Myth Posted September 5, 2014 Author Report Posted September 5, 2014 Noted. I'll update the picture later tonight, when I'm at home. Thanks. :)
Rophs Posted September 7, 2014 Report Posted September 7, 2014 I have a acoutsticremains of from above the PC, but I can't post it here because it has too many emoticons... The log expires in a month. Myth 1
Myth Posted September 8, 2014 Author Report Posted September 8, 2014 (edited) Contest is oficially over! Gooj job, everyone! Winners will be announced 24-48 hours from now. :) (EDIT: testing something) 012 / 123 / 234 / 345 / 456 123 / 234 / 345 / 456 / 567 234 / 345 / 456 / 567 / 678 345 / 456 / 567 / 678 / 789 Edited October 7, 2014 by Myth Intrigue, dst and Sir Blut 3
Myth Posted September 10, 2014 Author Report Posted September 10, 2014 (edited) RESULTS First thing's first. Congratulations to all of you! The battle was fought, and the last person standing was... well, none of you could really stand so I guess the liqor won. :P Let's take a look at what went on. [hr] Log Extracts If you're interested in reading these, know that they are rather long - I wanted to keep some context. 1. WittyLeWat [spoiler][06/09/14 22:24] Asthir:The technical details you'll get through PM - they're not that many. :P [06/09/14 22:24] WittyLeWat:Oh. Alright then. I'm looking forward to reading that [06/09/14 22:26] Asthir:For the record, I'll be posting the quotes here as well. This one's for you, Witty: [06/09/14 22:27] Asthir:There comes a time in every woman's life when the only thing that helps is a glass of champagne. [06/09/14 22:38] WittyLeWat:I will! Oh dear... [06/09/14 22:38] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to WittyLeWat [06/09/14 22:39] :WittyLeWat 's hair turns yellow [06/09/14 22:39] WittyLeWat:I'm working on my tries [06/09/14 22:39] Asthir:Good luck! [06/09/14 22:39] WittyLeWat:Thank you! [06/09/14 22:39] Asthir:To both of you. :P [06/09/14 22:41] WittyLeWat:Uhm quick question [06/09/14 22:41] Asthir:Shoot :) [06/09/14 22:41] WittyLeWat:Do I have to drink before every try or one time is enough ? [06/09/14 22:42] Asthir:If you have all three tries ready, you most likely won't have to drink more than once. :) [06/09/14 22:42] WittyLeWat:Sorry to be asking silly stuff, I don't wanna mess things up. [06/09/14 22:43] Asthir:There's nothing wrong with asking question, as I'm sure you've heard. :P [06/09/14 22:44] WittyLeWat:Okay, I will begin *hands get a little shaky* [06/09/14 22:44] WittyLeWat:Try 1 [06/09/14 22:44] WittyLeWat: rdeay [06/09/14 22:45] WittyLeWat: Rethe oscme aa mtie in rveey o'anmws lfie hwen teh nylo htgni htta ehspl si aa lagss fo chpmeanag. [06/09/14 22:45] WittyLeWat: Try 22 [06/09/14 22:45] WittyLeWat: Rdaey ...hic ... [06/09/14 22:45] WittyLeWat: Trehe cemso aa itme ni eveyr owan'ms flie hwen eht lnoy tinhg that lesph si aa lagss of chamngpea. [06/09/14 22:46] WittyLeWat: Try 33 [06/09/14 22:46] WittyLeWat: Radey [06/09/14 22:46] WittyLeWat: Erthe ocems ...hic ... aa time ni veery ...hic ... onam'ws eifl whne the lnoy hting hatt pshle is aa gsals of cmahnegap. [06/09/14 22:46] : *ligsgeg* [06/09/14 22:46] Asthir:Wonderful![/spoiler]2. Sir Blut [spoiler][06/09/14 22:27] Asthir:And here's the one for Sir Blut: [06/09/14 22:27] Asthir:Ignorance is a lot like alcohol: the more you have of it, the less you are able to see its effect on you. [06/09/14 22:48] Asthir:Blut, there might be a problem. :P [06/09/14 22:48] :Arion Ibruson chuckles [06/09/14 22:48] :Sir Blut kisses her [06/09/14 22:48] Asthir:"Trading inquisitor does not allow you pick any additional shared item. You already have the maximum allowed (3) " [06/09/14 22:49] Sir Blut:Well I have some ferment [06/09/14 22:49] Sir Blut:WOuld it be okay to drink it [06/09/14 22:49] Asthir:Sure. I don't know how long it lasts, but I'll keep checking the triggers. :P [06/09/14 22:49] WittyLeWat: oy, why isnt the btltoe in my ieontvrny [06/09/14 22:50] Sir Blut:Try 1 [06/09/14 22:50] Asthir:It returns after you drink. It's a smart bottle. :P [06/09/14 22:50] Asthir:Doesn't let you get too wasted. :P [06/09/14 22:50] Sir Blut: Rdaey [06/09/14 22:50] Sir Blut: Iconragne is aa lot like ahloclo: the more you have of it, the lses you are albe to see its efceft on you. [06/09/14 22:50] Sir Blut: Try 22 [06/09/14 22:50] Arion Ibruson: *shakes his head chuckling* You guys have fun with that [06/09/14 22:51] Sir Blut: Ready [06/09/14 22:51] Sir Blut: Ircagnone is ...hic ... aa lot lkie ...hic ... alocloh: the more you have of ...hic ... it, the less you are albe to see its efcfet on yuo. [06/09/14 22:51] Sir Blut: Try 33 [06/09/14 22:52] Sir Blut: Iaoncnrge si aa lot ilke ahlloco: the mroe you have of it, ...hic ... eht less you are able ...hic ... to see its efceft on you. [06/09/14 22:53] Sir Blut: oh my bad [06/09/14 22:53] Sir Blut: II fgroot ...hic ... to say ...hic ... reday [06/09/14 22:53] Sir Blut: rdoe? [06/09/14 22:53] WittyLeWat: Semoone has ...hic ... sntorg ...hic ... rsetaiscne to ahclolo.. [06/09/14 22:54] Asthir:It's ok XD[/spoiler]3. Gljivoje [spoiler][06/09/14 23:29] Asthir:I seem to be sober, but that's not what the trigger says... hmm.. [06/09/14 23:30] Asthir:In any case, for the record, this is Gljivoje's phrase: [06/09/14 23:30] Asthir:Everyone should drink of me, but I shouldn’t be drunk by everyone. I should be drunk all by myself. [06/09/14 23:31] :Gljivoje laughs [06/09/14 23:31] Asthir:Do you prefer tequila, or beer? :P [06/09/14 23:31] Gljivoje:Blut and Witty are already wasted [06/09/14 23:31] Asthir:I've noticed XD [06/09/14 23:31] Gljivoje:I'll take beer alright [06/09/14 23:32] Asthir:Oh my.. [06/09/14 23:32] Gljivoje:Beer for straters of course [06/09/14 23:32] Asthir:"Trading inquisitor does not allow you pick any additional shared item. You already have the maximum allowed (3) " [06/09/14 23:32] Gljivoje:*starter [06/09/14 23:32] Gljivoje:Yeah, that trading inquisitor can be a real ... [06/09/14 23:33] WittyLeWat: (back) [06/09/14 23:33] Asthir:You have 3 shared items on you? [06/09/14 23:33] WittyLeWat:I am no longer wasted [06/09/14 23:33] Gljivoje:Unfortunately yes [06/09/14 23:33] Gljivoje:But Witty might have some room [06/09/14 23:33] Asthir:Send something her way, if you can. :P [06/09/14 23:33] WittyLeWat:I think i have room, what's up ? [06/09/14 23:33] Gljivoje:Alright [06/09/14 23:34] Asthir:He needs some backpack space. :P [06/09/14 23:50] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to Gljivoje [06/09/14 23:54] Gljivoje:So can I start, and say three times? [06/09/14 23:54] Asthir:Sure can. Good luck! :D [06/09/14 23:54] WittyLeWat:Follow the layout [06/09/14 23:54] WittyLeWat:Good luck! [06/09/14 23:54] Gljivoje:Try 1/2/3 [06/09/14 23:55] Gljivoje:Ready [06/09/14 23:55] :Sir Blut holds her hand and gently massages it with his thumb while watching Glji's turn [06/09/14 23:55] WittyLeWat: aahha [06/09/14 23:55] Gljivoje: Ready [06/09/14 23:55] Gljivoje: Rdeay [06/09/14 23:56] Gljivoje: [06/09/14 23:56] Asthir:Something went wrong xD [06/09/14 23:56] Gljivoje: [06/09/14 23:56] : *elnas in to Blut and keisss his cheke* [06/09/14 23:56] WittyLeWat: Glojivje are you ok ...hic ... [06/09/14 23:56] Gljivoje: II lost my seecph [06/09/14 23:56] Sir Blut:Glji won! [06/09/14 23:56] Gljivoje: [06/09/14 23:57] WittyLeWat: Wlil aa slap help? [06/09/14 23:57] Gljivoje: [06/09/14 23:57] Gljivoje: II sewlaolwd my tuogne [06/09/14 23:57] Gljivoje: I'll wtire it ienastd of cpoy pstae [06/09/14 23:57] Asthir:It's ok, spit it back out xD [06/09/14 23:58] WittyLeWat: Sonmoee binrg aa bsbleaal bta! [06/09/14 23:58] WittyLeWat: Hey ...hic ... lvoe *okeps btlu* [06/09/14 23:58] Gljivoje: Eyorvene shluod ...hic ... dnrik of me, but II slhuo'dnt be dunrk by eoerveyn. II sohlud be dnurk ...hic ... all by mfylse. [06/09/14 23:59] WittyLeWat: yoyuu are ...hic ... nottt aonole [06/09/14 23:59] Gljivoje: [06/09/14 23:59] Gljivoje: msut witre it erevy time ...hic ... [06/09/14 23:59] WittyLeWat: butt [06/09/14 23:59] Asthir:Could be character related [07/09/14 00:00] WittyLeWat: btut [07/09/14 00:00] Gljivoje: Eorvynee shloud ...hic ... dnirk of me, but II shldn'uot be durnk by envyroee. II sohuld be drunk all by myfsle. [07/09/14 00:00] :Sir Blut kisses her [07/09/14 00:00] : *iskess bcka* [07/09/14 00:00] : *ivsoin is brrlyu* [07/09/14 00:00] : *srpiewsh* [07/09/14 00:01] Asthir:Unlucky on the hic's there. :P [07/09/14 00:01] Gljivoje: Eyroevne sluhod drink of me, ...hic ... but II slod'hunt be drunk by evoeryen. II sluohd be dnruk all by mlyfes. [07/09/14 00:01] Gljivoje: Ok, saevd ...hic ... it? [07/09/14 00:01] Gljivoje: Now II can ejony [07/09/14 00:01] Asthir:Pretty much xD[/spoiler]4. Samon [spoiler][07/09/14 00:02] samon:Hello *raises a hand in greeting* [07/09/14 00:03] Gljivoje: This is hiaiolurs [07/09/14 00:03] Asthir:XD [07/09/14 00:03] Gljivoje: Now II can tlak ditry sftuf, Bult [07/09/14 00:03] : *lghuas at Gijl* [07/09/14 00:03] Asthir:You ready to get wasted? :P [07/09/14 00:03] Gljivoje: II sulhod awyals be dnurk and no one