit the stones and the steam collected in the Wiiya Bubble.
[12/08/18 03:08] Rophs:When the Wiiya Bubble reached capacity I shouted to the crowds, "Watch and see! I will summon the spirit of Wodin Ullr!" Then the Wiiya Bubble plunged to the ground.
[12/08/18 03:08] Rophs:As the Bubble popped the steam poured out and burst into flames, I stood motionless as the crowd gasped at my amazing feat. Soon all would be mine!
[12/08/18 03:09] Rophs:A hand reached out of the flames on the ground in front of me and I shook with excitement as the rest of the figure emerged. When I saw what I had summoned all blood left my face...
[12/08/18 03:09] Rophs:The Shade hovered in the midst of the flames and streched a hand at me. My shaking that was once from excitement turned into a shaking of fear. Things could not have gone worse.
[12/08/18 03:09] Rophs:Vitality poured out of my chest and into the shade\'s outstreched arm, my limbs grew weak, my vision blurred, and then I collapsed.
[12/08/18 03:09] :Rophs gasps for air and then takes a moment to settle his breathing for a moment
[12/08/18 03:09] Rophs:I rushed to the Plaza frantically, word about the wizard spread like wildfire. Rarely would he perform magic for all to see! Every minute I was late was a minute I fully regretted.
[12/08/18 03:10] Rophs:I arrived just in time to see flames erupt on the ground and watch a figure emerge from the inferno.
[12/08/18 03:10] Rophs:I gazed in awe as lights of many colors poured from the wizard\'s chest and into the hand of the figure.
[12/08/18 03:10] Rophs:The Wizard collapsed! What am I supposed to do? Was this all planned? Had something gone terribly wrong? I couldn\'t think of anything to do but run home and hide behind a locked door.
[12/08/18 03:10] Rophs:The Shade was nowhere to be found the next morning, it was deemed safe to go outside.
[12/08/18 03:10] Rophs:The Council declared the wizard\'s death a suicide, for he had shut himself indoors for months and seemingly gone mad.
[12/08/18 03:10] Rophs:I only hoped that we were safe.
[12/08/18 03:10] :Rophs shivers and writes
[12/08/18 03:11] :Rophs blinks for a moment
[12/08/18 03:11] Rophs:Keep in mind that those memories were found in a Memorystone that I found on the ground in the middle of a ruined town.
[12/08/18 03:11] Rophs:Let\'s hope that the story isn\'t true.
[12/08/18 03:11] Rophs: *grins* How about that? Hehe
[12/08/18 03:11] :[Spell] do not fear the delicate seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[12/08/18 03:12] Rophs:I\'ve been inactive little Maple
[12/08/18 03:12] Rophs:Sorry about not visitng you, I\'m sure the difficulties would be easier to understand if I was mp8...
[12/08/18 03:12] :[Spell] seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:I told The Oak an old story I liked
[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:And here I\'ll sing an old song I liked!
[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:=-=-=-=
[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:To our land
[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:The Shadow comes
[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:Not with Fire
[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:Nor with drums
[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:Yet in the land
[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:Of wisest Sage
[12/08/18 03:14] Rophs:The Shadow roars
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:And spreads its rage
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:.
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:Ever onwards,
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:Shadow crawl
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:Ever louder,
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:The battle call
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:.
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:At the heart
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:Of all the land
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:Berserkers fought
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:And made their stand
[12/08/18 03:15] Rophs:Many fell
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:From sides of each
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:But victory
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:Lay far from reach
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:.
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:Ever onwards,
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:Shadow crawl
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:Ever louder,
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:The battle call
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:.
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:In the Shadow
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:Berserkers wait
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:Tortured ever,
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:Denied the gate
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:But the land
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:Still tells their story
[12/08/18 03:16] Rophs:In its tears
[12/08/18 03:17] Rophs:In its tears
[12/08/18 03:17] Rophs:=-=-=-=
[12/08/18 03:17] Rophs:The Berserkers\' Lament by Kyphis the Bard
[12/08/18 03:17] :[Spell] listen to the seedwhisper and feel nostaliga

