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Immunity to summon/teleport spells in special circuimstances


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Surely you are aware that some characters can be powerful in their own domain. It sounds silly that you can drag them around whenever you wish just if you have such teleporting/summon spell, for example, Awiiya getting summoned to Necrovion, or imagine some 'incognito' powerful LR character that (in-character wise) stays in the depths of Loreroot's nature, and you are allowed to violate his sanctity easily, sounds godmodding to me.


A mechanism that prevents such teleports would be great, for that fictional LR character, he would be immune to teleportation spells while in territory of Loreroot, or something similar.


Consider for example that you can't use "locate" spell on all characters, so that's a good precedent.



No specific motivation for this suggestion other than for the sake of in-character atmosphere.

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  • Root Admin

A number of locations are marked as nojump, stopping teleports. You know of these I assume and are unhappy with them?

Consider for example that you can't use "locate" spell on all characters, so that's a good precedent.



Locate doesnt entirely translate over to summon/porting spells. I dont think many/any porting spells are avalible in the WP shop. This means they are all level 1. The locate spell can be cast on "higher" players by increasing the level. At higher levels it can be used to spy on Mur, LHO's and such.


If you wish utilise this precedent, you would need to address the above difference.

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There are some locations with nojump tag indeed, but that does not relate to the in-character atmosphere I was talking about, although those locations can be used to adapt, as an alternative. It's about the specific nature of the scenes, rather than the character itself, the matter with those nojump tags (even so, Marind Bell for example has no nojump locations - I just checked, no idea about other lands).


I like that you brought up the matter of locate levels, it crossed my mind, to introduce levels into teleport spells, so that the current state (being able to teleport anyone, anytime, except when they are in those locations - not sure exactly how they work, haven't played around with those) be the highest level of the spell, although still it makes me feel uncomfortable - too little effort, yet too great and godmode effect of the spell.

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  • Root Admin

How would people get these additional levels? Considering that most people have purchased, but were given the spells, thusly everyone has level one.


What characters would be protected?


protection from lvl1 if you are in your homeland?

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Yes, protection from level1 in your homeland sounds like the best automatic-mechanism alternative, with an option for, let's say Council, to implement immunity to special roles that aren't homeland related. (Like Z with Bob the tree, rather than the whole No man's land)

For the immunity to start, perhaps you should reach a certain amount of land loyalty, before your homeland being able to trigger the immunity - perhaps 100 land loyalty (tops) - and it only working in your home, not for every land you have 100 land loyalty in.


MD has admins that usually keep care of what's going on in the realm, so they can pick up if someone grew an attachment to a certain location, for those special cases.

The only thing that makes me uncomfortable about that 100 land loyalty thing are players that are just logging in for days, and didn't really manifest an attachment for their home, to develop that attachment, being immune to teleportation there.

Perhaps a good way to test that volition stats? :)

100 land loyalty AND xx volition stats.



Development of levels for teleport spells would be kinda cool, because distribution of those spells to players would be much easier to make now when in doubt, rather than just give it and hope that it won't get abused.

High level teleport spells should be REALLY rare, like 1 or 2 people, that have something very specific in their roles that is pro-teleport, or are just known as famous wizards.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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I think that it should be more difficult, but not impossible to teleport alliance members who are onland. Perhaps members of the same land can freely teleport allymembers that are onland but nobody else. My personal reasoning is that in times of war a king could just summon enemies and quickly dispatch them, or trap them in the labyrinth or some other viscous location.

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Nice idea, I wonder what pissed you off.


Yes, protection from level1 in your homeland sounds like the best automatic-mechanism alternative, with an option for, let's say Council, to implement immunity to special roles that aren't homeland related. (Like Z with Bob the tree, rather than the whole No man's land)

For the immunity to start, perhaps you should reach a certain amount of land loyalty, before your homeland being able to trigger the immunity - perhaps 100 land loyalty (tops) - and it only working in your home, not for every land you have 100 land loyalty in.


MD has admins that usually keep care of what's going on in the realm, so they can pick up if someone grew an attachment to a certain location, for those special cases.

The only thing that makes me uncomfortable about that 100 land loyalty thing are players that are just logging in for days, and didn't really manifest an attachment for their home, to develop that attachment, being immune to teleportation there.

Perhaps a good way to test that volition stats? :)

100 land loyalty AND xx volition stats.



Development of levels for teleport spells would be kinda cool, because distribution of those spells to players would be much easier to make now when in doubt, rather than just give it and hope that it won't get abused.

High level teleport spells should be REALLY rare, like 1 or 2 people, that have something very specific in their roles that is pro-teleport, or are just known as famous wizards.