will ban me. [07/09/14 00:03] samon:I am indeed [07/09/14 00:03] Gljivoje: II funod aa wya. Graet! [07/09/14 00:03] Asthir:I'd offer you a drink, but I'm afraid you wouldn't understand the instructions any more. :P [07/09/14 00:04] WittyLeWat: Gjjvolie you are one funny son of aa gun [07/09/14 00:04] samon: *smiles* I'm quite good at drunkspeak [07/09/14 00:04] Gljivoje: Son of aa bkecut [07/09/14 00:04] WittyLeWat: Son of aa beer [07/09/14 00:05] Asthir:Your phrase is the following: [07/09/14 00:05] Asthir:the only drinking problem I've ever had, is figuring out why I'm still stuck in this salad spinner [07/09/14 00:05] Asthir: (and check the PM :P) [07/09/14 00:05] Gljivoje: Talk dtiry to me! [07/09/14 00:05] Asthir:When you're ready, I'll pass the drink. :PD'you prefer tequila or beer? [07/09/14 00:05] : *lushga* [07/09/14 00:06] Gljivoje: Go soman go [07/09/14 00:06] samon:I'll take the tequila, otherwise it might take a while before I'm all ready to go [07/09/14 00:07] Asthir:Coming right up! [07/09/14 00:07] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to samon [07/09/14 00:07] WittyLeWat: Tqliuea is the btse! [07/09/14 00:07] Asthir:Clearly XD [07/09/14 00:07] WittyLeWat: Clarley ?? ...hic ... [07/09/14 00:07] :samon takes a swig [07/09/14 00:07] WittyLeWat: You guys are awemsoe [07/09/14 00:08] Gljivoje: Tiquela wtih Garsan's frigens on the bototm [07/09/14 00:08] : *kteas aa look at the neot* ...hic ... [07/09/14 00:09] samon: W'tahs my peshra? [07/09/14 00:09] Asthir:Reading while drunk, lol [07/09/14 00:09] samon: Wh at 's my ph ra se? [07/09/14 00:09] Asthir:The one in the note. :P [07/09/14 00:09] Asthir:the only drinking problem I've ever had, is figuring out why I'm still stuck in this salad spinner [07/09/14 00:09] : *seilggg* [07/09/14 00:09] Gljivoje: Eyrovnee sh..loud. [07/09/14 00:09] samon: Tset 12//3 [07/09/14 00:10] : *rdsikn* [07/09/14 00:10] samon: Ready [07/09/14 00:10] Asthir:Oh, he's ready xD [07/09/14 00:10] samon: the only dinnirkg plorebm I've eevr had, is fgunirig out why I'm siltl stuck in ...hic ... tihs salad snenipr [07/09/14 00:10] WittyLeWat:i am so going to lose this contest [07/09/14 00:10] Asthir:Nice one. :P [07/09/14 00:11] : *rpepears ...hic ... hisemlf for the nxet rduon, linkoog flluy conctaetdenr* [07/09/14 00:11] Gljivoje:samon is pouring fire! [07/09/14 00:11] samon: the only driknnig peorlbm Iv'e ever hda, is friniugg out why I'm siltl stuck in this saald spinner [07/09/14 00:11] Asthir:All I'm gonna say is, Glji had some bad luck on the hic's :P [07/09/14 00:12] Gljivoje:But hics don't count? [07/09/14 00:12] samon: That one w'snat too ...hic ... bad [07/09/14 00:12] Gljivoje:I'm already sobber... what kind of tequila is that? [07/09/14 00:12] Asthir:He was right... he's good at drunk talk. :P [07/09/14 00:12] samon: There we go ocne mroe [07/09/14 00:12] Asthir:Hmm... might be the cheap bottle. [07/09/14 00:12] samon: the olny dnkirnig perlbom I've eevr had, is finuirgg out why I'm slitl suctk in ...hic ... this ...hic ... saald snpenir[/spoiler]5. AmberRune [spoiler]Unfortunately the log didn’t catch the part where I posted Amber’s phrase, so here it is: I would pour you a glass of wine, but wouldn’t it be more romantic if you sipped it out of my armpit? [07/09/14 09:53] AmberRune:many people do their attempts today? [07/09/14 09:53] Asthir:You can be the 5th now. :P [07/09/14 09:54] Asthir:Unless it's too early in the morning to drink. :P [07/09/14 09:54] AmberRune:which means I'll be pulling a log after I go? [07/09/14 09:54] AmberRune: (not even midnight here, what you talking about =P ) [07/09/14 09:54] Asthir:If you wish to. :) [07/09/14 09:54] Asthir: (lol) [07/09/14 09:55] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to AmberRune [07/09/14 09:56] AmberRune:bah, would need to see before going fixing. Hot sec [07/09/14 09:56] Asthir:I don't know if it's been 12 hours since the first attemp. But I noted them down anyway. [07/09/14 09:56] Asthir:What's a hot sec? :P [07/09/14 09:56] AmberRune: Noiswh =P [07/09/14 09:57] Asthir:Oh daer :P [07/09/14 09:57] AmberRune: Ryeda? [07/09/14 09:58] Asthir:Of course. :P [07/09/14 09:59] AmberRune: try 11 [07/09/14 09:59] AmberRune: [07/09/14 09:59] AmberRune: o.O ...hic ... [07/09/14 10:00] Asthir:I'm afraid a copy-paste will do that. :P [07/09/14 10:00] AmberRune: [07/09/14 10:00] AmberRune: aww [07/09/14 10:00] AmberRune: Iowlud puor yuoa glsas of weni, but won'dlut it be ...hic ... more rmaoitnc if you sepipd it out of my aimtrp? [07/09/14 10:00] Asthir:But the look followed by the hic was priceless xD [07/09/14 10:02] AmberRune: ok, try 22 [07/09/14 10:03] AmberRune: Iwo uld pour yuoa gasls of weni, but wluon'dt it ...hic ... be more rimtnoac if you seipepd it out of my airpmt? [07/09/14 10:06] AmberRune: ok, try 33 ...hic ... [07/09/14 10:07] Asthir:Let's hear it. :P [07/09/14 10:07] AmberRune: II wloud ...hic ... pour you aa gslas of weni, but wu'nodlt it be mroe ramntoic ...hic ... if you sipeepd it out of my atipmr?