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Acoustic Remains log

[18/08/18 23:37] : No one collects Wiiya
[19/08/18 00:17] : Mallos collects Aromatic herbs and flowers as a byproduct
[19/08/18 00:17] :Mallos passed Flowers to No one
[19/08/18 00:36] : Mallos collects Tea leaves and flowers as a byproduct
[19/08/18 00:37] :Mallos passed Flowers to No one
[19/08/18 00:39] Mallos:fun
[19/08/18 00:55] Rophs:Seedwalk soon!
[19/08/18 00:56] : Mallos collects Unidentified plants and flowers as a byproduct
[19/08/18 00:59] Rophs:Let\'
[19/08/18 01:00] Rophs:Let\'s begin!
[19/08/18 01:00] Rophs:Who would like to tell a story to The Oak?
[19/08/18 01:01] :Mallos passed Flowers to Rophs
[19/08/18 01:01] Rophs:Mallos, does that mean you would like to tell a story to The Oak?
[19/08/18 01:01] Mallos:no, but maybe if you give me a subject I might come up with one
[19/08/18 01:02] Rophs:A story about flowers!
[19/08/18 01:05] Mallos:um... I\'m not a big fan of flowers really
[19/08/18 01:05] Rophs:It doesn\'t have to be a nice story. *winks with a smirk*
[19/08/18 01:06] Mallos:yeah not much nice lately, another subject perhaps?
[19/08/18 01:08] Rophs:Indecision.
[19/08/18 01:08] Rophs:Tell The Oak a story of indecision.
[19/08/18 01:08] Rophs:Wait no, tell a story about second guessing!
[19/08/18 01:08] Rophs:Tell
[19/08/18 01:08] Mallos:oh well, how to do that
[19/08/18 01:08] Rophs:Tell The Oak a story about a time you second guessed yourself, the outcomes doesn\'t matter.
[19/08/18 01:09] : Mallos throws the dice and gets 3
[19/08/18 01:10] Mallos:have to search my memory for a relevant story as usual
[19/08/18 01:10] : Mallos picks a card and gets 6♥
[19/08/18 01:10] : Mallos collects Toxic plants and flowers as a byproduct
[19/08/18 01:11] Mallos:just coming up tanks so far... *coughs*
[19/08/18 01:12] Mallos:ah, hmm
[19/08/18 01:12] Rophs:Hmm?
[19/08/18 01:12] Mallos:So there was once a land in the east, called the Lands of the East!
[19/08/18 01:12] Mallos:and at one point the ruling demon offered to make someone a king of these lands
[19/08/18 01:13] Mallos:Being the good citizen I am I offered my support for kingship to one such other citizen by the name of Sunfire
[19/08/18 01:14] Mallos:For he was very kind and diligently worked towards unification of its citizens
[19/08/18 01:15] Mallos:It seemed he had support of half of the people, and I could potentially bring the other half to support him as well
[19/08/18 01:16] Rophs:Do you speak of the Caretakers as this "other half"?
[19/08/18 01:16] Mallos:Although there was one other person who wanted the kingship as well, a noncitizen at that
[19/08/18 01:16] Mallos:yeah them among some others perhaps
[19/08/18 01:17] Mallos:Anyways, I talked to this other candidate (if he can be considered such) to find out his reasons for wanting to be king.
[19/08/18 01:18] Mallos:um.... not sure I found out those reasons... What I did find out is that he, Pipstickz, wanted them to give him kingship... For no reason at all!
[19/08/18 01:18] Mallos:I decided I would try to help him.
[19/08/18 01:19] Mallos:I soon found out that all of the citizens did not want him to be king though, so I suppose I had to second guess my decision to help him
[19/08/18 01:19] Mallos:So back to supporting sunfire I suppose
[19/08/18 01:20] Rophs: *nods* ]
[19/08/18 01:21] Rophs:What kind of story should I tell to The Oak?
[19/08/18 01:22] Mallos:youre going to invoke my indecision with that question
[19/08/18 01:22] Mallos:um.
[19/08/18 01:22] Mallos:Chaos
[19/08/18 01:22] Rophs:One bit of MD history many remember as chaotic is how laylah destroyed the
[19/08/18 01:23] Rophs: *frowns* how laylah destroyed the Fusioneers.
[19/08/18 01:23] Rophs:Although it wasn\'t very chaotic
[19/08/18 01:23] Mallos:somewhat chaotic
[19/08/18 01:23] Rophs:There were three groups, really.
[19/08/18 01:23] Rophs:Fang, Necrovion, and myself.
[19/08/18 01:24] Rophs:With some mechanical gymnastics I managed to oust Fang and his posse..
[19/08/18 01:24] Rophs: (OMG i just remembered you\'re falronn >.<)
[19/08/18 01:24] Mallos: (indeed)
[19/08/18 01:24] Rophs:I had the ally to myself and was in possession of the Heat Solidifier
[19/08/18 01:24] : Mallos throws the dice and gets 3
[19/08/18 01:24] Rophs:I decided to reinvite laylah and sysy, little did I know they were Necro Spies
[19/08/18 01:25] Rophs:After I gave laylah the Heat Solidifier she kicked everyone else out and then posted on the forums that anyone with over one thousand briskness could join the guild.
[19/08/18 01:25] Rophs:She knew full well that nobody with that much briskness was interested in joining the Fusioneers.
[19/08/18 01:26] Rophs:She made an offer nobody would accept so that she didn\'t need to take blame for disbanding the ally while acting as a pawn for her brother, lashtal.
[19/08/18 01:27] Rophs:And in the end I failed Golemus and allowed Necrovion to pilfer the Heat Solidifier from us.
[19/08/18 01:27] Rophs:Thank goodness that land of traitors and scoundrels has been disbanded.
[19/08/18 01:27] :Rophs grins
[19/08/18 01:27] Rophs:Shall we advance towards The Maple?
[19/08/18 01:27] :Mallos laughs
[19/08/18 01:27] Mallos:sure
[19/08/18 01:28] Rophs: (roleplay FTW, ofc my character has a selective memory ;p)
[19/08/18 01:29] :[Spell] seedwhisper
[19/08/18 01:29] :[Spell] seedwhisper

Acoustic Remains log

[19/08/18 01:30] :Rophs pulls a stool over to The Maple
[19/08/18 01:31] Rophs:Nothing to report, I haven\'t been around or paying attention to the realm.
[19/08/18 01:31] Rophs:What about you Mallos?
[19/08/18 01:31] Rophs:It seems like you\'re always keeping up with the mill or wossname be.
[19/08/18 01:32] Mallos:I can report theres a new combiner in the east fabled to be able to make a revival item at the expense of 1000 flowers
[19/08/18 01:33] Mallos:So uh... there\'s your story about flowers
[19/08/18 01:33] Rophs:OOoh
[19/08/18 01:33] Rophs:I heard about that.
[19/08/18 01:33] Rophs:Mur added after Azull let me off the Gateway Island.
[19/08/18 01:33] Rophs:Let\'s head to The Willow
[19/08/18 01:33] :[Spell] seedwhisper

