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petty dodds

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I am a newbie, but I have been following the discussion among many players regarding viscosity.


I daily make my rounds around Marind Bell and No Man's Land.  May I suggest that everyone do the same?  Perhaps that will help to lower the viscosity?  I have heard complaints that Marind Bell used to only be negative viscosity.  I've also heard complaints about the Paper Cabin, the Aramory and let's not forget that getting to MDA lands shouldn't be so hard.


I love this game.  I am active only 40 days today but I haven't missed a day.  I would recruit new players but I'm an older player and quite frankly, a bit of an odd duck in my social circle as none of my friends like RPGs.  That said, I would love to have a hand in helping revitalize and/or "wake up" the realm of Magic Duel by recommending daily parades and that players regularly make the rounds around both MB and NoMans's Land.



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Some of us run around, Ary.  Like Petty, I'm about the only one in my circle that plays games like this.  While some people do log in just for the days, others are trying to do things. 


Don't squash the youngling.  Help and encourage instead.

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Let me restate.


I'm going to run around Marind Bell and No Man's land every day.

I want to do what I can to help reduce viscosity.


I don't much care if others join me, just thought, "hey, that might work"



I mean, the game is what WE make it as players, right?  So... I'm going to do what I think is best. 

Oh, and as always, apples will be left at willow's shop to nom nom on your way to and fro. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I enjoy and soak in this enthusiastic idea and will prolong my walks, especially toward MDA Lands. Joys of walking never really stood as an obstacle for my being, especially through such a beautiful landscapes and scenes.


Also there's a great joy upon meeting freshly born players along the way who still carry that new great enthusiasm and "innocence", so speaking with some of them who like to exchange words is quite a mutual positive experience for me.

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