[/spoiler]6. TheRichMerchant [spoiler][ 07/09/14 11:38] TheRichMerchant:heh...can i have my try now? [07/09/14 11:38] Asthir:Absolutely. :P [07/09/14 11:39] TheRichMerchant:then, hit me (with booze) [07/09/14 11:39] Asthir:For the record, your quote is: [07/09/14 11:39] Asthir:It was my Uncle George who discovered alcohol was a food well in advance of modern medical thought. [07/09/14 11:39] Asthir: (and check your PM :P) [07/09/14 11:39] Asthir:Hiya Lania. :P [07/09/14 11:40] :Lania came to disturb :D [07/09/14 11:40] Asthir:Richy, beer or tequila? :P [07/09/14 11:40] TheRichMerchant:i had enough beers, tyvm..tequila [07/09/14 11:40] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to TheRichMerchant [07/09/14 11:40] :TheRichMerchant pokes Lania [07/09/14 11:41] Asthir:I hope they're treating you well. :P [07/09/14 11:41] TheRichMerchant:ok try 1 [07/09/14 11:41] Lania: *jumps to the side* Focus, Richy! [07/09/14 11:44] TheRichMerchant: tI saw ym cnlUe eroGe ohw scidvdroee lhoocal asw aa dofo elwl in vnaceda fo dornme dleimca ohttuhg. [07/09/14 11:44] TheRichMerchant: my my [07/09/14 11:44] :Asthir cheers [07/09/14 11:44] :Lania laughs a little [07/09/14 11:44] TheRichMerchant: forogt to say radey ...hic ... [07/09/14 11:45] TheRichMerchant: try 22 [07/09/14 11:45] TheRichMerchant: rdeay [07/09/14 11:45] Asthir:Comes with the territory xD [07/09/14 11:47] TheRichMerchant: It aws my Unecl ...hic ... eGoerg how ddvoiscre ahollco aws aa fdoo wlle in avadenc of meodnr maiecdl sinecec. [07/09/14 11:47] : *is talltoy wsdtae* ...hic ... [07/09/14 11:47] Lania: *giggles* Ouch. [07/09/14 11:47] Asthir:XD [07/09/14 11:47] TheRichMerchant: try 33 [07/09/14 11:47] TheRichMerchant: red.ay.. ...hic ... [07/09/14 11:49] TheRichMerchant: It was my Unlec Ggrreoe who dvoreeiscd ahclloo aws aa fdoo ...hic ... wlel in acadnve of modeenr mdiceal scncei. [07/09/14 11:50] TheRichMerchant: yaay [07/09/14 11:50] TheRichMerchant: ii did so wlel [07/09/14 11:50] :Lania cheers [07/09/14 11:50] Asthir:Deifinitely! xD[/spoiler]7. Intrigue [spoiler][07/09/14 17:14] Asthir:For the record, your quote is: [07/09/14 17:14] Intrigue: *looks it over* And... what if i'm drunk enough to forget it? [07/09/14 17:14] Asthir:There are two kinds of people I don't trust: people who don't drink and people who collect stickers. [07/09/14 17:14] Asthir:Well... [07/09/14 17:14] :Intrigue laughs [07/09/14 17:15] Asthir:I probably should have made a category of winners just for that. :P [07/09/14 17:15] Intrigue: *smiles and winks* Ok, lets do this. [07/09/14 17:16] Asthir:You can take care of your attempts one by one, or all at once. (but know that a copy-paste might result in a emty line) [07/09/14 17:16] Asthir:Do you prefer tequila, or beer? :) [07/09/14 17:16] Intrigue:erm... water? *raises a brow* [07/09/14 17:16] Asthir:Excellent! [07/09/14 17:17] Intrigue:Or maybe a nice chai tea, those are good too. [07/09/14 17:17] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to Intrigue [07/09/14 17:17] :Intrigue takes it and breathes deep [07/09/14 17:17] Asthir:That's the best I could do. :P [07/09/14 17:18] :Intrigue nods and uncaps it, the smell immediately making her eyes water [07/09/14 17:18] Intrigue: *holds it out at arm's length* Ok... here we go, I think... [07/09/14 17:18] Asthir:This should be interesting :P [07/09/14 17:18] Intrigue:Try one of three.. [07/09/14 17:19] Intrigue: [07/09/14 17:19] Intrigue: Trhee are two kndis ...hic ... of people II dn'ot turst: plpoee who do'nt dnirk and ploepe who colelct stkcseir. [07/09/14 17:19] : *brus her mouth and opnes and clsoes it reetleadpy* [07/09/14 17:19] : *shaeks her hdea* [07/09/14 17:20] :Asthir chuckles [07/09/14 17:20] : *qitnsus and lokos at the bletot* [07/09/14 17:20] Intrigue: Try two of [07/09/14 17:21] TheRichMerchant: *nods* nice try [07/09/14 17:21] Intrigue: er.m.. do II hvae to drink more for the next tyr? ...hic ... [07/09/14 17:21] Asthir:Nope, not if you're already drunk. :P [07/09/14 17:21] Intrigue: *dons* O.e.kis. [07/09/14 