Acoustic Remains log

[18/08/18 15:58] : Dhyone collects Water
[18/08/18 21:03] :Ungod enchanted a Memory stone into a Mirrorritual stone
[19/08/18 01:35] Rophs:=-=-=-
[19/08/18 01:35] Rophs:Here is the Willow
[19/08/18 01:35] Rophs:The reeds act as its pillow
[19/08/18 01:35] Rophs:By the water all day
[19/08/18 01:35] Rophs:A plant must be gay
[19/08/18 01:35] Rophs:As warm feelings outward billow
[19/08/18 01:35] Rophs:=-=-=
[19/08/18 01:37] : Rophs collects Wiiya
[19/08/18 01:37] Rophs:Mallos do you have a poem for The Willow?
[19/08/18 01:38] Duskwish:Greetings.
[19/08/18 01:38] Mallos:no I\'m only unintentionally poetic
[19/08/18 01:38] Rophs:Hello Duskwish!
[19/08/18 01:38] Rophs:Do you have a poem for The Willow?
[19/08/18 01:38] Duskwish:I can make one!
[19/08/18 01:39] Duskwish:Here lies the willow.
[19/08/18 01:39] Duskwish:Turned away from the water.
[19/08/18 01:39] Duskwish:Our prayers and poems make you billow.
[19/08/18 01:40] Duskwish:As the waters daughter
[19/08/18 01:40] :Duskwish is terrible at poems
[19/08/18 01:40] Rophs:Is that last line... a bit lewd?
[19/08/18 01:40] Duskwish:What do you mean?
[19/08/18 01:40] Rophs:Try a haiku, just do five seven five with regards to syllables.
[19/08/18 01:40] Rophs:Like this!
[19/08/18 01:40] Rophs:=-=-=-=
[19/08/18 01:41] Duskwish:okay
[19/08/18 01:41] Rophs:Duskwish the pervert
[19/08/18 01:41] Rophs:Admires the phallic reeds
[19/08/18 01:41] Rophs:Peeping water\'s daughters...?
[19/08/18 01:41] Rophs:=-=-=
[19/08/18 01:42] Rophs: *giggles* I hope you don\'t mind this playful poke
[19/08/18 01:42] Duskwish:Dont mind
[19/08/18 01:43] Duskwish:Rophs, has built his trough
[19/08/18 01:44] Duskwish:He takes, water that is dry
[19/08/18 01:44] Duskwish:To heal is pour thighs
[19/08/18 01:44] Duskwish:poor
[19/08/18 01:44] Duskwish:not pour
[19/08/18 01:45] Rophs: *wiggles his twiney scraggley limbs* I got muscle ya see!
[19/08/18 01:46] Duskwish: *pokes a needle at rophs "limbs"* I see...
[19/08/18 01:46] Rophs:Nooo~!
[19/08/18 01:47] :Rophs watches as some Wiiya gas flows out of his arm making a sound like a sad deflating baloon
[19/08/18 01:47] :Rophs passed Wiiya to Duskwish
[19/08/18 01:47] Rophs:Noooo!
[19/08/18 01:48] Rophs:Let\'s move on to The Spruce before somebody gets hurt. *glances at Duskwish*
[19/08/18 01:48] Duskwish:Duskwish, as Leon,
[19/08/18 01:48] Duskwish:Eats a phone, aaron atone
[19/08/18 01:48] Duskwish:You poor lone silly cat
[19/08/18 01:49] :Duskwish fails at hiakus
[19/08/18 01:49] :Rophs facepalms
[19/08/18 01:50] Duskwish: *points claw at sky* Where to next?
[19/08/18 01:50] Rophs:Let\'s go...
[19/08/18 01:50] Rophs:The Spruce is at Old Man\'s Road
[19/08/18 01:50] :[Spell] seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[02/09/18 00:27] *Lintara*: Whaoa, Aiwiya has aa new fedirn!
[02/09/18 01:01] Rophs: *waddles over to The Oak* \'
[02/09/18 01:01] Rophs:Hello there freind!
[02/09/18 01:01] Rophs:You look mighty and strong, I hope you\'re excited for a story!
[02/09/18 01:04] Rophs:This is a story about eggs.
[02/09/18 01:06] Rophs:In the lands of the North they eat eggs for every meal. That includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and of course also snacks.
[02/09/18 01:08] Rophs:In the lands of the South they eat ketchup on everything, even if they are old enough to have a palate advanced to understand that they should never eat ketchup.
[02/09/18 01:12] Rophs:Needless to say nobody from the North ever talked to anyone from the South ever, and they CERTAINLY didn\'t invite any southerners to their barbecues.
[02/09/18 01:13] Rophs:Even after conducting hightly instrusive cavity searches the southerners still managed to sneak in ketchup.
[02/09/18 01:13] Rophs:Eventually the northerners decided they needed to send in a spy.
[02/09/18 01:15] Rophs:In the south they have weird names, so the undercover name of our hero was x69Ketchup4everX
[02/09/18 01:17] Rophs:The cover was blown when she showed even the sligtest sign of disgust and they kicked her back to the North.
[02/09/18 01:18] Rophs:To this day we have no idea why they do it.
[02/09/18 01:22] Rophs:I\'ll tell the news to the Maple now!
[02/09/18 01:22] :[Spell] you can see the seedwhisper