Anyway, I am against such protection from behalf of "land".

Why ? because except from the very few & rare occasions when you DON'T want to be dragged away, there are at least 10-20 occasions when you DO.


Yea, I am lazy and I want to be able to use the spells that I bought / buy but because someone got afraid of being killed by a king he prevented  everyone from using jumps (that are so rare).


Thank you , but unless you have a better motif , I'll vote for NO.


Edit :



I think that it should be more difficult, but not impossible to teleport alliance members who are onland. Perhaps members of the same land can freely teleport allymembers that are onland but nobody else. My personal reasoning is that in times of war a king could just summon enemies and quickly dispatch them, or trap them in the labyrinth or some other viscous location.


@Rophs: do you know any king that would do such low / dishonorable things ? If so ... then that king should not be a king or the kings should be able to drag someone from another land allegiance without their consent.

And this sounds a bit better (I think).

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@Rophs: do you know any king that would do such low / dishonorable things ? If so ... then that king should not be a king or the kings should be able to drag someone from another land allegiance without their consent.

And this sounds a bit better (I think).


I disagree. Everything is fair in war.


And seeing that especially teleportation spells are hard to get in MD, kudos for the ones that have them.

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Nice idea, I wonder what pissed you off.



I don't see what are you referring at?


Why ? because except from the very few & rare occasions when you DON'T want to be dragged away, there are at least 10-20 occasions when you DO.



When you do want to get teleported, you step outside of the land, put's a bit of emphasis on that "will" of yours to get teleported.



Yea, I am lazy and I want to be able to use the spells that I bought / buy but because someone got afraid of being killed by a king he prevented  everyone from using jumps (that are so rare).



I dislike that you try to put this in the light that I'm afraid of getting killed, which is ridicilous. Aside cynical analysis of my motives, it is silly - anyone that has a killing item can kill me easily, teleport or no teleport. This post is entirely based on my 'feel' of how things should change a bit for the in-character atmosphere to flourish, limiting the overpowering effect of teleport feels natural to me (other than the ones that have it for MD official events). 

I don't want the teleporting to disappear, I would just like that it requires a bit of extra effort in regular/personal situations (again I say - other than MD official events).


I didn't think at any point that this would get implemented anytime soon, I just wanted it to be here in suggestions, perhaps one day it will be appropriate in the eyes of an admin, but it's a longshot, so don't feel threatened.

Critique and discussion are welcome.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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I have an idea that might make No one and Princ agree, and I feel the best way to explain it is with an example


1.Syrian is inside of Deathmarrow

2.dst casts sendtogoe on Syrian

3.Syrian is given the option to be teleported

3.If Syrian says yes she is teleported

4.If Syrian says no she stays in Deathmarrow and in chat is says "dst failed to cast a spell"

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@Rophs: yea, something like that.


@Rhaegar: hmm, I guess I missinterpreted your intent. My mistake.


Anyway, the summons are pretty fine like they are and as limited and few as they are.

And ... I think that there are a few locations (no spoilers here) where one can get trapped in its own land if it wouldn't be the simple teleports.

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Yes, such situations are tricky, but If what Roph suggested would be implemented, then those would be covered as well.

Some time limit until you can respond to the quest would be in order, say 5 minutes. Also, the time between the player who wish to get teleported and the one casting a spell synchronize sounds appealing to me, like the caster is taking a considerable effort to cast a spell. 



Also, Rophs, idlers being freely teleportable makes sense to me - as they are defenseless while they sleep. They can't invest enough will to ressist the spell.

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I accept the arguments, that an "idle-er" should be immediately teleported, but disagree on the concept, that you get to choose if the caster succeeds or fails the cast.


The one that is performing the teleportation has already put enough efforts and heat, so failing should only be dependent on the location the player is, and perhaps the "yet-to-be-determined" new levels of players, that will affect that spell.

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Well, if someone is trying to teleport you, while you are in your safe zone, in your homeland, you can still probably "feel" that someone is trying to call your spirit with a powerful spell, so you can decide whether you wish to succumb to it, or stay put. Thus the accept or refuse button.


Although, I think that in some locations you can feel too isolated, secluded, on your own, for someone to be able to discract your thoughts from distance. Perhaps every location of your homeland would have the level of immunity amplifier. This could all be connected with energetic immunity stat, by the way, at least in theory - practically probably not.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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At issue is the possibility that someone is so much a part of the identity of a scene or scenes that it wouldn't make sense to teleport them without transposing the location itself, as well.


"Summon Loreroot (coordinates of scene to be replaced with the Loreroot mainland)" spell...heh.

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