17:22] Intrigue: Try Two of Te..erh. [07/09/14 17:22] Intrigue: Rde.y.a. [07/09/14 17:22] Intrigue: Terhe are two knid of poeple II don't ttrsu: poelpe ...hic ... who ...hic ... d'not dnrik and ppeloe who cecllot sirektcs. [07/09/14 17:22] : *ahseks her heda* [07/09/14 17:23] Intrigue: Try There of Te.reh.. ...hic ... [07/09/14 17:23] Intrigue: [07/09/14 17:23] Asthir:So far so good. XD [07/09/14 17:23] Intrigue: Three are two kidns of peploe II d'not tsutr: ploepe who d'ont dirnk and poplee who colcelt strsicek. [07/09/14 17:23] : *eriass aa brwo* [07/09/14 17:24] TheRichMerchant:nice:D [07/09/14 17:24] Intrigue: Taht one aolmst made ssnee! ...hic ... [07/09/14 17:24] Asthir:That one was good! [07/09/14 17:24] : *nsod* ...hic ...[/spoiler]8. Rophs [spoiler][07/09/14 18:54] Rophs:Let's go! [07/09/14 18:54] Asthir:Wow. :P [07/09/14 18:55] Rophs:Pass me the booze and tell me the phrase! [07/09/14 18:55] :Asthir hands him a note with technical details [07/09/14 18:55] Asthir:For the record, the quote: [07/09/14 18:55] :Rophs blinks [07/09/14 18:55] Rophs: *nods* When the silent flamingo dances pink with desire, I’ll be there, sipping on owl stares and kitten curls. [07/09/14 18:55] Asthir:When the silent flamingo dances pink with desire, I’ll be there, sipping on owl stares and kitten curls. [07/09/14 18:56] Asthir:Oh, lol. [07/09/14 18:56] Asthir:Beer or Tequila? ^_^ [07/09/14 18:57] Rophs:Just pass me the booze! [07/09/14 18:57] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to Rophs [07/09/14 18:57] Rophs:Try 1! [07/09/14 18:57] Asthir:Eager xD [07/09/14 18:57] Rophs:Drunk as a bunny... [07/09/14 18:58] Asthir:Well, at least that's what the trigger says. :P [07/09/14 18:58] Rophs: Is ...hic ... it up tehre in the tiggoexrbr? [07/09/14 18:58] Rophs: [07/09/14 18:58] Rophs: [07/09/14 18:58] Asthir:By the way, copy-paste does that. :P [07/09/14 18:59] Rophs: [07/09/14 18:59] Rophs: Th'ats dmbu! ...hic ... [07/09/14 18:59] Asthir: (don't look at me, I didn't make it that way :P) [07/09/14 19:00] Asthir:Welcome back, Glji. ( :P) [07/09/14 19:00] Gljivoje:Yeah, you should write it manually everytime [07/09/14 19:00] Rophs: [07/09/14 19:01] Gljivoje:Ello Asthir [07/09/14 19:01] Rophs: Tath's aa hikie! [07/09/14 19:01] Asthir:It's quite the hickie, yes. :P [07/09/14 19:01] Rophs: Why wluod Mur do such aa thgin? [07/09/14 19:02] Rophs: Whvteear [07/09/14 19:02] Rophs: [07/09/14 19:02] Asthir:We'll have to ask him when he comes back to life. :P [07/09/14 19:02] Rophs: [07/09/14 19:02] Asthir: (still trying copy-paste?) [07/09/14 19:02] Rophs: (ocf, I've ...hic ... copy ...hic ... pseatd sftuf into chat borfee) [07/09/14 19:03] Rophs: (( have to ask him wehn he comes bcak) [07/09/14 19:03] Rophs: [07/09/14 19:04] Rophs: When the seinlt fglamino dcneas pnik ...hic ... with dersei, Il♀l be three, sipping on owl sraets and keittn cslru. [07/09/14 22:47] Rophs:Hm? [07/09/14 22:47] Asthir:Welcome again. :P [07/09/14 22:48] Rophs:Pass me the booze. [07/09/14 22:48] Rophs:Beer. [07/09/14 22:48] Asthir:Coming up. ^_^ [07/09/14 22:48] :Asthir passed Cask of beer to Rophs [07/09/14 22:49] Rophs:Cheers! [07/09/14 22:49] Asthir:Write something downstairs first! [07/09/14 22:49] Rophs:Now II ...hic... go dowanssri? [07/09/14 22:49] Asthir:Yup. [07/09/14 22:50] Rophs:Alright Agrilth [07/09/14 22:51] Rophs: [07/09/14 22:51] Asthir:Let's hear it. :P [07/09/14 22:51] Rophs: Wriknog on it. [07/09/14 22:51] Rophs: [07/09/14 22:52] Rophs: My vcioe bokre aigan [07/09/14 22:52] Asthir:Where are you trying to copy the phrase from? [07/09/14 22:52] Rophs: Does it meattr where? [07/09/14 22:53] Asthir:Maybe. :P [07/09/14 22:53] Asthir:Try a notepad document instead. :P [07/09/14 22:53] Rophs: [07/09/14 22:54] Asthir:I heard mention of having to know how to copy, unfortunately I didn't inquire further. :P [07/09/14 22:55] Rophs: [07/09/14 22:56] Rophs: Cpoied from ...hic ... naoeptd [07/09/14 22:56] Asthir:I still say you should try it the old fashioned way. :P [07/09/14 22:57] Rophs: That way is dmub lkie the bdris! [07/09/14 22:57] Asthir:Your way is lazy. :P [07/09/14 22:57] Rophs: My ...hic ... way is eicetnff! [07/09/14 22:58] Rophs: [07/09/14 22:58] Asthir:Clearly! [07/09/14 22:58] Rophs: Dnruk does'nt let me sepak in my tguoen! [07/09/14 22:59] Rophs: Stiupd dnkr.u, [07/09/14 22:59] Rophs: [07/09/14 22:59] Rophs: Wehn the senlit faigmlno dcaens pink with ...hic ... direse, Il♀l be trehe, spniipg on owl ...hic ... searts and kiettn ...hic ... cusrl. [07/09/14 22:59] Rophs: [07/09/14 22:59] Rophs: [07/09/14 22:59] Rophs: Th'eers yuor sputid brid wsrdo! [07/09/14 23:00] Asthir:There we go :P [07/09/14 23:00] Asthir:One more try! :D 07/09/14 23:01] Rophs: Hm [07/09/14 23:01] Rophs: II dn'ot tnhik II ...hic ... want to try aiagn. [07/09/14 23:01] Rophs: .. [07/09/14 23:02] Rophs: .. [07/09/14 23:02] Rophs: .. [07/09/14 23:02] Rophs: Wtih tlueiqa [07/09/14 23:02] Rophs: Beer bgohrut bad luck [07/09/14 23:02] Asthir:Don't worry, I decided to count the hic as 1 char only, and replace a space with it. :PIt's basically only 1 wrong char. :P [07/09/14 23:03] Asthir:I don't get why your apostrophe doesn't show, though. Why you have to replace it with that symbol. [07/09/14 23:03] Rophs: II ddni't mean to, it ...hic ... jsut did taht [07/09/14 23:04] Rophs: Sutpid ...hic ... birsd! [07/09/14 23:04] Asthir:xD [07/09/14 23:06] Rophs:Sober? [07/09/14 23:06] Rophs:Looks like it. [07/09/14 23:06] Asthir:Yup. :P [07/09/14 23:06] Rophs:Tequila [07/09/14 23:06] Rophs:Will I need to go down there and say something again? [07/09/14 23:06] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to Rophs [07/09/14 23:06] Asthir:Yes, you will. :P [07/09/14 23:07] :Rophs shrugs [07/09/14 23:07] Lania: *waves* Hello, Neno [07/09/14 23:09] :Asthir is ready [07/09/14 23:09] Rophs: Adn... [07/09/14 23:09] Rophs: Siutpd ...hic ... brdis will satel my ...hic ... wodsr! [07/09/14 23:09] Rophs: When the seilnt fmnlgaio dceans pink wtih dseire, ...hic ... Il♀l be terhe, spinpig on owl sertas and kettin csulr. ...hic ...[/spoiler]9. Kamisha [spoiler][07/09/14 19:39] Asthir:Ok... beer or tequila? ;p [07/09/14 19:40] Kamisha:beer I should think. [07/09/14 19:40] :Asthir passed Cask of beer to Kamisha [07/09/14 19:41] Kamisha:ready [07/09/14 19:41] Asthir:Wait. [07/09/14 19:41] Asthir:For the record: [07/09/14 19:41] Asthir:Fell in love with a beautiful blonde once. Drove me to drink. And I never had the decency to thank her. [07/09/14 19:41] Asthir:Ok, go. :P [07/09/14 19:42] Kamisha: Fell in love wtih aa biatueufl bdnole ocne. Dovre me to drkin. And II neevr had the dcceeny to thnak hre. ...hic ... [07/09/14 19:43] Asthir:Nice try. :P [07/09/14 19:43] Kamisha: Fell in love wtih aa bfetlauiu bndole oecn. Drove me to dinrk. And II nveer had the dnceecy to thank her. [07/09/14 19:43] Asthir:Getting better :P [07/09/14 19:44] Kamisha: Fell in ...hic ... love wtih aa bifueuatl bonlde ...hic ... ocen. ...hic ... Dvore me to ...hic ... dnkri. And II neevr ...hic ... had the ...hic ... dceecny to thank hre. [07/09/14 19:45] Asthir:Oh dear XD [07/09/14 19:45] Kamisha: wlel that one got wroes.[/spoiler]10. Rikstar [spoiler][08/09/14 00:27] :Asthir forwards a note containing technical details [08/09/14 00:27] Asthir:For the record, your phrase is: [08/09/14 00:27] Asthir:They were drinking, laughing and dancing, but I was sitting alone in the corner and talking to your soul. [08/09/14 00:28] Rikstar:Can't i have a 3 letter sentence? [08/09/14 00:28] Asthir:Hmm... lemme thin... no :P [08/09/14 00:28] Rikstar:D: [08/09/14 00:28] Asthir:What are you drunk on? :P [08/09/14 00:29] Rikstar:I would like some tequila sir. [08/09/14 00:29] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to Rikstar [08/09/14 00:30] :Rikstar tries to remember what he needs to say. [08/09/14 00:30] Asthir:I hope it doesn't mix with whatever you're drunk on too badly. :P [08/09/14 00:30] Rikstar:Try 1/2/3 [08/09/14 00:30] :Rikstar looks at his notes [08/09/14 00:30] :Rikstar drink [08/09/14 00:31] Asthir:Huh? [08/09/14 00:31] Rikstar: Reday ylal [08/09/14 00:31] Asthir:Wait a sec. :P [08/09/14 00:31] Rikstar: Reayd? [08/09/14 00:31] Asthir:What's your ID? :P [08/09/14 00:31] Rikstar: stheimnog [08/09/14 00:32] Rikstar: YOu ...hic ... ralley tnihk that ...hic ... you sohlud ask aa drunk plaery? [08/09/14 00:32] Rikstar: 133284 ...hic ... [08/09/14 00:33] Rikstar: II hvae send PM. [08/09/14 00:33] Asthir:Ok then... dunno why I had something different here. :P [08/09/14 00:33] Rikstar: You had my worng ID? [08/09/14 00:34] Rikstar: Reyad? [08/09/14 00:34] Asthir:I had this noted: 221376 [08/09/14 00:34] :Change greets everyone as she giggles [08/09/14 00:34] Rikstar: Hmm t'htas odd. [08/09/14 00:34] Rikstar: Who gvae taht to you? [08/09/14 00:34] Asthir:And now I know why. [08/09/14 00:34] Asthir:That's lash :P [08/09/14 00:35] : *cechkusl* [08/09/14 00:35] : *rteegs Cghnae* [08/09/14 00:35] Asthir:Hello Change. :) [08/09/14 00:35] Change: *looks at Lania and smiles* Up for talking