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[02/09/18 01:23] Rophs:Hullo maple!
[02/09/18 01:23] Rophs:As you can see you now have a body that others can see, not just me!
[02/09/18 01:23] Rophs:Woo hoo! *dances a jig around the sapling*
[02/09/18 01:24] :[Spell] don\'t dance too loud or you won\'t hear the seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[01/09/18 17:29] :Chewett says hello to the willow
[01/09/18 22:06] : tacitamuta collects Water
[01/09/18 23:51] *Lintara*:Ohh, a new tree! *claps excitedly*
[02/09/18 00:21] : tacitamuta collects Water
[02/09/18 00:33] : tacitamuta collects Water
[02/09/18 01:25] Rophs:=-=-=
[02/09/18 01:25] Rophs:I visited the Oak
[02/09/18 01:25] Rophs:A friendly bloke
[02/09/18 01:25] Rophs:Next was the Maple
[02/09/18 01:25] Rophs:A neighborhood staple!
[02/09/18 01:25] Rophs:Willow is here, where the frogs croak!
[02/09/18 01:25] Rophs:=-=-==
[02/09/18 01:25] :Rophs collapses laughing
[02/09/18 01:26] Rophs:I didn\'t have time to think of a good rhyme...
[02/09/18 01:26] :[Spell] why do the frogs ignore the seedwhisper

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[09/09/18 01:03] Rophs:Let\'s begin
[09/09/18 01:13] Rophs:There once was a person who felt tired and hopeless, they didn\'t feel good about their life.
[09/09/18 01:14] Rophs:They liked taking baths though, and they liked performing rituals with candles.
[09/09/18 01:17] Rophs:In the bath they lined up 19 candles in a row and lit them one by one saying the words "The path ahead is bright" as they held a match\'s flame to the wick of each candle.
[09/09/18 01:18] Rophs:At first they thought it was some sort of cruel joke they might be playing on themself but by the end they felt really good and believed in those five simple words.
[09/09/18 01:18] Rophs:The next day something wonderful happened and the path ahead became very bright, blindingly so.
[09/09/18 01:18] Rophs:They smiled.
[09/09/18 01:18] :Rophs smiles
[09/09/18 01:18] Rophs:The end.
[09/09/18 01:19] :[Spell] i follow this bright path as i listen to the seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[08/09/18 20:31] : Ungod collects Tree bark
[09/09/18 01:21] Rophs:dst killed Aia del Mana in a pathetic attempt at destroying the CotE.
[09/09/18 01:21] Rophs:Although maybe the badge is gone such trivialities don\'t matter in this realm nowadays.
[09/09/18 01:22] Rophs:Most alliances are no longer meaningful.
[09/09/18 01:22] Rophs:CotE was one of the few meaningful alliances, but the thing about a meaninful alliance is that they continue to exist without a badge.
[09/09/18 01:23] Rophs:All of the GG alliances are either inactive or meaningless.
[09/09/18 01:23] Rophs:MB has the water dowsers I suppose, as LR has the cutters.
[09/09/18 01:24] Rophs:Seal of Six has been stripped of its meaning long ago. To call it a meaningless void would be to ascribe too much meaning to it.
[09/09/18 01:25] Rophs:Caretakers are cool though.
[09/09/18 01:25] Rophs:Guardians of Bob is maybe the best example. They have always been an alliance but only had official recognition rather recently.
[09/09/18 01:25] :[Spell] you should agree with the seedwhispers

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Acoustic Remains log

[23/09/18 01:16] Rophs:Let\'s begin
[23/09/18 01:26] Rophs:This is the story of the red aramor.
[23/09/18 01:26] Rophs:Oh actually, that\'s an anni color.
[23/09/18 01:26] Rophs:Hmm
[23/09/18 01:26] Rophs:This took place in year 2, so that\'s why it\'s not just an anni.
[23/09/18 01:29] Rophs:And this story takes place on Gateway Island!
[23/09/18 01:29] Rophs:You see Z stole a tin of red paint from Ledah after Ledah tried to paint bob red.
[23/09/18 01:29] Rophs:And as a prank Z decided he would paint an Elder Aramor red.
[23/09/18 01:33] Rophs:So using his powerful Goat Magic he transported himself to Gateway Island using the Bob Family Transportation Network and snuck into the Old Aramory.
[23/09/18 01:33] Rophs:There he found an Elder Armor who was guarding a pile of Aramor Fenths just like a Drach guards a pile of Drach Eggs.
[23/09/18 01:38] Rophs:But Z is a goat and doesn\'t have hands to use a paintbrush.
[23/09/18 01:39] Rophs:So Z tried to kick the paint and splatter the Aramor but he accidentally spilled it on Mur the Mouse and exactly 100 of the Aramor Fenths.
[23/09/18 01:39] Rophs:And that\'s why Mur\'s Mouse Avatar is red and why the annis from that one year are red!
[23/09/18 01:39] Rophs:The end...
[23/09/18 01:43] :[Spell] only true stories on the seedwhisper

