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Cat person or dog person?


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I saw a Persian cat today in the pet shop and I just remembered how much I want a cat of my own. Then I saw a pic on MD with Zulnaar and a cat and the knife was twisted even more.


I was near cats almost all my life until I moved out. Now I cannot have one for so many reasons. The main one is that it would be alone more than 12 hours a day and that would be torture for the poor animal.


I was around dogs as well but they lack that thing the cats have...and they lack the purr :D.


I even remember the names of cats since I was 4 or 5. And I think I remember all the names of the cats that had an impact on my life.


Meh..small wishes are the most impossible! :d

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I am a lover of animals.  I have a feral cat justly named Racket:)).  I rescused him about 5 years ago and he is still meaner than a cat locked in a room full of rocking chairs.  I also have a Corgi.  I thought him a gentleman when we first met and named him Briggs. Turns out I was wrong!!  He is nothing more than little monster:P.   Briggs tries to be the "big dog" in the house..only till Racket gets pissed, then I have to rescue him from the big "mean" kitty:P  Love em' both, and giggle like a fool when my crazy kitty gives his kitty kisses.  Just have to move fast if he decides he has had enough..lol!!!

Edited by Kiley
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If I'll get a cat I will take 1 month off from work and stay at home and snuggle the life out of that cat! And then it will be all mine! No sharing! I want it too much to share it :D




I'll get a cat too. And it'll be better than your cat!

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I currently don't have a pet but I have friends who have cats and friends who have dogs. Personally if I where to get an animal it would be a dog. I was shown a video a few years back that farther cemented my decision. I found that 4 minute video on you tube and will post the link below.




That being said though dogs require much more attention.

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We used to feed and take in all kinds of stray cats around the neighborhood. Mom and my sisters used to lure them over and eventually the cats allowed my family to feed and pet them. Most of the cats didn't like me. On the other hand, dogs that were wandering the street usually came when I called to them. And have kindly held out their leashes in attempts to be taken home while their owner was distracted in a store. Great pets.


We did have a cat who lived in our garage for years. She was a bit antisocial and preferred seeing people occasionally for combing or treats.

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I had a cat who used to sleep on my chest. He did that for years! It was "my" cat as he didn't go to any other family member.

And I had dogs as well (well..parents have) but they were (are) big dogs that stay outside in the yard. So I don't really associate dogs with...well pets. I see them more as "security" :D.


@BFH: since I only like big dogs imagine how it will be to have a Saint Bernard in an apartment :D. I would have a roommate, not a pet :D.

As for toxoplasmosis, I am  well aware of the disease but I think dogs have their share of other contagious things as well so there's a balance there hence I don't really take it into consideration.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will always loved cats. We had 2 for several years until the brother started to go after his sister. So we gave the little sister to my mom. She is an old princess now and my beloved one died 6 years ago a couple of months before we returned home from a 3 years phase living abroad. I would never ever get a pet in a flat again but since we´re living in our own house, we started thinking again. But it´s always the same. The moment we realize that we´re are not willing to take our cat with us while traveling we stop this inner need of "having" one.  

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