about Necrovion sometime? [08/09/14 00:36] Change:Hello! [08/09/14 00:36] Asthir:Well, let's hear it, Rick. :P [08/09/14 00:36] Rikstar: Lniaa you in NCEOR! [08/09/14 00:36] Rikstar: D: [08/09/14 00:36] Lania: *laughs a little* Was about to go to sleep. [08/09/14 00:36] Lania:For 2 months now, Rik :)) [08/09/14 00:36] Rikstar: Tehy wree driinkng, lunhiagg and dgnnica, but II was stiitng aolne in the cenror and tailnkg to yuor sulo. [08/09/14 00:43] Rikstar: They wree diningrk, lhaiugng and dnincag, but II was sitintg alnoe in the corner ...hic ... and talinkg to yuor sulo. [08/09/14 00:51] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to Rikstar [08/09/14 00:51] Asthir:That should give you wings :D [08/09/14 00:51] :Rikstar drinks for quality time Necrovion with Lania [08/09/14 00:51] Change: *thanks Lania* We can maybe talk more about some other time. (But I gotta make supper. :() [08/09/14 00:51] Rikstar: (And for wings) [08/09/14 00:52] Rikstar: (have fun with dinner!) [08/09/14 00:52] Asthir: (enjoy (: ) [08/09/14 00:52] Lania:No problem. (enjoy :P) [08/09/14 00:52] :Change sits down and curls up to sleep [08/09/14 00:52] Lania: *cheers* Yes, Rik! Quality time with me! I'll collect your bones! :D [08/09/14 00:53] Rikstar: Atselat II got aa bone ccrlteolo! [08/09/14 00:53] Rikstar: Ha! [08/09/14 00:53] Asthir:What a sight :P [08/09/14 00:54] Rikstar: We can cllceot my beons thgetroe. :D [08/09/14 00:56] Asthir:I wonder what bone powder can be used for. :P [08/09/14 00:56] Asthir:By the way Rik, wanna try again? :P(gotta go to sleep, I've work in the morning :P) [08/09/14 00:56] Gljivoje:For brushing good teeth maybe, much calcyum. [08/09/14 00:56] Rikstar: Fodo? [08/09/14 00:56] Rikstar: Tehy were drigknni, luahngig and dgnniac, but II was stnitig aonle in the corenr and tlanikg to yuor suol. [08/09/14 00:57] Asthir:Oooh, that one looks better :P[/spoiler]11. lashtal [spoiler][08/09/14 11:08] lashtal:Here we are! [08/09/14 11:10] Asthir:Indeed! :P [08/09/14 11:10] Asthir:Allow me to give you a few technical details. :P [08/09/14 11:11] lashtal:Hit me! [08/09/14 11:12] Asthir:For the record, your phrase is: [08/09/14 11:12] Asthir:If you ever know a man who tries to drown his sorrows, kindly inform him his sorrows know how to swim. [08/09/14 11:12] Asthir:And while you read the details... tequila or beer? Considering it's 11 in the morning :P [08/09/14 11:13] lashtal:Ouch... [08/09/14 11:13] lashtal:Beer is better [08/09/14 11:13] lashtal:I'm ready [08/09/14 11:13] Asthir:So be it. :P [08/09/14 11:13] :Asthir passed Cask of beer to lashtal [08/09/14 11:14] Asthir:Good luck! :D [08/09/14 11:14] lashtal:If you ever know a man who tries to drown his sorrows, kindly inform him his sorrows know how to swim. [08/09/14 11:14] lashtal: A..h. beer has no eecfft on me [08/09/14 11:14] Asthir:Hehe, now for the real tries. :P [08/09/14 11:15] lashtal: If you ever know aa ...hic ... man ...hic ... who tiers to dwron his ...hic ... ssrroow, kndliy irnfom him his sorwros know how to swim. ..hic ... [08/09/14 11:15] Asthir:I've never seen so many hics XD [08/09/14 11:17] JadenDew:ooh lashtal found~! [08/09/14 11:17] JadenDew:silly me.. you may trash my PM... [08/09/14 11:17] JadenDew:So what fun are you guys up to~? [08/09/14 11:18] Asthir:Well, lash here is trying to utter some words the right way, while drunk. :P [08/09/14 11:18] Asthir:And what can I say.. so far, so good XD [08/09/14 11:18] Asthir:He's got 2 attempts left. :P [08/09/14 11:18] lashtal: Sohuld II try once aaign or am II doen? [08/09/14 11:19] Asthir:You have 2 more attempts, go for them :P [08/09/14 11:19] lashtal: If you eevr konw aa man who tires to drwon his srowsor, kidlny inofrm him his sworros know how to smiw. [08/09/14 11:19] JadenDew:Lashtal.. how could you let yourself be a geunie pig! its suppose to be the other way round! [08/09/14 11:19] Asthir:Looking a little better this time :P [08/09/14 11:20] lashtal: If you ...hic ... eevr konw aa man who teirs to drwon his srsrowo, kildny ifnorm him his srworos konw how to siwm. ...hic ... [08/09/14 11:20] :JadenDew laughs [08/09/14 11:20] Asthir:Excellent! :D[/spoiler]12. John Constantine [spoiler][08/09/14 23:52] John Constantine:Ha. I am punctual but no Myth I see. And where is my scotch, by the way. [08/09/14 23:52] Asthir:WOW! [08/09/14 23:53] Asthir:Ok, we need to hurry. :D [08/09/14 23:53] John Constantine:I'm good at that. [08/09/14 23:53] Asthir:Check your PM for technical details. :P [08/09/14 23:54] Asthir:For the record, your