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[23/09/18 02:03] Rophs:Hey Maple!
[23/09/18 02:03] Rophs:The altars still don\'t work!
[23/09/18 02:03] Rophs:I have trees that I wanna sacc but I can\'t!
[23/09/18 02:03] :Rophs grumbles and stumbles off
[23/09/18 02:03] :[Spell] stay a while and hear the seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[22/09/18 15:40] : Dhyone collects Water
[23/09/18 02:04] Rophs:=-=-=-=
[23/09/18 02:04] Rophs:Mash mash throw your lance
[23/09/18 02:04] Rophs:Do the kingly dance
[23/09/18 02:05] Rophs:Goblins and ghouls make us look like fools
[23/09/18 02:06] Rophs:The world has very silly rules
[23/09/18 02:06] Rophs:Get hit and you lose your pants!
[23/09/18 02:06] Rophs:=-=-=-=
[23/09/18 02:06] :[Spell] there are strange rhymes on the seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[03/10/18 20:03] Rophs:Let\'s begin the Seedwalk!
[03/10/18 20:04] Rophs:First, stories for The Oak.
[03/10/18 20:04] Rophs:Would anyone like to tell a story to The Oak? *glances at Nepgear*
[03/10/18 20:04] Nepgear:Uhmm, this is my first time here, so I have no idea what to do *looks nervously*
[03/10/18 20:06] Rophs:Tell The Oak a story about trying something for the first time.
[03/10/18 20:07] Nepgear:Oh, well I did have such an event on my trip to Necrovion.
[03/10/18 20:07] :Rophs grins
[03/10/18 20:08] Nepgear:See, I had a chocolate covered grasshopper that I found a while ago. And I have been wondering how it tastes like.
[03/10/18 20:09] Nepgear:But I just couldn\'t bring my self to eat it. But, Necrovion is a place unlike any other, so I thought, why not?
[03/10/18 20:10] Nepgear:So, I ate it... It was weird, but not overly bad. I could probably get used to it actually. If I needed to *shrugs*
[03/10/18 20:11] Nepgear:The chocolate was sweet, but the grasshopper underneath was crunchy. It tasted kinda like chicken actually *chuckles*
[03/10/18 20:11] Nepgear:That was my first time eating something like that.
[03/10/18 20:12] Rophs:Oh my...
[03/10/18 20:12] Rophs:Insects are a good source of protein I\'ve heard.
[03/10/18 20:13] Nepgear:I\'ve heard that one too. But I\'m still not sure if I\'d want to eat them on a regular basis just because of that.
[03/10/18 20:14] Rophs:Yep yep!
[03/10/18 20:14] Rophs:So what kind of story should I tell?
[03/10/18 20:14] Nepgear:Hmm...
[03/10/18 20:15] Nepgear:Do you have any stories from the old days of the realm?
[03/10/18 20:15] Rophs:How far back do you want to go?
[03/10/18 20:17] Nepgear:How about the time when humans could freely enter Necrovion?
[03/10/18 20:17] Rophs:Oh wow, well I remember those days!
[03/10/18 20:17] Rophs:That makes me rather old, for a seed.
[03/10/18 20:17] :Nepgear smiles
[03/10/18 20:18] Rophs:Awiiya asked me to deliver him a shadow from Necrovion.
[03/10/18 20:19] Rophs:I decided to bring my own shadow, because if someone else came for theirs I wouldn\'t want them to realize that someone else took it.
[03/10/18 20:19] Rophs: *nods* It seems quite fair to me!
[03/10/18 20:20] Rophs:I went with Aelis and we realized that even if we found the shadow there would be no way for us to capture it.
[03/10/18 20:20] Rophs:In the dark of Necrovion we couldn\'t even make it appear!
[03/10/18 20:21] Rophs:But we used a Wiiya Bubble and a Heat stone to create a sort of lamp that would illuminate around us
[03/10/18 20:21] Rophs:It was strange to hold a lamp and for no shadow to appear at my feet, but that\'s because the shadow wasn\'t there. But it had to be somewhere and we went to go find it.
[03/10/18 20:23] Rophs:After a long trek we found ourselves at Deathmarrow and when I looked down there it was!
[03/10/18 20:23] :Nepgear nods
[03/10/18 20:23] Rophs:The shadow was bound to my feet.
[03/10/18 20:23] Rophs:With each step it was forced to follow as long as our Heat Lamp was shining on me.
[03/10/18 20:25] Rophs:So we make the trek out of Necrovion and back to NM, with my shadow in tow.
[03/10/18 20:25] Rophs:It\'s now trapped below Awiiya\'s roots.
[03/10/18 20:25] :Rophs grins
[03/10/18 20:25] Rophs:Those were two fun stories.
[03/10/18 20:26] Nepgear:Indeed *smiles*
[03/10/18 20:26] Rophs:Let\'s move on to The Maple, it\'s located at Sanctuary\'s View.
[03/10/18 20:26] :[Spell] a new voice is heard in the seedwhisper

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[03/10/18 20:29] Rophs:We tell the Maple recent news and gossip
[03/10/18 20:30] Nepgear:News and gossip? Hmm...
[03/10/18 20:30] Rophs:Eagle Eye is back
[03/10/18 20:30] Rophs:That means the Woodcutters guild will become more active
[03/10/18 20:31] Nepgear:Mhm, I\'ve already met him, if only for a brief moment.
[03/10/18 20:33] Rophs:There were some new AL entries about the Red Service that happened a while ago.
[03/10/18 20:34] :Nepgear nods
[03/10/18 20:35] Nepgear:I\'ve heard that Azull is working on something... Well, he told me this actually *chuckles*
[03/10/18 20:36] Rophs:What\'s he working on? Hmm?
[03/10/18 20:36] Nepgear:But I don\'t know what. The only thing he told me is that he thinks I\'ll appreciate it.
[03/10/18 20:36] Rophs:Oh I don\'t think he is lying about that.
[03/10/18 20:37] Nepgear:Me neither. I just want to know *grins*
[03/10/18 20:42] Nepgear:Well, this was about 3 weeks ago. So maybe we\'ll get to know soon-ish.
[03/10/18 20:42] :Rophs nods
[03/10/18 20:42] Rophs:I really can\'t think of much else.
[03/10/18 20:42] Rophs:Let\'s visit The Willow.
[03/10/18 20:43] Nepgear:Alright... Um, where is it exactly?
[03/10/18 20:43] Rophs:Willow\'s Walk in MB.
[03/10/18 20:43] :[Spell] hear it all on the seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[03/10/18 20:46] Rophs:Two people on a walk
[03/10/18 20:46] Rophs:Both of them talk
[03/10/18 20:46] Rophs:Together in their zone
[03/10/18 20:47] Rophs:They are not alone
[03/10/18 20:47] Rophs:Mark it down with chalk
[03/10/18 20:47] Rophs: *nods* A limerick
[03/10/18 20:47] Nepgear:Not bad *grins*
[03/10/18 20:48] Rophs:You try one *blows a raspberry*
[03/10/18 20:49] Nepgear:Hmm, let\'s see...
[03/10/18 20:54] Rophs:Still looking?
[03/10/18 20:55] Nepgear:Mmm, I\'m very bad at this *chuckles* I don\'t think I can come up with one on the fly.
[03/10/18 20:56] Rophs:Fly? There you go again bug eater!
[03/10/18 20:56] :Rophs blows a stronger, more intense raspberry
[03/10/18 20:56] :Nepgear laughs
[03/10/18 20:57] Nepgear:Grasshoppers are better than flies for sure.
[03/10/18 20:57] Rophs:The taste of an insect in my mouth? I abhor!
[03/10/18 20:58] Nepgear:...chocolate covered insects. Or maybe spicy *chuckles*
[03/10/18 21:04] Rophs:Hmm
[03/10/18 21:04] Rophs:I guess you don\'t know a poem
[03/10/18 21:04] :[Spell] the seedwhisper doesn\'t mind

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Acoustic Remains log

[14/10/18 03:11] Rophs:Let\'s begin.
[14/10/18 03:12] Rophs:Once upon a time someone decided they wanted to make the best mistake of his life.
[14/10/18 03:12] Rophs:But such a profound and amazing mistake that one knows they should never regret cannot be attributed to them.
[14/10/18 03:12] Rophs:So he chose a name to do it under. That name was Mur of course.
[14/10/18 03:12] Rophs:And now the mistake is growing, festering, becoming more powerful.
[14/10/18 03:13] Rophs:After a few years he realized it wasn\'t a mistake despite its many imperfections...
[14/10/18 03:16] : Mallos collects Toxic plants and flowers as a byproduct
[14/10/18 03:18] :Mallos passed Flowers to Rophs
[14/10/18 03:19] Rophs:Mallos would you like to continue the story?
[14/10/18 03:20] Rophs:It\'s been a while since we did a seedwalk where a group of people weaved a story!
[14/10/18 03:22] Mallos:uh let me get more coffee.. also this seems more like a pair than a group
[14/10/18 03:24] :Mallos drinks coffee
[14/10/18 03:24] Rophs:Enjoy =]
[14/10/18 03:24] Mallos:SOoooOOoner or later that \'mistake\' began to take hold of its participants, they found themselves meeting up and plotting
[14/10/18 03:26] Mallos:and even spending many hours, many days and nights contriving their next moves
[14/10/18 03:28] Mallos:so much so that they had almost gone to war with eachother. other people decided they had to document these actions
[14/10/18 03:29] Mallos:and here now we have some nice stories to read about from it
[14/10/18 03:30] Mallos:you can keep going if you want
[14/10/18 03:31] : Mallos collects Tea leaves and flowers as a byproduct
[14/10/18 03:32] Rophs:(getting water hotsec_
[14/10/18 03:33] :Mallos passed Flowers to Rophs
[14/10/18 03:35] Rophs:And now the mistake experment of Mur is entering a new phase, one we can tell about to The Maple.
[14/10/18 03:35] :[Spell] make no mistake, the seedwhisper is intentional

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[14/10/18 03:36] Rophs:Hello Maple!
[14/10/18 03:36] Rophs:Today Mur has made a significant upgrade to the questmaker backpack and we are now in stage14 of MD most likely
[14/10/18 03:37] Rophs:Either that or we are about to enter it...
[14/10/18 03:39] :[Spell] as md changes there will always be a seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[14/10/18 03:40] Rophs:=-=-=
[14/10/18 03:40] Rophs:Mallos comes to The Oak
[14/10/18 03:40] Rophs:He\'s a friendly bloke
[14/10/18 03:40] Rophs:Listens to news with The Maple
[14/10/18 03:41] Rophs:His presence is a staple
[14/10/18 03:41] Rophs:To come here he\'s never been stoked
[14/10/18 03:41] Rophs:=-=-=
[14/10/18 03:41] Rophs:ryhming is a myth
[14/10/18 03:41] :[Spell] every word rhymes together on the seedwhisper