quote is: [08/09/14 23:54] Asthir:When a man is on the road to power he buys everyone a drink. Once elected he tries to close the saloons. [08/09/14 23:54] Asthir:By the way, what kept you? :P [08/09/14 23:54] John Constantine:Ok. [08/09/14 23:54] John Constantine:"real" life and questions [08/09/14 23:55] Asthir:Bah... quite the pain. :P [08/09/14 23:55] Asthir:Tequila or beer? :) [08/09/14 23:55] John Constantine:Sweet sunny tequila [08/09/14 23:56] :Asthir passed Bottle of Tequila to John Constantine [08/09/14 23:56] Asthir:There we go... all set. :P [08/09/14 23:57] John Constantine:I should fdrink than say Try1/2/3 right? [08/09/14 23:57] Asthir:It's in the details. :P [08/09/14 23:57] John Constantine:ok [08/09/14 23:57] Asthir:But you can, yes. :P [08/09/14 23:57] Asthir:Also, you can post all 3 tries in one "drunk" session, if you wish. :) [08/09/14 23:58] John Constantine:ok [08/09/14 23:58] John Constantine:Cheers! [08/09/14 23:58] Asthir:Cheers! [08/09/14 23:58] Asthir:And good luck. :D [09/09/14 00:02] John Constantine: wHEN aa Man ...hic ... iS On tHE Raod tO Power hE Buys eNOVYREE AA dIKNR. ...hic ... Ocne eLTCEED He tREIS To cOLSE The sSNOOLA. [09/09/14 00:02] Asthir:I'm not going to count that try. :P [09/09/14 00:02] Asthir:Try it without caps. :P [09/09/14 00:02] John Constantine: Oh. Ok. II dind't konw thta. [09/09/14 00:04] John Constantine: Wehn aa man is on the road to pweor he ...hic ... buys eernyvoe aa drkni. Ocne eletced he tires to colse the salsono. [09/09/14 00:04] Asthir:Not bad :P [09/09/14 00:07] Asthir:Feeling ok? :P [09/09/14 00:08] John Constantine: Wenh aanm is on teh rado to pewro he bysu enoveyre ainkrd. ...hic ... Ocen eceltehde tsier to ceosl thes ...hic ... aolnos. [09/09/14 00:08] Asthir:Those hics are cursed. :P [09/09/14 00:08] Asthir:But it'll get better. :P [09/09/14 00:09] John Constantine: ok [09/09/14 00:10] John Constantine: When aa man is on the road to poewr he ...hic ... buys erveonye aa dnrik. Once eeletcd he tiers ...hic ... to csole ...hic ... the slonaso. [09/09/14 00:10] Asthir:Oh daer. :P [09/09/14 00:11] Asthir:Well, hope for the best. :P [09/09/14 00:11] Asthir:The Lucidity contest is oficially over![/spoiler] [hr] Score speradsheet Unfortunately, the spreadsheet is too wide, so you'll have to take a look at these first 3 quarters, followed by this last one. :) EDIT: forgot to mention - I removed every doubling of every 1-letter word, so as to give everyone a fair chance, since 2 of the phrases had no such words in them. Also, the "hic"s have been replaced with a * symbol, and was only counted as one unlucky character fail. :P [hr] Prizes Every contestant please contact: - me (Asthir / Mythrandir) for the creatures, the 1 silver coin, and the Heat Stones provided by Syrian; - Dark Demon for the 10 / 5 / 3 silver coins; - Syrian for the 5 Spicy Pickles. I'd like to address apologies to Amber and John, for reasons discussed. If anyone wants it, the event can be re-run in the future. (with a few tweaks, and most likely not so many rewards :P) Thank you for participating, sponsoring, and for helping me out on my first event. :) Edited September 10, 2014 by Myth John Constantine, Sir Blut, dst and 2 others 5
Ungod Posted September 10, 2014 Report Posted September 10, 2014 And TheRichMerchant wins!! As the most incoherent person when drinking tequila!! Hmm...maybe I shouldnt be so proud of that...or...hic... Myth, Witty and dst 3
Myth Posted September 10, 2014 Author Report Posted September 10, 2014 Nonsense! You SHOULD be proud... you're one of the ultimate drunks :P Ungod and dst 2
dst Posted September 10, 2014 Report Posted September 10, 2014 And TheRichMerchant wins!! As the most incoherent person when drinking tequila!! Hmm...maybe I shouldnt be so proud of that...or...hic... Actually you're first but counting backwards :D Myth 1
Witty Posted September 10, 2014 Report Posted September 10, 2014 Then, I should be proud too, for the second place! Hahaha! The contest was lovely, I had lots of fun, thanks Asthir for putting all the effort in making it so awesome, and congratulations to every contestant! ^_^ P.S: Sir Blut, I told you you were going to win!! *hugs* Myth 1
Myth Posted September 11, 2014 Author Report Posted September 11, 2014 Next time I'll have you mix drinks, Witty :P
Myth Posted September 17, 2014 Author Report Posted September 17, 2014 All prizes have been distributed. Thanks once again. :) Sir Blut and Intrigue 2
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