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Acoustic Remains log

[04/11/18 20:00] *Lintara*: *skids to a stop* Made it!
[04/11/18 20:00] Rophs:Woo!
[04/11/18 20:00] Rophs:Let\'s begin.
[04/11/18 20:01] Rophs:Lintara, tell The Oak a story about an adventurer\'s nervous anticipation for an upcoming dangerous journey.
[04/11/18 20:01] *Lintara*:Alright, give me a moment....
[04/11/18 20:04] *Lintara*: *takes a breath* The young one looked over her list againThe young one looked over her list again. Bag, rope, journal, food supplies, water, knife...
[04/11/18 20:04] *Lintara*:Everything seemed to be in the chaotic pile in front of her, yet she could not shake the feeling something was missing.
[04/11/18 20:06] *Lintara*:She grabbed the map and looked at where her destination was. Sure, she did so many times before, but maybe it would help her remember.
[04/11/18 20:08] *Lintara*:Nothing. Blast it, she thought, she\'ll be fine without it. The candle she lit up for keeping time was running low anyway and the commotion outside was giving her signs to get a move on.
[04/11/18 20:10] *Lintara*:Quickly as she could, she stuffed everything into her bag and strapped it on her back , then grabbed the map off the table and rushed out to the street. No labyrinth of streets kept her from the ship.
[04/11/18 20:11] *Lintara*:Not a moment sooner than when she jumped aboard and the ship left the docks, did a thought hit the young navigator.
[04/11/18 20:11] *Lintara*: *smiles* Where was the compass?
[04/11/18 20:13] *Lintara*:The end
[04/11/18 20:13] Rophs:Oh no
[04/11/18 20:16] Rophs:What kind of story should I tell?
[04/11/18 20:16] *Lintara*:Hmm... Oh, about a weary traveler\'s quest for hope
[04/11/18 20:17] Rophs:Hah, I won\'t need a compass!
[04/11/18 20:17] Rophs:The stars and sun will illumiate the path forward.
[04/11/18 20:18] Rophs:For the first day she was confident, they were on the correct course. By the end of the week they would reach the destination.
[04/11/18 20:19] Rophs:Eight days later they had been out of food for over 24 hours and the seaman who was drinking seawater died of dehydration. Hopefully this is the only price to be paid for forgetting a compass...
[04/11/18 20:21] Rophs:Land ho!
[04/11/18 20:21] Rophs:I haven\'t eaten in three days and have barely been able to forget why I haven\'t died of dehydration yet...
[04/11/18 20:22] Rophs:We sailed into port only to see it\'s the same one we departed from...
[04/11/18 20:23] Rophs:The perished sailor\'s dog is standing on the dock wagging his tail.
[04/11/18 20:23] Rophs:What a good boy, he always stands there and waits for his owner\'s return.
[04/11/18 20:23] :Rophs begins to gently sob It\'s too sad I can\'t keep going
[04/11/18 20:24] Rophs:let me retype that
[04/11/18 20:24] Rophs: *begins to gently sob* It\'s too sad I can\'t keep going...
[04/11/18 20:25] :Rophs crawls over to Lintara, climbs onto her sandal, and cries on the shoulder of her pinky toe
[04/11/18 20:25] :*Lintara* nods slowly, reaches over and pats the sobbing little acorn with her index finger
[04/11/18 20:27] :Rophs blows his nose on her toenail and then comes back to his senses
[04/11/18 20:27] Rophs:Oh wow, that was a neat story.
[04/11/18 20:27] Rophs:It reminds me when we did a multi person story weaving at an anni Seedwalk.
[04/11/18 20:27] Rophs:But why don\'t you have shoes on? You might step on a pointy rock!
[04/11/18 20:28] *Lintara*:I thought I would not bear to tell the dog of his owner\'s fate, let alone look at the eyes of the pooch. But then captain stepped up and handed me the sailor\'s hat.
[04/11/18 20:29] *Lintara*:I placed it upon the dog\'s head and stammered out "I\'m sorry".
[04/11/18 20:30] *Lintara*: *smiles a little* A little closure to that story
[04/11/18 20:30] Rophs: (NO THAT\'S SO SAD)
[04/11/18 20:30] *Lintara*:And these are talons, not feet. Would take a sharper rock to pierce the scales.
[04/11/18 20:30] Rophs: (MY FACE HAS TWO TINY TEARS)
[04/11/18 20:30] Rophs: (you\'re a bird?)
[04/11/18 20:31] Rophs: (dragon?!)
[04/11/18 20:31] *Lintara*: (a dragon shapeshifted into a humanoid but kept her talons for running)
[04/11/18 20:31] Rophs:Okay let\'s continue on to The Maple.
[04/11/18 20:32] :[Spell] keep in touch with your emotions with help from the seedwhisper
[04/11/18 20:47] :[Spell] loglog seedwhisper

Acoustic Remains log

[04/11/18 20:33] Rophs:Hello Maple!
[04/11/18 20:33] *Lintara*:Hi Maple! Got any more drinks?
[04/11/18 20:34] Rophs:Right now there\'s a few people in Necrovion trying to talk to the shades.
[04/11/18 20:34] Rophs:They don\'t seem to be getting a response.
[04/11/18 20:35] Rophs:But I asked lashtal to invite the Old Man on this Seedwalk because there\'s some bad news that I want to tell him.
[04/11/18 20:35] *Lintara*:Um Rophs... The Old Man is dead
[04/11/18 20:35] Rophs:lash said that he can\'t control the Old Man but he\'s willing to bring me to him.
[04/11/18 20:36] Rophs:Is he Fang Archbane dead?
[04/11/18 20:36] *Lintara*:The human half is. The shade half is being angry in NC tho
[04/11/18 20:37] Rophs:I think the shade half is the half that I wanted to give the news to.
[04/11/18 20:37] Rophs:It seems that h... it is waiting for something and clinging on to some false hope.
[04/11/18 20:37] *Lintara*: *nods* MRF\'s gone
[04/11/18 20:37] Rophs:I want to shatter this false hope..
[04/11/18 20:38] Rophs:Yes, but I don\'t think it knows.
[04/11/18 20:38] : Rophs collects Tree bark
[04/11/18 20:38] *Lintara*:I tried to tell them that when Aia was killed.
[04/11/18 20:38] Rophs:And I have an MRF autograph as well, that mioght come in handy.
[04/11/18 20:39] *Lintara*:They decided to wait to confirm it.
[04/11/18 20:39] Rophs:Hah
[04/11/18 20:39] Rophs:Maybe I can forge a note and give it a signature with this autograph.
[04/11/18 20:40] Rophs:Is it a forgery if it expresses the true intent of the person you are impersonating?
[04/11/18 20:41] *Lintara*: *chuckles a bit* Lashtal telling them might work just as well, if they\'d show up again.
[04/11/18 20:41] Rophs:Hmm
[04/11/18 20:41] Rophs:Also I attacked the old man during the Sed Service, so the shades might be salty about that.
[04/11/18 20:43] *Lintara*:No saltier than about anyone else at that time. But worry about that if they show up again.
[04/11/18 20:45] Rophs:Hmm, maybe.
[04/11/18 20:45] *Lintara*:That aside, there wasn\'t much else happening this week. Mallos and I tried to start a sparring party at the Howling Gates to get their attention but the party only lasted that evening.
[04/11/18 20:46] Rophs:Hmm
[04/11/18 20:46] Rophs:Poetry?
[04/11/18 20:46] Rophs:Let\'s continue.
[04/11/18 20:46] *Lintara*:Onwards!
[04/11/18 20:46] :[Spell] the future of the realm lives at home on the seedwhisper

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[04/11/18 20:49] Rophs:=-=-=
[04/11/18 20:49] Rophs:Inside the stone barricade
[04/11/18 20:49] Rophs:I will visit a specific shade
[04/11/18 20:49] Rophs:With bad news to share
[04/11/18 20:49] Rophs:I hope treatment is fair
[04/11/18 20:50] Rophs:Regardless, I\'m still afraid
[04/11/18 20:50] Rophs:=-=-=
[04/11/18 20:50] Rophs: *grins* A limerick!
[04/11/18 20:50] *Lintara*: *giggles* Oh, haven\'t rhymed in a while...
[04/11/18 20:51] Rophs:Then maybe a haiku.
[04/11/18 20:51] *Lintara*:Here goes... *raises her hands to the sky*
[04/11/18 20:51] *Lintara*:=-=-=
[04/11/18 20:51] *Lintara*:Bloody moon, scorching sun,
[04/11/18 20:51] *Lintara*:Cast a shade for us again.
[04/11/18 20:51] *Lintara*:Bloody moon, scorching sun,
[04/11/18 20:52] *Lintara*:Let it anger, let it rage.
[04/11/18 20:52] *Lintara*:Bloody moon, scorching sun,
[04/11/18 20:52] *Lintara*:Let the old one rest again.
[04/11/18 20:53] *Lintara*:=-=-=
[04/11/18 20:53] :Rophs grimaces
[04/11/18 20:53] Rophs:Do you hope I die?
[04/11/18 20:54] *Lintara*: *sighs* Rophs, I am of the ones most likely to die for this.
[04/11/18 20:54] Rophs:Eek! Who will be the ruler of the forst?
[04/11/18 20:54] Rophs:Would it fall onto Eagle Eye, our judge?
[04/11/18 20:55] Rophs:He told me he is also going to try and become mp6 again so that we can have a more powerful guardian of the forest.
[04/11/18 20:55] *Lintara*: *shakes her head* I fear he slumbers too often to hold the crown. I will choose an heir when the time comes.
[04/11/18 20:56] :Rophs nods
[04/11/18 20:56] *Lintara*: *smiles, looking a little tired* It\'ll be alright Rophs.
[04/11/18 20:56] Rophs:Let\'s go tell secrets to the spruce.
[04/11/18 20:56] :Rophs nods
[04/11/18 20:57] Rophs:Big people like to say that even when they aren\'t certain.
[04/11/18 20:57] :[Spell] always trust the seedwhisper, it always contains trush

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[10/11/18 22:49] : No one collects Wiiya
[11/11/18 01:08] Rophs: (going to have dinner and if nobody is here when i return i\'ll do a solo seedwalk)
[11/11/18 02:18] Rophs:Hello Oak
[11/11/18 02:19] Rophs:It\'s good to see you again!
[11/11/18 02:23] Rophs:This is a story of warmth...
[11/11/18 02:25] Rophs:Well
[11/11/18 02:26] Rophs:The story contains warmth but most of it is cold.
[11/11/18 02:26] Rophs:A long time ago I asked Azull for a tour of NC, this was when he was still a King.
[11/11/18 02:29] Rophs:Whenever I was in this land there was an ominous chill. Everywhere I went felt uncomfortable cold.
[11/11/18 02:32] Rophs:When Azull was nearby guiding the tour it become even worse, unbearable, even.
[11/11/18 02:34] Rophs:Nowhere in Necrovion could I find any warmth.
[11/11/18 02:37] Rophs:But eventually I stopped feeling cold.
[11/11/18 02:38] Rophs:When I left it felt like I was thrown into an oven.
[11/11/18 02:39] Rophs:That\'s the time I forgot what it was like to feel warmth.
[11/11/18 02:39] :Rophs nods
[11/11/18 02:40] :[Spell] don\'t be lonely when the seedwhisper can keep you company

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[11/11/18 02:42] Rophs:Maple!
[11/11/18 02:42] Rophs:Lots of stuff happened.
[11/11/18 02:42] Rophs:Necrovion is open again, something happened with the shades.
[11/11/18 02:44] Rophs:Currently it is a lawless place where anything goes.
[11/11/18 02:51] Rophs:I invited a shade on a Seedwalk as well, but I don\'t think it will ever accompany me.
[11/11/18 02:52] Rophs:I wonder if the Aramors would want to come on a Seedwalk...
[11/11/18 03:05] Rophs:Well that\'s what\'s going on now.
[11/11/18 03:05] Rophs:Bye!
[11/11/18 03:05] :[Spell] seedwhisper

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